And What If Trump Chooses Kristi Noem?That Would Likely Cause Even More Panic Among Democrats,Beefing Up The Women Vote & A Very Exciting Ticket,Yes?

YOu're kidding yourself. tRump will pick an old white guy becuase it's the party of old white guys. The base won't vote for anything else.


We all know that Kristi is in the upper tier of VP candidates. Some feel that she is Trumps first choice. She could really energize the womens vote big time. And let's say "Over excite" the mens vote for obvious reasons. The left wont have any real "Negative Bullpoop" to throw at Kristi, like they did with Sarah Palin. So what are your opinions on this potential ticket? They wont have any problems filling any major football stadiums, while the Biden ticket will still be filling up high school gymnasiums, right?

I never saw what Palin's problem was supposed to be...?

but then, with dims, the problem is ALWAYS

the person is Republican

Joe Biden has exceeded my every expectation.

Could he have done better? Well of course, nobody is perfect. But he is so much more than the "not tRump" I voted for.
WOW, you must have set the bar at an all-time low! It's sort of like his approval ratings today!


Some 60% of registered voters polled by NBC disapprove of Biden's performance, down from NBC polling in November that had the president at 57% disapproving.

While Biden’s approval rating has gone down, NBC’s findings are mostly consistent with other recent polls.

Biden’s average approval rating sits at 39% as of Saturday, according to a FiveThirtyEight average of polls.
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We all know that Kristi is in the upper tier of VP candidates. Some feel that she is Trumps first choice. She could really energize the womens vote big time. And let's say "Over excite" the mens vote for obvious reasons. The left wont have any real "Negative Bullpoop" to throw at Kristi, like they did with Sarah Palin. So what are your opinions on this potential ticket? They wont have any problems filling any major football stadiums, while the Biden ticket will still be filling up high school gymnasiums, right?

Biden/Taylor Swift

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