"And the wolf shall dwell with the lamb"? Hamas to IDF: "HELP US!"

You can make all the excuses you want on behalf of Islamic terrorists. One terrorist syndicate after another has made a few at the top of the pyramid scheme very rich by appealing to people just like you who reward incompetence.
Gazan's are not terrorists, you fuckers are.

Yes dear. Keep making excuses for incompetence and ineptitude. I suppose you're surprised to discover that Islamic terrorists are inept at managing the affairs of municipal government.
Oh no they couldn't! The 'palestinians' still live in squalor despite the billions of money given to them by the UN over the decades and the billions being given them now by the EU. All the able 'palestinians' migrated elsewhere many years ago and left behind a useless rabble of potential genocide bombers. Ruled by the tyranical brutal, corrupt and utterly incompetent Hamas.
The reason they are dependent on foreign aid, is a direct result of the illegal and immoral blockade, which has completely destroyed their economy.

In your opinion. (I nearly typed 'in your ignorant and biased opinion' but, remembering that this is the season of goodwill, just stopped myself in time).
Still pushing the imaginary 'occupation and blockade' line? Do you believe these lies? Or don't you any have respect for truth?
Are you saying there is no occupation and no blockade?

Is that what you're saying?

Well done! You have used your reading skills and grasped my meaning! Have a symbolic little gold star - you know the sort that kind teachers give out to dim first graders when they finally make a tiny bit of progress.
Are you denying that OZreal has on several occasions bombed the only electrical power plant in gaza for no other reason then to make life miserable for gazans? What was the plant doing, shooting sparks at the IDF? How is the plant a function of the supposed war between OZreal and hamas?

This is how fucking filthy and despicable the israeli people are.
Bombing civilian infrastructure is a war crime.

Why do you think the entire world hates israel?
Less than they hate Muslims.
Fuel shortage are not because of Israel. Hamas collects for the electricity but won't pay for the fuel to produce the electricity. It is greed and knowing eventually the UN, Egypt or places like Qatar will eventually give them the fuel.

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Israel restricts the import of fuel into Gaza and they bombed Gaza's main power plant, which, BTW, is a war crime.

You cannot target civilian infrastructure.
Well done! You have used your reading skills and grasped my meaning! Have a symbolic little gold star - you know the sort that kind teachers give out to dim first graders when they finally make a tiny bit of progress.
Okay, now that your meaning is clear, what is that based on?

How did you arrive at the conclusion there was no occupation or blockade of Gaza?
In your opinion. (I nearly typed 'in your ignorant and biased opinion' but, remembering that this is the season of goodwill, just stopped myself in time).
Let me put it this way, your position is so ridiculous, it would be like arguing gravity has no role in plane crashes.
Yes dear. Keep making excuses for incompetence and ineptitude. I suppose you're surprised to discover that Islamic terrorists are inept at managing the affairs of municipal government.
I know when that municipal government does street improvements and puts in street lights, then the IDF comes in later and shoots out the lamps at the top, that's an act of terrorism by Israeli forces.
'Alexa' took it's third Israeli victim this morning, Ovadia Alan, 3 months old baby boy. His father slightly injured.

Yesterday two civilians were killed and one child injured.
Effect of the illegal and immoral Gaza blockade, according to the UN...

A UN Special Focus on Gaza Under Siege

In June 2007, Israel placed the Territory under siege and imposed an unprecedented blockade on nearly all movement and supplies in and out of the Strip, “triggering a protracted human dignity crisis with negative humanitarian consequences.” At its heart is the “degradation (of) living conditions,” the erosion of livelihoods, the lack of vital services in the areas of health, water, sanitation and education, and the collapse of essential infrastructure in the wake of Operation Cast Lead.

Over the past several months, Israel allowed in only small amounts of vital goods and services, far below quantities essential enough to relieve a grave humanitarian crisis. Despite the urgings of the UN, ICRC, a few nations, and numerous human rights organizations, Israel continues its blockade that includes:

– the closure of border crossings, including Karni, the largest and best equipped commercial one, except for a conveyor belt for the transfer of inadequate amounts of grains;

– tight restrictions on the import of industrial, agricultural, construction, and essential to life products, services, and materials;

– a suspension of nearly all exports;

– restricted amounts of industrial fuel (for Gaza’s sole power plant), benzene, diesel, and cooking gas;

– except for a limited number of humanitarian cases, a ban on Palestinian traffic through Erez, the only passenger crossing to the West Bank;

– other than intermittent openings, the closure of Rafah, the Egyptian-controlled crossing; and

– restricted (to close to shore) fishing and accessibility to farmland.​
After over two years of siege:

– Gaza’s economy was wrecked;

– the UN report way underestimates the number of job losses at 120,000 and unemployment at 40%;

– on May 1, the Palestinian Chamber of Commerce reported that unemployment reached 65%, poverty hit 80%, and the longer the siege continues, the higher these figures will go; in addition, 96% of Gaza’s industrial capacity is shuttered, and well over 80% of the population is aid-dependent; yet most get below minimal amounts of everything;

– Gazans have had to shift from a high-nutritional diet to a low-cost cereals, sugar and oil one, “which can lead to micro-nutritional deficiencies, particularly among children and pregnant women;”

– OCHA identified 1,383 (mostly civilian) deaths, including 333 children during Operation Cast Lead;

– Israel’s ban on construction materials prevents the rebuilding of homes and other structures;

– many thousands of Gazans now live with relatives, in tents, or if lucky in rented apartments, much fewer in number post-conflict;

– inadequate fuel supplies cause up to eight-hour-a-day blackouts for 90% of the population; the other 10% have no power;

– many thousands have no running water and none of it meets WHO sanitary standards because of high pollution levels; more on that below;

– 80 million liters of raw and partially-treated sewage are discharged daily, thus causing serious sea and underground aquifer pollution, detrimental to human health;

– medical facilities are severely strapped by shortages of everything plus a lack of essential equipment, drugs, and capacity to handle a growing population; few patients needing specialized treatment are permitted to leave Gaza to get it;

– education is undermined by over-crowding, a lack of materials for rebuilding and repairs, and shortages of virtually all teaching materials; and

– post Operation Cast Lead and after over two years under siege, a state of humanitarian crisis exists for most Gazans with continued deterioration daily.​
This blockade and those who defend it, are pure evil.

Satan's representatives on earth.
Can we stop this idiotic argument. this is for whether update.

Both you and Sherri use these threads for slander, so please stop.
You accuse me of slander, then ask me for a favor?

What kind of bullshit is that? If you want me to be nice to you, then you need to be nice to me. I don't do favors for someone who punches me in the mouth, then says, "Hey, let's be friends!"

With that being said, I'll honor your fucking request!
Can we stop this idiotic argument. this is for whether update.

Both you and Sherri use these threads for slander, so please stop.
You accuse me of slander, then ask me for a favor?

What kind of bullshit is that? If you want me to be nice to you, then you need to be nice to me. I don't do favors for someone who punches me in the mouth, then says, "Hey, let's be friends!"

With that being said, I'll honor your fucking request!


I'm a sweetheart. I stopped being nice once you stopped being a gentleman.

But I'm ready to forgive and forget.
Can we stop this idiotic argument. this is for whether update.

Both you and Sherri use these threads for slander, so please stop.

These discussion boards are not weather channels.

People freeze to death in the US from winter temperatures, I do not announce it here when that happens either.
The fucking article from the OP is not even in English.

This is as an English speaking discussion board.

YOUR thread is BS.

YOU want to start a real legitimate thread then link an English speaking article and start a discussion around that English speaking article.

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