And thus ended the political career of Trump... Evangelicals can now discard him...

The thread topic seems to be aimed at 1stAmendment freedom of religion
By what measure? What a freakishly bizarre comment.

There is no possible way any rational adult connects those dots.

And I refuse to believe you are that stupid, else you could not spell simple words.

So you are lying for attention.
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You say President Trump was played and i democrats, dem moles, rinos, and globalists on both sides. President Trump's term in office showed us all WHY we need to drain that damn filthy corrupt swamp and why no more dynasties and elites only running for president. We need men like President Trump, not bushes, obamas, clintons, mcconnells, romney, pelousies and more.
NObody is done with President Trump buoy. I'm pointing out that the reason for your posting is that you got no decent candidate so the only thing you can do is to tear down your opposition.
Thats nice. But frankly, we care about as much about your opinion of me as we do about your jesus sermons on the board.

I.E., we don't

But if you would like to direct some of that wasted energy to argument and evidence to support your claims that the thread title is wrong...

Now THAT we would like to read.
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They just cant do it.

The only Trumper who has even attempted it is BluesLegend ( as weak as his argument was), a poster not exactly known for being able to construct valid arguments or to present evidence in support of them.

But at least he had the stones to make the attempt.
Possibly in another thread, sure.

Would you like to make even one on topic, thoughtful comment?
/—-/ I’m on topic. Try and follow a thread for crying out loud:


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With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.

Are you on your knees praying?
oh. i get it. I read the background on the author of the piece and kobes du mez. I think you've read more into it although i think the author and du mez would be pleased with the way you think.
With the ruling overturning Roe V Wade, the deal is now complete. I refer to the unspoken deal the Evangelicals had with the GOP, Mitch McConnell, and with Trump.

Mitch cashed in the Trump presidency for one more SCOTUS judge, and now the winnings have been paid out.

The evangelicals no longer have any use for Trump. They will now climb back up on their high horse, having fallen off for a few years to justify and ignore all manner of unethical and immoral behavior by Trump.

It will be like they never fell off. Trust me.

And they can stitch up the schism in their own churches practically overnight. Trump will not win the primary, and *poof*... schism gone.


Evangelicals like Trump‘s Make American Great Again approach and the fact he puts American first not last.

Establishment Republicans from the Trump hating branch of the Party are a lot like Democrats. They make wonderful promises and never deliver. Trump actually did deleiver on a number of his promises. His record on promises is not perfect but compared to many other Presidents it is equal or better.

They just cant do it.

The only Trumper who has even attempted it is BluesLegend ( as weak as his argument was), a poster not exactly known for being able to construct valid arguments or to present evidence in support of them.

But at least he had the stones to make the attempt.
Funny: you don’t have the stones to even try to support your dishonest claims, Farty.
oh. i get it. I read the background on the author of the piece and kobes du mez. I think you've read more into it although i think the author and du mez would be pleased with the way you think.
Actually, my comments overall and the article had little do do with each other, other than the article demonstrating the schism in the church.

But you didn't read the article before opening you mouth, so you didn't know that.

But I think I can safely assume you will be presenting no evidence or argument to counter the thread premise.
Evangelicals like Trump‘s Make American Great Again approach and the fact he puts American first not last
Just one big problem for your argument:

DeSantis can give them all of that, without the classless, immoral, unethical history, without the exposure to criminal investigations, and without the pall of having tried to overthrow an election.
Fake thread title
Trumps political career has not ended.
Are opinions or wishes now allowed as thread titles or do only conservatives have to stick with facts and links?

Desantis thinks Trump is done. He's openly mocking him and exceeding donations to Trump.
oh yes there is a schism and for good reason. BUT.. It is NOT President Trump. He has nothing to do with it. THAT is what the author of the piece you are tingling over tries to say..that he plays a part. He doesn't. And i think you are vastly over estimating the number and the power of evangelicals.
Come on folks. Farty is clearly talking about an unspoken deal he decided must exist albeit he has no evidence to back it up.

Sometimes it’s difficult to trace back exactly where a thread derailed. But here, it’s quite clear. Farty’s thread went off the tracks in the very first sentences of his vapid OP.
Why does FFI want De Santis??? It appears to me that the media and democrats are trying to put a wedge between DeSantis and President Trump. WE want Trump and we want DeSantis to stay in Florida for another term...THEN come in AFTER president Trump's second term and take two terms himself. That's what we're working on. I think that is what Farty as you call him would like to give his side a chance to finish off this nation.

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