And you want $15 an hour?

And inflation would decrease the spending power as prices would rise to keep up with costs.

Simple concept that lefties cannot understand.

The concept Is easy to grasp. But it isn't based in fact. It is an oversimplification at best. We have seen time and time again that raising the minimum wage does not lead to runaway....or even walkaway....inflation.

Please......refrain from relying on simple concepts that seem to make sense.....and stick to data that does make sense.


When was the last time we doubled the minimum wage?

Oh yeah, never before. You are naive in the extreme.
Employees, no matter income, make all the money for the company.


Sorry chuckles, it's fact. Planning and directing is a bosses ONLY job.

No, it's nonsense. Your ignorant insistence that it isn't doesn't change anything. I go to McDonald's for the French fries, not the service. I go to Home Depot for the tools and supplies, not the people, I go to the movies for the show, not the ticket taker.
The thing that makes me laugh ultimately is that all of the politicians know that this is a stupid idea. Even the Democrat politicians. But they must appeal to their ignorant base so they make it appear that they support increasing the MW to $15/hour when they really have no intention of letting that happen.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's naive at best, and economic suicide at worst.

Let's see how many brains cells you have.

What is the net costs for $15.00/hr.

Simple concept that lefties cannot understand.

The concept Is easy to grasp. But it isn't based in fact. It is an oversimplification at best. We have seen time and time again that raising the minimum wage does not lead to runaway....or even walkaway....inflation.

Please......refrain from relying on simple concepts that seem to make sense.....and stick to data that does make sense.


When was the last time we doubled the minimum wage?

Oh yeah, never before. You are naive in the extreme.

Now "doubling the wage" is what we are discussing? Your comments only apply to doubling the wage? Is that a fact?

What is your take on raising it to $10? $12? Will those cause rampant inflation too?

Please.......let's not play this game in every thread.
The thing that makes me laugh ultimately is that all of the politicians know that this is a stupid idea. Even the Democrat politicians. But they must appeal to their ignorant base so they make it appear that they support increasing the MW to $15/hour when they really have no intention of letting that happen.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's naive at best, and economic suicide at worst.
No, everyone doesn't know it's a stupid idea.

In a perfectly competitive market, anything that raises the wage above a level at which the supply of workers equals the demand for them will create unemployment. But a perfectly competitive labor market requires that neither workers nor firms have bargaining power; that everyone has all the necessary information; that workers are a commodity, rather than different people with different skills and a need to be motivated; and that there are no frictions preventing supply from matching demand. In a survey of 40 leading economists including both prominent liberals and conservatives, only about a third agreed that raising the minimum wage would make it harder for low-skilled workers to find employment.

When economists have analyzed the data, many have found few, if any, negative effects of a minimum wage on employment. This has shifted some of the thinking in the profession — and pointed to flaws in a perfectly competitive model.

Paying workers more often leads them to feel better about their work and reduces stress, both of which increase productivity. And when workers produce more, employers’ labor costs fall. Companies such as Costco have figured this out, and voluntarily pay higher wages. Other firms may not care whether they pay less and get less from their workers, or pay more and get more.

Five myths about the minimum wage - The Washington Post

You totally missed the point of my post. I'm not saying they won't be employed. They know it's a stupid idea because of the economic chaos it will create and ultimately it will do the mw earners no good at all.
I doubt economic chaos will descend upon Seattle. Large companies will have 3 years to raise pay, 4 years if they offer insurance which most do. Smaller businesses will have 7 years.

Keep in mind this law has been passed by the city council and can easily be changed and I suspect it will. I think an increase in minimum wage is certainly overdue, but $15 may be a bit high.

What critics of minimum wage don't take into account is that businesses have a number of options in addition to raising prices and reducing staff to deal with higher labor costs. Usually it's a combination of cost reductions and increases in revenue.
The concept Is easy to grasp. But it isn't based in fact. It is an oversimplification at best. We have seen time and time again that raising the minimum wage does not lead to runaway....or even walkaway....inflation.

Please......refrain from relying on simple concepts that seem to make sense.....and stick to data that does make sense.


When was the last time we doubled the minimum wage?

Oh yeah, never before. You are naive in the extreme.

Now "doubling the wage" is what we are discussing? Your comments only apply to doubling the wage? Is that a fact?

What is your take on raising it to $10? $12? Will those cause rampant inflation too?

Please.......let's not play this game in every thread.

Since you can't keep track of a discussion you are involved in, let me assist you:

YOU claimed that there is no evidence that raising the MW has led to inflation. Now ignoring the very real fact and logic that says "absence of proof is not proof if absence", I must instead point out that doubling the MW will quite necessarily increase inflation. Do you understand yet? Small increases maybe won't, but a doubling will. If you cannot understand that then you can't be helped.
When was the last time we doubled the minimum wage?

Oh yeah, never before. You are naive in the extreme.

Now "doubling the wage" is what we are discussing? Your comments only apply to doubling the wage? Is that a fact?

What is your take on raising it to $10? $12? Will those cause rampant inflation too?

Please.......let's not play this game in every thread.

Since you can't keep track of a discussion you are involved in, let me assist you:

YOU claimed that there is no evidence that raising the MW has led to inflation. Now ignoring the very real fact and logic that says "absence of proof is not proof if absence", I must instead point out that doubling the MW will quite necessarily increase inflation. Do you understand yet? Small increases maybe won't, but a doubling will. If you cannot understand that then you can't be helped.

