...and they said Trump was a "Russian asset"


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
A picture has surfaced that shows Biden's White House Communications Director pick Jen Psaki wearing a pink Russian hat with a hammer and sickle insignia on the front.

Not a photoshop.

"The US Department of State spokesperson Jen Psaki promised to take her pink Russian “Ushanka” hat to the White House where she will start working at a new position next week...

Psaki received the hat as a gift from the Russian delegation during the Syrian talks in January 2014. Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov received then two large potatoes from US Secretary of State John Kerry..."

Psaki to Take Her Pink Russian ‘Ushanka’ Hat to White House

An exact hat like the one in question...


“I have my pink hat at home, it’s coming with me to the White House,” Psaki told journalists at her final press briefing on Wednesday.

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