And you want $15 an hour?

The thing that makes me laugh ultimately is that all of the politicians know that this is a stupid idea. Even the Democrat politicians. But they must appeal to their ignorant base so they make it appear that they support increasing the MW to $15/hour when they really have no intention of letting that happen.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's naive at best, and economic suicide at worst.

Let's see how many brains cells you have.

What is the net costs for $15.00/hr.


Only irrelevant to those that wish to deceive.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Use vending machines, and if enough people use them, they will put honest people out of a job.
In response to something said earlier, locally there are two supermarkets sans scanners. One never installed any. The other removed them several months ago. They had a limited size "front end" and had displaced two actual checkouts to install the gadgets. Said gadgets had to have one person attending at all times so only one job was saved and enough people refused to use the machines that the lines at the remaining checkouts were so long people were regularly abandoning full carts and going elsewhere. That leaves about five stores that still have them and, in one of the five, people do seem to use them. Oddly, it's the store with the most exotic merchandise and highest prices.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch

With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?
No, once you eliminate the tax loopholes and cut the rate, the effective rate would be slightly less than what it is now.

Basic business deductions on a 15% tax rate would bring the effective tax rate to zero.
Reagan 'raised the effective rate'?

I've posted links for you before in other threads, apparently being the smart guy you are, failed to follow the links or you have poor reading comprehension.

He cut the tax rates, closed deductions and raised the effective rate. If I thought it would help I'd post the links again. However, with a partisan pretender such as yourself, it would be a waste of my time.

Reagan raised taxes directly on the middle class eleven times, while cutting taxes for the rich.

A surface reader, now you know why I know you are not a 1%er. Better luck next time. Reagan eliminated many tax deductions. Maybe you should try harder than just being a partisan nut job.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.
With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?
No, once you eliminate the tax loopholes and cut the rate, the effective rate would be slightly less than what it is now.

Basic business deductions on a 15% tax rate would bring the effective tax rate to zero.

If you eliminate many deductions and loopholes, like Reagan did, the effective tax rate would go up, just as it did under Reagan.
Happy is the business that has no employees; only robots (vending machines). Machines aren't subject to minimum wage, Obamatax, unionization or pregnancy leave. But I'm sure Obama has dreams.....more dreams....

I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.

He's Canadian, they only have french shit up there.
Happy is the business that has no employees; only robots (vending machines). Machines aren't subject to minimum wage, Obamatax, unionization or pregnancy leave. But I'm sure Obama has dreams.....more dreams....

I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.

He's Canadian, they only have french shit up there.

Still jealous that The Canadian Dollar is rising whilst The Obamabuck is tanking?
I've posted links for you before in other threads, apparently being the smart guy you are, failed to follow the links or you have poor reading comprehension.

He cut the tax rates, closed deductions and raised the effective rate. If I thought it would help I'd post the links again. However, with a partisan pretender such as yourself, it would be a waste of my time.

Reagan raised taxes directly on the middle class eleven times, while cutting taxes for the rich.

A surface reader, now you know why I know you are not a 1%er. Better luck next time. Reagan eliminated many tax deductions. Maybe you should try harder than just being a partisan nut job.

Which tax deductions?
Reagan raised taxes directly on the middle class eleven times, while cutting taxes for the rich.

A surface reader, now you know why I know you are not a 1%er. Better luck next time. Reagan eliminated many tax deductions. Maybe you should try harder than just being a partisan nut job.

Which tax deductions?

Look it up yourself, I took you there a long time ago, you are lazy, you don't want to look for facts. It took me all of 10 seconds to find the links.

It happened in 1986, you do your homework.
A surface reader, now you know why I know you are not a 1%er. Better luck next time. Reagan eliminated many tax deductions. Maybe you should try harder than just being a partisan nut job.

Which tax deductions?

Look it up yourself, I took you there a long time ago, you are lazy, you don't want to look for facts. It took me all of 10 seconds to find the links.

It happened in 1986, you do your homework.

Why are you asking the guy to look it up? You seem to know the answer. Just answer the question.
Not to mention that wages are tax deductible items for a business.

It's still an expense and no business owner willingly increases expenses simply for a tax write off.

So you're writing that a business owner wouldn't increase expenses for the betterment of his/her company?

Only if that expense increases profit

One does not incur an expense solely for a write off.

I would think that's obvious
Your post is a gross exaggeration. The average pay in Seattle is over $50,000/yr, $25/hr.

Where did I say this hypothetical example was supposed to reflect Seattle?

It's an example of how a write off still means a loss.
Since the topic is a minimum wage increase in Seattle and you didn't say it was a hypothetical example to show how to write off a wage expense, I though it was suppose to be applicable to the topic.

it was a response to another post saying that because an expense is a write off that business owners should be OK with it

It was an illustration of how a write off is not a big of a benefit as some of you people think it is

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