And There Goes Rudy Under The Bus

3 years we have heard the same thing from you..........we got you this time.

Grow some balls and bring a trial you can't control like shifty has done.

Do it...........stop stalling........You say YOU'VE GOT HIM........Well what are you waiting for........

You do know Pelosi is looking for a way out of what I'm talking about don't you. LOL

You still don't get it. "They" don't have to get him. He already got himself. During the Senate Trial, the same testimony and even more will be brought forth. And no one will be allowed to mistreat the people testifying. What Rump needs is for everyone to be on the same page. They aren't. That means there will be charges of Lying to the Senate leveled and their whole testimony will be thrown out as soon as it's determined who committed the perjury and who didn't. At some point, I predict that Rump will be required to address the Senate in person at some point to try and figure out who is lying. And Rump will have no choice but to attend or he's going to piss off the Supreme Court that HAS the power to do some might nasty things including sending US Marshals to escort him to the Senate. Same goes for his merry band of criminals. With the Supreme Court involved backing Roberts, ignoring a subpoena won't work. Guess who the Supreme Court will back when faced with that question.
Your side doesn't have a majority there ..........dream on................You don't hold the lock and key to who's called......

And it's not gonna turn out nice for you.
Contrary to your belief, the Senate still has to abide by certain rules and procedures. They can’t start calling “witness’” that have nothing to do with the events.
A Joke after what the Congress has many no nothing witnesses there..........

Did anyone on the planet tell you that Trump demanded investigations for aid there..........No

And Sonland said who said I wanted to Impeach Trump.........LOL

And a disgruntled employee that was replaced as an Ambassador..........who was given the choice of duty after being replaced..

The Talking heads of the Media said she was fired.........She was replaced NOT FIRED.........and Obama replaced a whole bunch of them when he came into office........Didn't hear you complain then.........

Imaginary meetings that never

Yeah..........need to here the rules from your side............LMAO

The petty bickering is over. It's not your call. Actually, it never was. The House investigation will wind down in a couple of weeks (in order to do the Holiday Break) and then it's off to the Senate when Congress reconvenes. Almost everything else the house is doing is in the "Basement" because it's questioning of sensitive natures like Spies, Whistle Blowers, National Security, and more. We only get to see redacted transcripts from now on for the most part. We will see a few more in open session though just not many.

At this point, all you are doing is Bitching.

Yeah, that's why all the testimony was UNCLASSIFIED. Those words came right of Shifty Schiff's bug-eyed face!

My God, you are fucking dumbass of the highest order!
Do you have a quote on that? Roberts is required by law to officiate the Senate Impeachment if it comes to that. Only the Chief Justice can sit in that chair. The only way out of it is for him to step down from his position. The problem we have is, Rump has been insulting him viciously for some time now. I don't know if he can be as impartial as what is required. He may make rulings one the safe side when he shouldn't or make rulings on the more drastic side. This is a quantity that is unknown at this time. I can fully understand why the Rumpsters want a different sitting Supreme Court Justice but the law is cut and dried.

It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

Yes, they are batting 1.000 now because Trump has replaced all the libtards with conservatives who can actually read the Constitution.

Is that why Trump has lost every one of his stonewalling court cases. I notice that all of the judges were appointed by Republicans but none of them were Trump. The judge this week was excoriating in her opinion that witnesses have to appear in response to supoenas.
It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

Yes, they are batting 1.000 now because Trump has replaced all the libtards with conservatives who can actually read the Constitution.

Is that why Trump has lost every one of his stonewalling court cases. I notice that all of the judges were appointed by Republicans but none of them were Trump. The judge this week was excoriating in her opinion that witnesses have to appear in response to supoenas.

Yeah, and her order will be stayed and overturned, because she is dead wrong.

Poor shifty

The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?

Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.

Where do you get 4 years? Obama was in office for 8 years, dumbass!

Trump hasn't even been in 3 full years yet, so it is apparent you suck at math!
Trump would throw his MOTHER under the bus

But Rudy says he has "an insurance policy"

Does Rudy even have a mother to throw under a bus? Did he ever even have a Mother or did he just crawl out from under a rock full groded. it's going to be interesting as of next week.

Groded? WTF are you babbling about?

Try English and you just might be understood.
aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.
BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.

You are off topic once again. it's not about Obama, Hillary, Biden or even Obamas Cats and Dogs. Rump is in the hot seat and no matter how much justifying you do you can't change that. Hell, you helped get him there.
I'm dead on the mark on this...................They are guilty as sin in all this.........and should be the ones thrown in jail............

