And There Goes Rudy Under The Bus

Doesn't's a figurehead situation..........not a real courtroom.......

If it goes to trial............the Senate is gonna probably vote to dismiss from the onset..........they want it gone.

What won't be allowed in the theatrics I saw in the House. The people will be called to testify, their testimony will be noted. No mention of Hunter Biden or Joe Biden. No mention of Obama and company. No harrassing of the people will be allowed. And you can bet it will be tested. It's up to the Chief Justice to put a stop to it. It's not the figurehead you believe it will be. And no Schiff alibiing will allowed. I wonder how many will be sent to the showers before all the Senators start behaving themselves.
Dems don't have the power in the House.
Dems cannot cherry pick witnesses or who is called in the Senate.
Dems cannot stop Trump lawyers from questioning the witnesses called or calling their own witnesses.

So what. Considering that everyone is subject to be called and there is no Executive Privilege for anyone other than the President then that means that the merry band of criminals will be called. One miss step by these liars and it's off to the hoosegow. And the Republican Senators get embarrassed badly. Remember, this is going to be broadcast to the public. Childish behavior and dirty tricks will be met along with out and out lying. And it's up to the Chief Justice to Keep a lid on things. And if someone like Rudy runs his mouth and does what Rudy does best (or worst) he's in deep serious trouble and so is Rump. The Dems don't need a conviction, they only need to hang Rump and his merry band of criminals out to dry. And if the Reps vote to not remove Rump from Office then they look like fools as well and jeopardize their own offices in 2020. This is what the Reps are deathly afraid of happening. Do they trade their own careers and save Rump or do they throw Rump under the bus. After all this, Rump won't have the power to threaten their careers anymore so we can hope they finally stand on their hind legs and grow a pair. But no one can predict this cluster.......

You know what you sound like in all of this rant you just wrote here ??? You sound like a never Trumper, and a demoncrat slave ever since the beginning of 2016. Funny how it went from one gotcha failure moment/event to the next gotcha failure moment/event with these cratzies. Desperation is highly noted.

Any day now, any day now.... Rotflmbo. will have 5 more years of Trump...
You'd better hope not, or by 2024, after he inflicts one too many wounds upon the Republic, the GOP will be dead for a generation.
Not as long as the Democrats are still "out doing" the Republicans by leaps and bounds, otherwise when it comes to dirty sleezy politics. The Republicans will always be the choice by working class, God fearing type workers/people all across this great country. will have 5 more years of Trump...
You'd better hope not, or by 2024, after he inflicts one too many wounds upon the Republic, the GOP will be dead for a generation.
Not as long as the Democrats are still "out doing" the Republicans by leaps and bounds, otherwise when it comes to dirty sleezy politics. The Republicans will always be the choice by working class, God fearing type workers/people all across this great country.
Speaking of dirt ,,take a good look at pompeo Giuliani Perry Barr and trump Have a pail handy so you won't vomit on the floor
You sound like a never Trumper,
Haha, whata nonsensical , meaningless nickname.

Hey geniuses....people arent pointing out the mentally ill babyman's idiotic bejaviors because they are "never trumpers". They despise Trump BECAUSE of his amoral, unethical, laughably moronic behavior

Duh, dummies. will have 5 more years of Trump...
You'd better hope not, or by 2024, after he inflicts one too many wounds upon the Republic, the GOP will be dead for a generation.
Not as long as the Democrats are still "out doing" the Republicans by leaps and bounds, otherwise when it comes to dirty sleezy politics. The Republicans will always be the choice by working class, God fearing type workers/people all across this great country.
Speaking of dirt ,,take a good look at pompeo Giuliani Perry Barr and trump Have a pail handy so you won't vomit on the floor
Beagle I'm' going to throw you under the bus
Perhaps in order to survive a hearing, the rest of the gang in the Senate told Trump that Giuliani had to go?

Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins
The president will meet with some of his Republican critics ahead of a likely Senate trial that will decide the fate of his presidency.
Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins

Still, why would establishment Republicans line up behind Biden? Why do they care so much about Biden?


What does Giuliani know that has the entire establishment in a tizzy?

