Does anyone actually know what an “opportunity economy” is?

The wealthy makes money off of every one of those jobs.

It is the workers who create wealth
A Paradise for Plutocratic Parasites

The owners buy other people's creativity, then preach that they created that. American prosperity was not created by Wall Street, but by practical science. By the time he died, Thomas Edison had created one out of every seven jobs in the United States.

We should eliminate stock ownership and let businesses grow through bank loans. From the very beginning, Capitalism was taken over by the few wealthy guillotine-fodder HeirHeads created by Feudalism. So were the governments, which is why Statism is no alternative to Capitalism. Both Coalitions of the Conceited were invented by and run by the same class, the one that mooches off family wealth.

The present system is like a home loan would be if the bank could increase the principal and interest every time the market value of the home increased.
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Kamala repeatedly touted her plan to create an “opportunity economy”. She never elaborated beyond saying she’d give $6k to new parents for cribs and $25k to home buyers for a down payment. Where will all this money come from? Is “opportunity economy” just another butchering of the language in substitution of “Marxist wealth redistribution”?
Kamala sure as fuck doesn’t know.
Exactly what “Make America Great Again” is....

The difference is that the opportunity economy is based on capitalizing on the emerging technologies. For example, turbine repair. Installing charging stations. Installing solar panels. Repairing electric motors in the EVs. The economy is evolving despite you guys throwing a four year tantrum. There are opportunities to evolve with it.
Trustfundee Treehuggers Would Be a Powerless Fringe Group Without Their Daddies' Money
Kamala repeatedly touted her plan to create an “opportunity economy”. She never elaborated beyond saying she’d give $6k to new parents for cribs and $25k to home buyers for a down payment. Where will all this money come from? Is “opportunity economy” just another butchering of the language in substitution of “Marxist wealth redistribution”?
Welcome to the commune.
Interesting theory. If you don't make any $ on your investments ..... time to get a new investment advisor.

And get paid for it.

You are just moving wealth
You don’t create anything
Job creators my ass

They don’t turn tax cuts into more jobs
They just keep the money

Middle class will put the money back into the economy
Where do you get that?... you always say that and its just not true.... When I got a tax cut I invested in new equipment and hired a sales rep.... the company I bought the equipment from also used the money wisely and purchased my company and they are still operating today... now I'm retired and I hire a landscaper house keeper... next month a carpenter is going to put new cabinets in my garage... can't do any of that if everyone is broke but government...

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