But of course it's ONLY ORANGE MAN BAD with you........

Orange man is a crook, a criminal. And he's having his day in court right now. BTW, the Dems have invited Rump to defend himself during the House Hearing although they don't really need to. Rump is not commenting on this. And he won't. He also won't show up at the Hearing either. There goes the real entertainment.

We are waiting for your evidence. Wait! What? You have none? Typical BS pouring from your every orifice.
I'm dead on the mark on this...................They are guilty as sin in all this.........and should be the ones thrown in jail............

But of course it's ONLY ORANGE MAN BAD with you........

Orange man is a crook, a criminal. And he's having his day in court right now. BTW, the Dems have invited Rump to defend himself during the House Hearing although they don't really need to. Rump is not commenting on this. And he won't. He also won't show up at the Hearing either. There goes the real entertainment.
You are delusional......and have been saying this for 3 years now.........Why would we listen to losers who have been wrong for 3 years running.

You don't have a prayer of conviction here..........You gotta beat him in this is noise.

It doesn't take a conviction. The facts get laid out and the House decides to finish the impeachment process due to the criminals in the Senate. But like the Virginia Governor and Blag, Rump is finished.
He's been finished for 3 years now.......LOL

I can't imagine the butt hurt after he gets s 2 term.....LOL

Like the Governor of Virginia, Rump is cooked.
View attachment 291895

Last I checked, the Virginia governor is STILL in office. Did that fact slip your feeble mind also?
It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.

I am familiar with the "So Called" twitter battle. Roberts stayed very professional while Rump went into his normal insulting tirades. Something comes to mind, "Don't poke the Bear".
9th Circuit court is a dang joke............and some were appointed by Obama.......and they get overturned more than any other Federal Court in the country.

Barr laughs at the 9th.........LOL

So do I..........OBAMA COURT........LMAO

One huge problem. Lately the 9th circuit court has been batting a 1000. Yes, in the past, they were the highest overturned federal court. But that's the job of the higher courts. It NOT Rumps job nor Barrs job. And having either of these two criminals try and change the publics opinion of our court system is just, well, criminal.

Yes, they are batting 1.000 now because Trump has replaced all the libtards with conservatives who can actually read the Constitution.

Is that why Trump has lost every one of his stonewalling court cases. I notice that all of the judges were appointed by Republicans but none of them were Trump. The judge this week was excoriating in her opinion that witnesses have to appear in response to supoenas.

No minds are being changed because of these kangaroo court/hearings... 90+% of America don’t give two shits about politics. Fact
The problem we have as citizens not present in the "Basement" we really don't know if the WB has testified or not. We don't know if he or she did it in person (doubtful) or using a voice altering system from somewhere else. And you want to know something else? Neither does she. If the Republicans with access to the"Basement" are doing their jobs right, she won't know. And if you go by other times she has spoken, she's not exactly truthful either. Now, add the fact that most of the rest of the hearing is moved to the"Basement" the WB may be scheduled to testify. She doesn't know anymore than we know. This is a classic case of grandstanding, nothing more and will not be allowed in the Senate. She has her butt securely tied to Rumps ample Rump. If Rump goes down, so does she. She just an op-ed that had nothing to do with the investigation. That's now many minutes of our lives we won't be getting back?
Ah Shad up........everyone already knows who the WB is........and he's a leftist hack.......with ties to the same asshats who should go to jail.

Insider Deep State Wankers with this BS so called investigation.....after 3 years of BS.

I think we need to do to your sorry asses what you have done for years.......and give you a taste of your own medicine.

Don't worry about that knock on your's the IRS they are there to help you.

Considering I pay taxes (federal only) on my Military Retirement pay and one other and short from it good luck with that. If ever there was a person that was immune to an IRS audit that would be me. You see, I am totally honest unlike you. I pay exactly what they say I owe with zero deductions other than the short form. In think we need to look into your taxes instead.

And after 4 years of BS from the Head Crook in Charge, it's about time he was held accountable. You certainly won't do it. And until he's no longer in office, his merry band of criminals won't leave either. So we chop the head of the snake off even if it's making Pence President for the next year of so.
aka..............Your side will violate the Constitution.........violate the law.......because you don't like him. We know that.............And don't give a dang rip about your sorry butts...................

