And What If Trump Chooses Kristi Noem?That Would Likely Cause Even More Panic Among Democrats,Beefing Up The Women Vote & A Very Exciting Ticket,Yes?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
We all know that Kristi is in the upper tier of VP candidates. Some feel that she is Trumps first choice. She could really energize the womens vote big time. And let's say "Over excite" the mens vote for obvious reasons. The left wont have any real "Negative Bullpoop" to throw at Kristi, like they did with Sarah Palin. So what are your opinions on this potential ticket? They wont have any problems filling any major football stadiums, while the Biden ticket will still be filling up high school gymnasiums, right?
We all know that Kristi is in the upper tier of VP candidates. Some feel that she is Trumps first choice. She could really energize the womens vote big time. And let's say "Over excite" the mens vote for obvious reasons. The left wont have any real "Negative Bullpoop" to throw at Kristi, like they did with Sarah Palin. So what are your opinions on this potential ticket? They wont have any problems filling any major football stadiums, while the Biden ticket will still be filling up high school gymnasiums, right?
Oh, there would no shortage of mud the left would sling at her. They have no problem manufacturing whatever they need, corrections to be made after the damage is done.
What self respecting woman would serve under Trump? What self respecting woman would vote for a man like Trump?

There are self-respecting women, and women who vote for Trump.
Trump will pick her because she gives him a hard on

Irony alert! Mike Pence refused to be alone in a room with another woman besides his wife. And his Kristi Noem won't be allowed to be alone in a room with Trump.

"I don't think he is fit for the job," Grisham said. "I think that he is erratic. I think that he can be delusional. I think that he is a narcissist and cares about himself first and foremost. And I do not want him to be our president again."

Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said that she witnessed first-hand former President Trump’s alleged sexual harassment, describing it as “really bad, to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable.”

During an appearance on CNN earlier this week, Grisham detailed the harassment she observed while working under the then-president. She added that she wanted to protect a specific staffer, who she said Trump would frequently take on trips with him.

“I tried everything I could to ensure she was never alone with him,” she added.

While she noted that Trump would frequently comment on people’s looks and speculate about cosmetic surgery, Grisham said the harassment against the specific staffer was particularly alarming.

“But with this one staffer, it was really bad, to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable,” Grisham said. “I did everything I could to keep her off of trips actually, and to stay with her if she was with him alone because I was really nervous about what could happen.”
What self respecting woman would serve under Trump? What self respecting woman would vote for a man like Trump?

There are self-respecting women, and women who vote for Trump.


Irony alert! Mike Pence refused to be alone in a room with another woman besides his wife. And his Kristi Noem won't be allowed to be alone in a room with Trump.

"I don't think he is fit for the job," Grisham said. "I think that he is erratic. I think that he can be delusional. I think that he is a narcissist and cares about himself first and foremost. And I do not want him to be our president again."

Former White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham said that she witnessed first-hand former President Trump’s alleged sexual harassment, describing it as “really bad, to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable.”

During an appearance on CNN earlier this week, Grisham detailed the harassment she observed while working under the then-president. She added that she wanted to protect a specific staffer, who she said Trump would frequently take on trips with him.

“I tried everything I could to ensure she was never alone with him,” she added.

While she noted that Trump would frequently comment on people’s looks and speculate about cosmetic surgery, Grisham said the harassment against the specific staffer was particularly alarming.

“But with this one staffer, it was really bad, to the point that I was extremely uncomfortable,” Grisham said. “I did everything I could to keep her off of trips actually, and to stay with her if she was with him alone because I was really nervous about what could happen.”
Here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. You present keeping women away from TRUMP! as a positive thing, but Pence was incessantly lambasted for respecting his wife and female coworkers enough to avoid situations where he could be accused of sexual harassment. Was that a good or a bad thing? I ask because it seems extremely situational. The actions are to be lampooned and criticized if they are to maintain a man's integrity, but cheered if they are to bring disrepute to TRUMP!.

Can y'all pick a horse and stay on it?
Here's where the wheels fall off your tricycle. You present keeping women away from TRUMP! as a positive thing, but Pence was incessantly lambasted for respecting his wife and female coworkers enough to avoid situations where he could be accused of sexual harassment. Was that a good or a bad thing? I ask because it seems extremely situational. The actions are to be lampooned and criticized if they are to maintain a man's integrity, but cheered if they are to bring disrepute to TRUMP!.

Can y'all pick a horse and stay on it?
What? Huh? Boy that's some spin. Not sure I'm quite following you here. People close to Trump worried about leaving women alone with Trump. Pence worried about being left alone with women.

So Pence was smart. And the people who worked for Trump were smart too. But for different reasons. Pence didn't want to be falsely accused, Trump's people didn't want a young woman to get E Jean Carrolled.

Did you hear another one of Trump's buddies is a rapist? Vince McMahon. Good buddies. Two fucking peas in a pod. The allegations say Vince shit on the woman's head or body. Sound familiar? Trump's pee incident in Russia? I know Trump's a germaphobe. I didn't say the Russian whore peed on him. She peed on the bed the Obama's slept in.
Democrats would try to tarnish her reputation.
Absolutely, they would. There's almost certainly a group or several groups even now preparing smear campaigns in the chance TRUMP! picks her. Just watch to see how long it takes for the first handfuls of mud to appear after the announcement.
What? Huh? Boy that's some spin. Not sure I'm quite following you here. People close to Trump worried about leaving women alone with Trump. Pence worried about being left alone with women.

So Pence was smart. And the people who worked for Trump were smart too. But for different reasons. Pence didn't want to be falsely accused, Trump's people didn't want a young woman to get E Jean Carrolled.

Did you hear another one of Trump's buddies is a rapist? Vince McMahon. Good buddies. Two fucking peas in a pod. The allegations say Vince shit on the woman's head or body. Sound familiar? Trump's pee incident in Russia? I know Trump's a germaphobe. I didn't say the Russian whore peed on him. She peed on the bed the Obama's slept in.
Meh, you're repeating a really stupid trope without any meaning or backing. We know TRUMP! is a hound-dog, so are most of the Washington politicians. Heck, don't you remember good 'ol boy Bubba Clinton, who's the darling of the left, but left a trail of assaulted women in his path? At least you're willing to admit Pence was smart. I couldn't believe some of the stupidity I saw on this board being spewed about him by those who really should know better, if they're old enough to operate a keyboard.
We all know that Kristi is in the upper tier of VP candidates. Some feel that she is Trumps first choice. She could really energize the womens vote big time. And let's say "Over excite" the mens vote for obvious reasons. The left wont have any real "Negative Bullpoop" to throw at Kristi, like they did with Sarah Palin. So what are your opinions on this potential ticket? They wont have any problems filling any major football stadiums, while the Biden ticket will still be filling up high school gymnasiums, right?
This would make the democrats drool. Her stance on no exceptions for incest or rape will bury her.
Meh, you're repeating a really stupid trope without any meaning or backing. We know TRUMP! is a hound-dog, so are most of the Washington politicians. Heck, don't you remember good 'ol boy Bubba Clinton, who's the darling of the left, but left a trail of assaulted women in his path? At least you're willing to admit Pence was smart. I couldn't believe some of the stupidity I saw on this board being spewed about him by those who really should know better, if they're old enough to operate a keyboard.
I wouldn't let my daughter go work for Trump. Actually, I would now. He's old as fuck. 20 years ago no fucking way.

Yea, Bubba was a dog. But he ain't running for President, Trump is.

Bill wasn't a bully who acted as though the rules didn't apply to him. That's all Trump.

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