And There Goes Rudy Under The Bus

The petty bickering is over. It's not your call. Actually, it never was. The House investigation will wind down in a couple of weeks (in order to do the Holiday Break) and then it's off to the Senate when Congress reconvenes. Almost everything else the house is doing is in the "Basement" because it's questioning of sensitive natures like Spies, Whistle Blowers, National Security, and more. We only get to see redacted transcripts from now on for the most part. We will see a few more in open session though just not many.

At this point, all you are doing is Bitching.
No I am Mocking your partisan butts for a Mickey Mouse Club Impeachment..........

Take it to the Senate where you aren't in control.........let's see what happens........You've already lost and you know it.

Pelosi warned you there would be consequences...........oh didn't listen.

And you are still without any control and you are still just bitching. I don't mind not being in control. And I don't fantasize about being in control I am watching history being made. Fascinating.
I'm giving you a dose of your own medicine lib.......and you better hope that our side doesn't do to you what you have done under Obama and now.........You will not like that very much..........

In the meantime.......fairly soon a FBI Lawyer on Muellers team who got thrown off is going to be indicted.

That's more of the Rumpster "Hey, look over there". So far, the list of all those being indicted by your merry band of criminals is very long and even goes back to Hillary's time that the Senate found absolutely nothing to charge. You still don't get it. You are being played. But it's too late. The rest of us are staying focused on Rump and his merry band of criminals.
You lost the election.......and have thrown everything but the kitchen sink and Trump and you are still losing.

You are going to lose in the Senate...........You have a snowballs chance in hell of winning there.........and as a matter of fact ...........they are gonna RIP YOU A NEW ONE THERE.

We all were going to lose the election no matter who won. I just didn't believe we could lose things this bad. I don't think that most people that voted understood just how bad it could get. You are part of the 36% who are dyed inn the wool Rumptsters. And that is not enough to re-elect Rump. Comon Mayor Pete.
No I am Mocking your partisan butts for a Mickey Mouse Club Impeachment..........

Take it to the Senate where you aren't in control.........let's see what happens........You've already lost and you know it.

Pelosi warned you there would be consequences...........oh didn't listen.

And you are still without any control and you are still just bitching. I don't mind not being in control. And I don't fantasize about being in control I am watching history being made. Fascinating.
I'm giving you a dose of your own medicine lib.......and you better hope that our side doesn't do to you what you have done under Obama and now.........You will not like that very much..........

In the meantime.......fairly soon a FBI Lawyer on Muellers team who got thrown off is going to be indicted.

That's more of the Rumpster "Hey, look over there". So far, the list of all those being indicted by your merry band of criminals is very long and even goes back to Hillary's time that the Senate found absolutely nothing to charge. You still don't get it. You are being played. But it's too late. The rest of us are staying focused on Rump and his merry band of criminals.
You lost the election.......and have thrown everything but the kitchen sink and Trump and you are still losing.

You are going to lose in the Senate...........You have a snowballs chance in hell of winning there.........and as a matter of fact ...........they are gonna RIP YOU A NEW ONE THERE.

We all were going to lose the election no matter who won. I just didn't believe we could lose things this bad. I don't think that most people that voted understood just how bad it could get. You are part of the 36% who are dyed inn the wool Rumptsters. And that is not enough to re-elect Rump. Comon Mayor Pete.
There needs to be much more disagreement and unrest in this country, getting along is way overrated
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

Trump's supporters will believe this... despite Trump being ON TAPE AND TRANSCRIPT telling the President of Ukraine to meet with Giuliani... Jesus.

Yes he did. So what?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.

Rudy has his ace in the hole. He said if he disappears or gets killed the info he got in Ukraine and other countries will be released and all hell will break loose.He and Trump have their bets covered.
Lol, you think that's what he meant?

I think you're confused.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”
Who the fuck cares EXCEPT THE THIN SKINNED G500 and similiar Anti-Americans that have NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE that they can use against Trump....What is your parties policy platforms on our economy, foreign affairs, illegal invaders, how about unemployment, infrastructure that the DemonRATS have in the House and have done nothing with....seems all you subversive have is meaningless small bullshit that you scum try to push as some sort of big deal, when you cant give us any answers to THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER TO AMERICANS....WELL?
Just so you know that cute little meme doesn’t bother me at all. It’s something a 6th grader might try.

Try to be a better poster and maybe some day your rating will be as good as mine.

Until then Keep Sucking
on Putin’s big toe
Like you do every day.

Still hungover on Russian Collusion?

God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.

Rudy has his ace in the hole. He said if he disappears or gets killed the info he got in Ukraine and other countries will be released and all hell will break loose.He and Trump have their bets covered.
Lol, you think that's what he meant?

I think you're confused.
View attachment 291881
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”

What Trump should have said is, screw you, no one needs to dig up dirt on Biden, it's self evident.

They aren’t Americans so they do not belong to The Democrat Party.

Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”
Who the fuck cares EXCEPT THE THIN SKINNED G500 and similiar Anti-Americans that have NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE that they can use against Trump....What is your parties policy platforms on our economy, foreign affairs, illegal invaders, how about unemployment, infrastructure that the DemonRATS have in the House and have done nothing with....seems all you subversive have is meaningless small bullshit that you scum try to push as some sort of big deal, when you cant give us any answers to THINGS THAT REALLY MATTER TO AMERICANS....WELL?

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”
God Almighty... the Orange Creature is such a cowardly lying sack-of-$hit... ready to betray a friend on a moment's notice...

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.

aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.
Trump would throw his MOTHER under the bus

But Rudy says he has "an insurance policy"

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.

aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.

aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.

BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.
Now all.the tRumplings will jump on the bandwagon.

They never liked Rudy, it's all Rudy's fault.

Hey, I always said he was just another swamp creature. That's the great thing about not having a stake in the D vs R political circus. There's no incentive to just go along with the media's narrative.
The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?
Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.
aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.
BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.

You are off topic once again. it's not about Obama, Hillary, Biden or even Obamas Cats and Dogs. Rump is in the hot seat and no matter how much justifying you do you can't change that. Hell, you helped get him there.
Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.
aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.
BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.

You are off topic once again. it's not about Obama, Hillary, Biden or even Obamas Cats and Dogs. Rump is in the hot seat and no matter how much justifying you do you can't change that. Hell, you helped get him there.
I'm dead on the mark on this...................They are guilty as sin in all this.........and should be the ones thrown in jail............

But of course it's ONLY ORANGE MAN BAD with you........
Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.
aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.
BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.

You are off topic once again. it's not about Obama, Hillary, Biden or even Obamas Cats and Dogs. Rump is in the hot seat and no matter how much justifying you do you can't change that. Hell, you helped get him there.
I'm dead on the mark on this...................They are guilty as sin in all this.........and should be the ones thrown in jail............

But of course it's ONLY ORANGE MAN BAD with you........

Orange man is a crook, a criminal. And he's having his day in court right now. BTW, the Dems have invited Rump to defend himself during the House Hearing although they don't really need to. Rump is not commenting on this. And he won't. He also won't show up at the Hearing either. There goes the real entertainment.

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