It's clear what you have done...........and are doing...............And you will have 5 more years of Trump. Suck on it.

Actually, you are watching history in the making. You are watching the Constitution in action. You just can't stand it because it won't let you do the things your fascist ass demands. Rump is no Conservative nor is he a Republican. He's a member of the JBC and there were a number of Republicans that publicily voiced about not allowing them to become part of the Republican Party. They were right.
BS.................Your side abused power to extremes under Obama.........and your operatives have used the Federal Agencies as weapons against a political opponent.

Your side ignores the evidence in other countries like Ukraine who have OPENLY stated that they affected the election in favor of Hillary..........This has evidence...............your side......not so much.

Immigration.........your side takes a piss on it............violating our own laws for power.

Spare me HOW RIGHTEOUS YOU ARE...........Pack of traitors I'd say.........plenty more like me saying that..........You don't like it .......who the hell cares.
Peewee Herman defense in full bloom.

what someone else may or may not have done some time in the past is no defense for what is actually occurring now
Now all.the tRumplings will jump on the bandwagon.

They never liked Rudy, it's all Rudy's fault.

Hey, I always said he was just another swamp creature. That's the great thing about not having a stake in the D vs R political circus. There's no incentive to just go along with the media's narrative.

Thanks for proving my post.
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
Trump said he didn't send him there to go after a political opponent..........big difference bro..........

He was there to gather evidence for a possible trial..........and considering it is the attack dogs of the DNC coming after Trump........I'd imagine finding corruption there with Dem ties is a place to go..............

It allows you to TRASH THE PROSECUTION FOR BIAS IN COURT...........imagine that.........

Too dang bad........Go to trial in the Senate and .............

Let's see what the Fuck your side has when it doesn't write and have all the rules in your favor.

You go to trial you are going to get your asses ..........fitting symbol of the Dem party...........KICKED.

HE ABSOLUTELY did. He was on the call saying he wanted Ukraine to help investigate the Bidens and corruption. How in the hell can you not see that?

download (2).jpeg
Let's go to the transcript:

The President: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecu
tion so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.



We got another tRumpling stroking out!
Let's go to the transcript:

The President: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

He is not worried about digging up dirt on Biden, he is worried about the corruption and the attempts to sink his presidential aspirations.

What about this don't you get?


Why do you refuse to see it from the president's POV?

I'll give you that. But his actions to accomplish it were criminal. NO Governor will stay Governor longer than a week if he uses criminal methods to look into potential criminal actions of another person. One is in Prison right now for attempting Quid Pro Quo. But it appears that the new McDonald V ruling may get him released. But he's politically finished regardless. he won't be reinstated as Governor. The Ex Governor merely inquired about setting up a quid pro quo. He didn't actually start the process.

Rod Blagojevich already tried to use the recent ruling to get his record expunged. The Higher courts did a field goal with his butt.

Rump is somewhere between the two cases. And both are political career enders even though one may get a repreival while the other won't. If there is any justice at all, (and it doesn't rely on Barr) then Rump will be removed from office even if no criminal charges are filed. If it gets to the Senate, look for Chief Roberts to make rulings in that direction.

I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

You can't be that ignorant of our constitution can you?

Roberts can't recuse himself. The only way he can not preside over any possible trial is if he retires from the bench.

The constitution is very crystal clear on this.

Or do you believe that rules don't apply equally to everyone here in America?

Where were you when you were supposed to learn this in school? Everyone has to pass a US History and a civics class to graduate from high school. At least it was required to take and pass those courses when I went to high school,

Were you one of those people who didn't go to class and spent their days getting either high or drunk?

Seriously here, where do you get such ridiculous ideas as the one you posted?
Let's go to the transcript:

The President: Good because I· heard you had a prosecutor who· was very·good and he was shut down and that's really unfair. A lot of people are talking about that, the way they shut your very good prosecutor down and you had some very bad people involved. Mr. Giuliani is a highly respected man. He was the mayor of New York City, a great mayor, and I would like him to call you. I will ask him to call you along with the Attorney General. Rudy very much knows what's happening and he is a very capable guy. If you could speak to him that would be great. The former ambassador from the United States, the woman, was bad news and the people she was dealing with in .the Ukraine .were bad news so I just want to let you know that. The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

He is not worried about digging up dirt on Biden, he is worried about the corruption and the attempts to sink his presidential aspirations.

What about this don't you get?


Why do you refuse to see it from the president's POV?