What has them apoplectic that makes them censor all news out of Ukraine, and now, makes them want censor those who know what is going on there?

Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani

Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime
Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime

Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer
Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer

Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani

Biden Camp Demands Networks Stop Giving Airtime to Giuliani

Is the impeachment really a big cover-up? Is it just one big circus to distract folks?

'Giuliani is being implicated by the president': Trump claims he never told personal lawyer to dig up dirt in Ukraine

So, I guess we must clarify, is there a real difference between "digging up dirt" and "revealing corruption?"

only if there is a real difference between "perfect conversation" and bullshit -

How do you know it is "perfect conversation" vs. "bullshit" :dunno:
Perhaps in order to survive a hearing, the rest of the gang in the Senate told Trump that Giuliani had to go?

Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins
The president will meet with some of his Republican critics ahead of a likely Senate trial that will decide the fate of his presidency.
Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins

Still, why would establishment Republicans line up behind Biden? Why do they care so much about Biden?


What does Giuliani know that has the entire establishment in a tizzy?

What has them apoplectic that makes them censor all news out of Ukraine, and now, makes them want censor those who know what is going on there?

Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani

Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime
Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime

Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer
Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer

Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani

Biden Camp Demands Networks Stop Giving Airtime to Giuliani

Is the impeachment really a big cover-up? Is it just one big circus to distract folks?

No, those are valid requests to stop giving a forum to a liar to spread lies.

What makes you so sure they are all lies? :dunno:
Perhaps in order to survive a hearing, the rest of the gang in the Senate told Trump that Giuliani had to go?

Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins
The president will meet with some of his Republican critics ahead of a likely Senate trial that will decide the fate of his presidency.
Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins

Still, why would establishment Republicans line up behind Biden? Why do they care so much about Biden?


What does Giuliani know that has the entire establishment in a tizzy?

What has them apoplectic that makes them censor all news out of Ukraine, and now, makes them want censor those who know what is going on there?

Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani

Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime
Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime

Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer
Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer

Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani

Biden Camp Demands Networks Stop Giving Airtime to Giuliani

Is the impeachment really a big cover-up? Is it just one big circus to distract folks?

No, those are valid requests to stop giving a forum to a liar to spread lies.

What makes you so sure they are all lies? :dunno:

Well, for one, there is no evidence. Second, people whose job it is to look into these things have said, iver and over and over, that they have zero merit. Third, they are contrived in an attempt to benefit the irange cult leader personally, while his AG clearly has no interest in investigating any of it, despite being a dyed-in-the-wool Trump asslicker.

What more would i need? Better yet:

What would compel YOU to think they are lies? Be specific.
He is not worried about digging up dirt on Biden, he is worried about the corruption and the attempts to sink his presidential aspirations.

What about this don't you get?


Why do you refuse to see it from the president's POV?

I'll give you that. But his actions to accomplish it were criminal. NO Governor will stay Governor longer than a week if he uses criminal methods to look into potential criminal actions of another person. One is in Prison right now for attempting Quid Pro Quo. But it appears that the new McDonald V ruling may get him released. But he's politically finished regardless. he won't be reinstated as Governor. The Ex Governor merely inquired about setting up a quid pro quo. He didn't actually start the process.

Rod Blagojevich already tried to use the recent ruling to get his record expunged. The Higher courts did a field goal with his butt.

Rump is somewhere between the two cases. And both are political career enders even though one may get a repreival while the other won't. If there is any justice at all, (and it doesn't rely on Barr) then Rump will be removed from office even if no criminal charges are filed. If it gets to the Senate, look for Chief Roberts to make rulings in that direction.

I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

How and why would he recuse himself? Are you listening to some libtard lame stream media. or just making it up as you go?
Heard it on a news show. I don't make up stories or listen to libtard news..

First, you claimed Justice Roberts himself said he would recuse himself.

When asked for a link, you said you heard someone on Fox News say he should.

And now you are trying to tell us you don't make shit up!?!? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You totally made up the bullshit that Roberts said he would recuse himself.

You heard it from the biggest maker of manufactured bullshit, Faux News, and you blindly parroted it.
Is this your big GOTCHA MOMENT.........I put up the data and articles already that had people stating the he SHOULD RECUSE himself...............not that he will.

