And you want $15 an hour?

It's still an expense and no business owner willingly increases expenses simply for a tax write off.

So you're writing that a business owner wouldn't increase expenses for the betterment of his/her company?

Only if that expense increases profit

One does not incur an expense solely for a write off.

I would think that's obvious

Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?
I love the self check outs. I am faster than any cashier and I pack my groceries better than any bag boy.

I hate them. I prefer to wait a little longer to be served by an actual human being.

Yeah that takes twice as long as I do to scan bar codes and then I usually have to re pack everything as I put it in my car.

Sorry but I have better things to do than wait around for menial tasks to get done

Thank you Leona Helmsley!
No, it's nonsense. Your ignorant insistence that it isn't doesn't change anything. I go to McDonald's for the French fries, not the service. I go to Home Depot for the tools and supplies, not the people, I go to the movies for the show, not the ticket taker.

Who cares why you go there. The employees at McDonalds, Home Depot, and the movies make all the money for the company.

That is just a stupid thing to say. But hey, explains why you are a democrat I guess.

I'm a rich registered Republican white guy who doesn't hate the middle class or poor.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.
I haven see a grocery store in years that didn't have them.

None of the Publix grocery stores here in Orlando have them that I'm aware of. I wish they did.

So you can pay for the privilege of checking and bagging your own groceries? You're nothing but a cheap fuck that hasn't figured out that the mark-up on each item has checking and bagging included. Self check out is nothing more than increasing the profits for the store which will NEVER be passed on to the consumer.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Use vending machines, and if enough people use them, they will put honest people out of a job.

You are far from honest if you think you deserve a doubling if your salary for nothing.

Making all of the money for a company is NOTHING?
Increased middle class spending is somehow bad?

Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?
Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

It doesn't make sense to me because the middle class wasn't the ones making minimum wage. If they said that the spending by the poor would increase then I would believe that.

Minimum wage is the base for all salaries. So now it 'should' make sense.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

I'm not. I don't give a shit about them. I'm busy. It's not my problem if they can't get anything but a minimum wage job.

Leona Helmsley, I thought you were dead and in Hell!
Why not ask for the minimum wage to be $25/hour?

Near $25.00/hr

-Raise minimum wage to $23.50/hr. Based on where minimum wage should be using 1970-2013 rise in food, shelter, and transportation.

-Eliminate all business subsidies (deductions/write-off’s/write-downs) except for employee expenses which are deducted dollar-for-dollar on all city, state, and Federal taxes and fees.

-Adjust Social Security and private/public retirement and pension payments using 1970-2013 price structure.

-Back down ALL costs, prices, fees, to January 1, 2009 levels and hold them for 10 years.

-Recall ALL off-shore investments tax free, and disallow any further off-shore investments.
Where do you come up with this stuff?

A company with $5M annual earnings will have $4.5M in typical deductions @ 100% bring taxable income to $500k. So...

$50k ÷ $5M = 0.01% effective.

In simple terms, Annual Earning (pretax) is taxable income = Revenues - Expenses.
So if you have $5M in annual earnings that is what you will be taxed on. You do not get to deduct your expenses twice.

Not to be picking at straws, but you can't add dollars to dollars and get a percentage.
You are far from honest if you think you deserve a doubling if your salary for nothing.

Making all of the money for a company is NOTHING?

Should a company not try to maximize profits?

It depends how you maximize said profits. I pay twice the rate as my competitors, have a zero contract fail rate, have the highest re-contract rate of my competitors, and will realize a doubling of revenue this year.

Being better than everyone else is how you can maximize profits.
It depends how you maximize said profits. I pay twice the rate as my competitors, have a zero contract fail rate, have the highest re-contract rate of my competitors, and will realize a doubling of revenue this year.
I pay every employee a million dollars a week, have people entering a lottery to try to get a contract with me, and will realize 10x revenue by next Thursday.

See? It is all easy when my company is in FantasyLand like your company is.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.............. If they paid $15 an hour, bet they would get people that wouldn't screw up the orders.
It depends how you maximize said profits. I pay twice the rate as my competitors, have a zero contract fail rate, have the highest re-contract rate of my competitors, and will realize a doubling of revenue this year.
I pay every employee a million dollars a week, have people entering a lottery to try to get a contract with me, and will realize 10x revenue by next Thursday.

See? It is all easy when my company is in FantasyLand like your company is.

Ever read what Bill Gates pays his best people? Paying the best for the best is a tried and true business practice.
Pays "his best people". People who perform well and produce. What does Bill Gates pay people who do menial tasks, show up for work stoned or don't bother to show up at all?

How many goat turds fit in a standard pay envelope these days? Hey, I'm asking an expert here......

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