Somebody isn't very good at math, or doesn't know what the MW is in Washington state right now. This isn't a "double" of anything.
Now "doubling the wage" is what we are discussing? Your comments only apply to doubling the wage? Is that a fact?

What is your take on raising it to $10? $12? Will those cause rampant inflation too?

Please.......let's not play this game in every thread.

Since you can't keep track of a discussion you are involved in, let me assist you:

YOU claimed that there is no evidence that raising the MW has led to inflation. Now ignoring the very real fact and logic that says "absence of proof is not proof if absence", I must instead point out that doubling the MW will quite necessarily increase inflation. Do you understand yet? Small increases maybe won't, but a doubling will. If you cannot understand that then you can't be helped.

Somebody isn't very good at math, or doesn't know what the MW is in Washington state right now. This isn't a "double" of anything.

In most of the country, it's $7.50 an hour or something like that. That is double.
The rich, bankers, wallstreet, corporations, republicans fucked this nation up. Drove up inflation. Now the Clippers are worth $2 billion? The value of the dollar is for shit, but the rich will be just fine. Its the middle class and poor that are getting fucked in GOPanomics. But people keep voting em in so you get what you deserve you stupid bastards. Most of you won't even go vote. It's a midterm. You fucking idiots only vote every 4 years that's a fucking fact. Sheep. Tea bagging yourselves. What did we tell you if you gave the corporations all the tax breaks and let them ship all the jobs overseas it was going to fuck us. All you have to say to that is "Clinton signed NAFTA". Yea, but what did Bush/Chaney do to it after they stole the 2000 election. Started wars, implemented all their bad policies, bankrupted the country and the Senate is going to go back to them? Fools!
Exactly. America has become unfriendly toward manufacturing and predictably they are leaving (see: Detroit). Maybe we should raise wages ... that'll make 'em stay. :lol:
BTW, I don't recall any US gov't subsidies being paid to companies to move overseas and I've been in biz since the early 1970s. Please support your claims.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch

With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?
No, once you eliminate the tax loopholes and cut the rate, the effective rate would be slightly less than what it is now.
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If the minimum wage is raised, that expense is not willingly being raised.

The fact that it's a write off is not a justifiable reason to raise minimum wage either.

No, but it will help smooth the rankled feathers of Mr. Businessman.

No it won't.

Lets say you have 100 employees making 10 an hour making your payroll 160K a month. MW is raised to the proposed 15 an hour your payroll is now 240K a month.

But hey no big deal right you get to write off the additional 80K right?

But how much is that write off actually worth?

If you are in the 28% bracket the write off is worth 22,400 so you still show a loss over the previous month of 57,600

This assumes of course that none of your suppliers raised their prices to cover the increase in their payrolls.

So you see write offs don't smooth any ruffled feathers because all other things being equal a larger write off still means higher expenses and therefore less profit.
The fact that it's a write off is not a justifiable reason to raise minimum wage either.

No, but it will help smooth the rankled feathers of Mr. Businessman.

No it won't.

Lets say you have 100 employees making 10 an hour making your payroll 160K a month. MW is raised to the proposed 15 an hour your payroll is now 240K a month.

But hey no big deal right you get to write off the additional 80K right?

But how much is that write off actually worth?

If you are in the 28% bracket the write off is worth 22,400 so you still show a loss over the previous month of 57,600

This assumes of course that none of your suppliers raised their prices to cover the increase in their payrolls.

So you see write offs don't smooth any ruffled feathers because all other things being equal a larger write off still means higher expenses and therefore less profit.
Your post is a gross exaggeration. The average pay in Seattle is over $50,000/yr, $25/hr.
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No, but it will help smooth the rankled feathers of Mr. Businessman.

No it won't.

Lets say you have 100 employees making 10 an hour making your payroll 160K a month. MW is raised to the proposed 15 an hour your payroll is now 240K a month.

But hey no big deal right you get to write off the additional 80K right?

But how much is that write off actually worth?

If you are in the 28% bracket the write off is worth 22,400 so you still show a loss over the previous month of 57,600

This assumes of course that none of your suppliers raised their prices to cover the increase in their payrolls.

So you see write offs don't smooth any ruffled feathers because all other things being equal a larger write off still means higher expenses and therefore less profit.
Your post is a gross exaggeration. The average pay in Seattle is over $50,000/yr, $25/hr.

Where did I say this hypothetical example was supposed to reflect Seattle?

It's an example of how a write off still means a loss.
The rich, bankers, wallstreet, corporations, republicans fucked this nation up. Drove up inflation. Now the Clippers are worth $2 billion? The value of the dollar is for shit, but the rich will be just fine. Its the middle class and poor that are getting fucked in GOPanomics. But people keep voting em in so you get what you deserve you stupid bastards. Most of you won't even go vote. It's a midterm. You fucking idiots only vote every 4 years that's a fucking fact. Sheep. Tea bagging yourselves. What did we tell you if you gave the corporations all the tax breaks and let them ship all the jobs overseas it was going to fuck us. All you have to say to that is "Clinton signed NAFTA". Yea, but what did Bush/Chaney do to it after they stole the 2000 election. Started wars, implemented all their bad policies, bankrupted the country and the Senate is going to go back to them? Fools!

Psssst! Hey you! Come here. Closer, I need to tell you something:

The democrats are in charge.
Happy is the business that has no employees; only robots (vending machines). Machines aren't subject to minimum wage, Obamatax, unionization or pregnancy leave. But I'm sure Obama has dreams.....more dreams....

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