Hossfly is an honorable man from his postings........a little glitch from news that he heard doesn't mean a thing.........

On the other hand.........your side hears anything and it's 24/7 attack with it whether true or not.......Your side has a lot of nerve trashing Hossfly with what you have become.
It would be the best theater ever if Rudy the Hand Grenade and Crooked Donald turned on each other and started a public battle of lies with each other.

I would pay money to see that.
Dream on.............the deep state is nervous about Rudy..........I've already posted why.
Perhaps in order to survive a hearing, the rest of the gang in the Senate told Trump that Giuliani had to go?

Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins
The president will meet with some of his Republican critics ahead of a likely Senate trial that will decide the fate of his presidency.
Trump cozies up to GOP during impeachment — including Mitt Romney and Susan Collins

Still, why would establishment Republicans line up behind Biden? Why do they care so much about Biden?


What does Giuliani know that has the entire establishment in a tizzy?

What has them apoplectic that makes them censor all news out of Ukraine, and now, makes them want censor those who know what is going on there?

Biden Campaign Urges TV Networks to Stop Booking Giuliani

Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime
Biden Campaign Demands Cable News Outlets Stop Giving Giuliani Airtime

Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer
Rudy Giuliani: Biden aides say TV news must stop booking Trump lawyer

Biden campaign demands news channels stop booking Giuliani

Biden Camp Demands Networks Stop Giving Airtime to Giuliani

Is the impeachment really a big cover-up? Is it just one big circus to distract folks?

It's both...........the Dems know they have dirty people........and know real evidence is against they keep the insiders at War with Trump to intimidate and try to stop their own prosecution.
I'll give you that. But his actions to accomplish it were criminal. NO Governor will stay Governor longer than a week if he uses criminal methods to look into potential criminal actions of another person. One is in Prison right now for attempting Quid Pro Quo. But it appears that the new McDonald V ruling may get him released. But he's politically finished regardless. he won't be reinstated as Governor. The Ex Governor merely inquired about setting up a quid pro quo. He didn't actually start the process.

Rod Blagojevich already tried to use the recent ruling to get his record expunged. The Higher courts did a field goal with his butt.

Rump is somewhere between the two cases. And both are political career enders even though one may get a repreival while the other won't. If there is any justice at all, (and it doesn't rely on Barr) then Rump will be removed from office even if no criminal charges are filed. If it gets to the Senate, look for Chief Roberts to make rulings in that direction.

I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

How and why would he recuse himself? Are you listening to some libtard lame stream media. or just making it up as you go?
Heard it on a news show. I don't make up stories or listen to libtard news..

First, you claimed Justice Roberts himself said he would recuse himself.

When asked for a link, you said you heard someone on Fox News say he should.

And now you are trying to tell us you don't make shit up!?!? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You totally made up the bullshit that Roberts said he would recuse himself.

You heard it from the biggest maker of manufactured bullshit, Faux News, and you blindly parroted it.
Is this your big GOTCHA MOMENT.........I put up the data and articles already that had people stating the he SHOULD RECUSE himself...............not that he will.

Hossfly is an honorable man from his postings........a little glitch from news that he heard doesn't mean a thing.........

On the other hand.........your side hears anything and it's 24/7 attack with it whether true or not.......Your side has a lot of nerve trashing Hossfly with what you have become.

Had your buddy fact checked he would have seen it was Fake News once again from the Rump Central News Agency sometimes called Foxnews. You will note that Foxnews hasn't printed or broadcast a retraction like any of the others would have. Your Buddy could have ended his posting with a "Is this true?" and he wouldn't have caught any flak. But no, he presents it as fact when there is no way in hell it could be under the US Constitution of the United States. You know, that document you used as toilet paper this morning.
You sound like a never Trumper,
Haha, whata nonsensical , meaningless nickname.

Hey geniuses....people arent pointing out the mentally ill babyman's idiotic bejaviors because they are "never trumpers". They despise Trump BECAUSE of his amoral, unethical, laughably moronic behavior

Duh, dummies.
Name or phrase of the week. Starts off with Fat Donnies big mouth.
I thought if it goes to the Senate, Roberts said he will recuse himself. For what reason I don't know.