I'll give you that. But his actions to accomplish it were criminal. NO Governor will stay Governor longer than a week if he uses criminal methods to look into potential criminal actions of another person. One is in Prison right now for attempting Quid Pro Quo. But it appears that the new McDonald V ruling may get him released. But he's politically finished regardless. he won't be reinstated as Governor. The Ex Governor merely inquired about setting up a quid pro quo. He didn't actually start the process.

Rod Blagojevich already tried to use the recent ruling to get his record expunged. The Higher courts did a field goal with his butt.

Rump is somewhere between the two cases. And both are political career enders even though one may get a repreival while the other won't. If there is any justice at all, (and it doesn't rely on Barr) then Rump will be removed from office even if no criminal charges are filed. If it gets to the Senate, look for Chief Roberts to make rulings in that direction.

I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

Do you have a quote on that? Roberts is required by law to officiate the Senate Impeachment if it comes to that. Only the Chief Justice can sit in that chair. The only way out of it is for him to step down from his position. The problem we have is, Rump has been insulting him viciously for some time now. I don't know if he can be as impartial as what is required. He may make rulings one the safe side when he shouldn't or make rulings on the more drastic side. This is a quantity that is unknown at this time. I can fully understand why the Rumpsters want a different sitting Supreme Court Justice but the law is cut and dried.

It was mentioned on Fox yesterday because of the Trump/Roberts Twitter battle.
Faux News? You mean you don't have an actual link of Roberts himself saying he will recuse himself? All you have is some manufactured bullshit from one of the biggest makers of bullshit?
God forbid that Trump's defense lawyer be allowed to defend his client........Dems are a bunch of wankers.........and Biden is guilty as sin............and they know it..........Hell the courts there say they interfered with our election in favor of Hillary .....

And still the shrill yelps from a bunch of lap dog wankers.........with a sham investigation.

Defend him? Did you even read the news? He told the President of Ukraine to work with Rudy...

Now they are busted and Trump is saying he had nothing to do with it.

It's about as fucking simple and straight forward as it gets.
Giuliani is there to find information to defend his client against a possible trial in the Senate.

1. That is his job as a Defense Lawyer.
2. It is his right to do so.
3. Trump has every right to defend himself.
4. Looking for witnesses to prove Trump's innocence isn't a crime

According to Giulliani...............he has some shit to NAIL THE DEMS TO THE WALL.

Are you scared that might be true.........poor things..........I want to see it.......Let's get to the truth over there.

Don't you want the truth libs............Are you afraid he has something on your side......Why are you afraid of him...........

Your side is Obstructing justice with a Lawyer doing his duty.

Karma lefties.

Do you really NOT understand what is going on? If Rudy was only there for that... then why the fuck would Trump now say he has nothing to do with it? You don't LIE about something that isn't wrong or illegal.

Seriously... use your noggin.
Trump said he didn't send him there to go after a political opponent..........big difference bro..........

He was there to gather evidence for a possible trial..........and considering it is the attack dogs of the DNC coming after Trump........I'd imagine finding corruption there with Dem ties is a place to go..............

It allows you to TRASH THE PROSECUTION FOR BIAS IN COURT...........imagine that.........

Too dang bad........Go to trial in the Senate and .............

Let's see what the Fuck your side has when it doesn't write and have all the rules in your favor.

You go to trial you are going to get your asses ..........fitting symbol of the Dem party...........KICKED.

HE ABSOLUTELY did. He was on the call saying he wanted Ukraine to help investigate the Bidens and corruption. How in the hell can you not see that?

There's a reason I call the pseudocons willfully blind monkeys.

They parrot what they are told to parrot, and bleev what they are told to bleev.

Never has there been a more submissive pack of lickspittles.
Rudy the Hand Grenade said he's heard people say Trump will throw him under the bus. Then he said that would never happen.

Uh oh!

Trump Denies Giuliani Acted on His Behalf in Ukraine: ‘Rudy Has Other Clients’

Asked point-blank if Giuliani was acting on his behalf in trying to dig up dirt on former vice president Joe Biden—an issue now at the heart of an impeachment inquiry—Trump said, “No, I didn’t direct him, but he is a warrior, he is a warrior.”

When asked what Giuliani was doing in Ukraine, Trump deflected and told the ex-Fox anchor that he would “have to ask that to Rudy.”
And the utterly insane Giuliani is threatening trump via "documents in his safe". And he hedged with the tweet stating all his actions were done to defend his client.

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