How and why would he recuse himself? Are you listening to some libtard lame stream media. or just making it up as you go?
Heard it on a news show. I don't make up stories or listen to libtard news..

First, you claimed Justice Roberts himself said he would recuse himself.

When asked for a link, you said you heard someone on Fox News say he should.

And now you are trying to tell us you don't make shit up!?!? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You totally made up the bullshit that Roberts said he would recuse himself.

You heard it from the biggest maker of manufactured bullshit, Faux News, and you blindly parroted it.
Is this your big GOTCHA MOMENT.........I put up the data and articles already that had people stating the he SHOULD RECUSE himself...............not that he will.

Hossfly is an honorable man from his postings........a little glitch from news that he heard doesn't mean a thing.........

On the other hand.........your side hears anything and it's 24/7 attack with it whether true or not.......Your side has a lot of nerve trashing Hossfly with what you have become.

Had your buddy fact checked he would have seen it was Fake News once again from the Rump Central News Agency sometimes called Foxnews. You will note that Foxnews hasn't printed or broadcast a retraction like any of the others would have. Your Buddy could have ended his posting with a "Is this true?" and he wouldn't have caught any flak. But no, he presents it as fact when there is no way in hell it could be under the US Constitution of the United States. You know, that document you used as toilet paper this morning.
Spare me your outrage........and so called self Righteousness............I could care less.............

I posted the information for why it was said............if you think it's a SPIKE THE FOOTBALL MOMENT........well then you are as dumb as all your posts anyways.

Toilet paper........Constitution...........your funny bro........your side had done far more than we ever have....Nice try though.
How and why would he recuse himself? Are you listening to some libtard lame stream media. or just making it up as you go?
Heard it on a news show. I don't make up stories or listen to libtard news..

First, you claimed Justice Roberts himself said he would recuse himself.

When asked for a link, you said you heard someone on Fox News say he should.

And now you are trying to tell us you don't make shit up!?!? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You totally made up the bullshit that Roberts said he would recuse himself.

You heard it from the biggest maker of manufactured bullshit, Faux News, and you blindly parroted it.
Is this your big GOTCHA MOMENT.........I put up the data and articles already that had people stating the he SHOULD RECUSE himself...............not that he will.

Hossfly is an honorable man from his postings........a little glitch from news that he heard doesn't mean a thing.........

On the other hand.........your side hears anything and it's 24/7 attack with it whether true or not.......Your side has a lot of nerve trashing Hossfly with what you have become.

Had your buddy fact checked he would have seen it was Fake News once again from the Rump Central News Agency sometimes called Foxnews. You will note that Foxnews hasn't printed or broadcast a retraction like any of the others would have. Your Buddy could have ended his posting with a "Is this true?" and he wouldn't have caught any flak. But no, he presents it as fact when there is no way in hell it could be under the US Constitution of the United States. You know, that document you used as toilet paper this morning.
Spare me your outrage........and so called self Righteousness............I could care less.............

I posted the information for why it was said............if you think it's a SPIKE THE FOOTBALL MOMENT........well then you are as dumb as all your posts anyways.

Toilet paper........Constitution...........your funny bro........your side had done far more than we ever have....Nice try though.

You learned from your Rump well. Do something wrong, never admit it and blame the Democrat. Another, "Hey, look over there" moment. Sorry, I refuse to look over there. I look directly at the problem and deal with it. You will notice I am the one that gave the unvarnished reason why it was total BS. And you are still trying to defend it. Yup, yer a Rumpster, alright.
Rudy's got several problems

The Justice Department and the President

The President is a BAD ally. Ask Mike Cohen
Rudy's got several problems

The Justice Department and the President

The President is a BAD ally. Ask Mike Cohen
Cohen was a victim of his own makings. It's time for everyone to quit trying to blame others for their own bullcrap in life. No one in these career fields are children, and it's time to realize that fact in life. The blame game is childish. Time for accountability for one's own actions in life, and so the blame game in hopes for a cover up of ones own actions in life is over. No one is buying the bullcrap of the blame game anymore.

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