And you want $15 an hour?

Both employees and employers are effected by turnover. Every time employees leaves, other employees have to cover for them until replacements are found. When new employees are added shifts and work assignments often must change to accommodate the new workers.

For employers, it means time spent interviewing, training, and dealing with personnel problems that result from the change in work and personal dynamics. High turnover means less productivity and the lower the wages the higher the turnover.

I have yet to see a MW wage job that requires much training if any.

MW workers are not paid more because the job the do is worth the least in the business. And a new employee gets the schedule they get there is little accommodation made for a MW employee. If they don't like the hours they get then they can find another job. That's the way it always worked when i was new on a job.

Your point may hold true for higher paid positions but not for MW jobs a they are the least valuable

Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

You can presume to put a price on people I don't.

I can however put a price on how much a task is worth

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is a task that is not worth very much therefore people who perform that task do not earn very much

It really is that simple.
Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?

You have not proven that a wage increase will increase productivity by 100%

These people think they "deserve" double their pay for doing what they are doing not for doing more.

If they thought that they should do more to earn more they wouldn't be working a MW job.

It's not nice to deceive......

The question is: If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?
I have yet to see a MW wage job that requires much training if any.

MW workers are not paid more because the job the do is worth the least in the business. And a new employee gets the schedule they get there is little accommodation made for a MW employee. If they don't like the hours they get then they can find another job. That's the way it always worked when i was new on a job.

Your point may hold true for higher paid positions but not for MW jobs a they are the least valuable

Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

You can presume to put a price on people I don't.

I can however put a price on how much a task is worth

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is a task that is not worth very much therefore people who perform that task do not earn very much

It really is that simple.

Again; You can't answer a simple question, so on to deceiving.....

Answer the question: How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?
If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?

You have not proven that a wage increase will increase productivity by 100%

These people think they "deserve" double their pay for doing what they are doing not for doing more.

If they thought that they should do more to earn more they wouldn't be working a MW job.

It's not nice to deceive......

The question is: If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?

I don't know that an increase in wages will double production and neither do you
Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

You can presume to put a price on people I don't.

I can however put a price on how much a task is worth

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is a task that is not worth very much therefore people who perform that task do not earn very much

It really is that simple.

Again; You can't answer a simple question, so on to deceiving.....

Answer the question: How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

The worth of people is not my concern. it is not my place to put a dollar value on a person.

Now I will say that the people who are only doing MW work in a company aren't the ones responsible for all of the profit.
You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Assume much?

I said my friend OWNS a vet clinic not that he is a vet.

The she/he failed as an owner.
I have yet to see a MW wage job that requires much training if any.

MW workers are not paid more because the job the do is worth the least in the business. And a new employee gets the schedule they get there is little accommodation made for a MW employee. If they don't like the hours they get then they can find another job. That's the way it always worked when i was new on a job.

Your point may hold true for higher paid positions but not for MW jobs a they are the least valuable

Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

You can presume to put a price on people I don't.

I can however put a price on how much a task is worth

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is a task that is not worth very much therefore people who perform that task do not earn very much

It really is that simple.

I didn't start the worth argument, I'm ending it.
Sounds like an underfunded business.

You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Why are you assuming that this vet business is having problems. Is it because the rate of return on a x-Ray machine does not justify buying one for this particular business. This is the type of decisions businesses make all the time. Sometimes a major capital expense is justified, sometimes it is not. This does not mean that the business is in trouble.
You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Why are you assuming that this vet business is having problems. Is it because the rate of return on a x-Ray machine does not justify buying one for this particular business. This is the type of decisions businesses make all the time. Sometimes a major capital expense is justified, sometimes it is not. This does not mean that the business is in trouble.

They are in trouble. They can't provide timely service to their customers by farming out.
I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Assume much?

I said my friend OWNS a vet clinic not that he is a vet.

The she/he failed as an owner.

Pray tell oh business sage how do you know that?

I didn't speak of any problems I merely outlined the decision making process of buying an expensive piece of equipment.

The fact that you can't see that reinforces my assertion that you don't know shit about business.
I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Assume much?

I said my friend OWNS a vet clinic not that he is a vet.

The she/he failed as an owner.

You are a dumb shit. Because a person decides not to buy a piece of equipment for their business because it is not cost effective, they fail as an owner?

So you don't outsource anything in your pretend business? Not an attorney, not a printer, not an accountant, not a single out sourced business or person, you are entirely self sustained?

You lie so much, I find it tough to keep up with them all, do you?
Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

I'm not. I don't give a shit about them. I'm busy. It's not my problem if they can't get anything but a minimum wage job.

You talk on your phone all the time don't you? You don't actually socialize with anyone around you anymore, do you?

One thing I can say is that you are consistent. You are wrong but consistently wrong.
I haven see a grocery store in years that didn't have them.

None of the Publix grocery stores here in Orlando have them that I'm aware of. I wish they did.

So you can pay for the privilege of checking and bagging your own groceries? You're nothing but a cheap fuck that hasn't figured out that the mark-up on each item has checking and bagging included. Self check out is nothing more than increasing the profits for the store which will NEVER be passed on to the consumer.

I don't give a shit. My time is money and saving time is saving money. Publix has better quality than any other grocery store in my area. I've paid slightly more for the quality. I'll pay slightly more for the convenience too. That is if I accepted your twisted logic as fact.
Increased middle class spending is somehow bad?

Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

It's only illogical if you can show an increase in savings by the middle class. Good luck with that.

You are so confused. I can't tell if you agree with me or not. I'm not trying to make sense of it, I'm saying it makes no sense.
Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

It doesn't make sense to me because the middle class wasn't the ones making minimum wage. If they said that the spending by the poor would increase then I would believe that.

Minimum wage is the base for all salaries. So now it 'should' make sense.

Ok so now you goofballs agree that increasing the MW increases all salaries? Good. You are getting closer to understanding what a stupid ideat it is to increase the MW that much. Keep thinking but watch out you don't hurt yourselves.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.............. If they paid $15 an hour, bet they would get people that wouldn't screw up the orders.

No they wouldn't. You lefties don't even understand your own ideas. You would have the same idiots working there, but now making twice what they made before. Why? Because its the MINIMUM WAGE.
Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?

You have not proven that a wage increase will increase productivity by 100%

These people think they "deserve" double their pay for doing what they are doing not for doing more.

If they thought that they should do more to earn more they wouldn't be working a MW job.

A simple concept that the proponents of this stupid idea cannot grasp.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.............. If they paid $15 an hour, bet they would get people that wouldn't screw up the orders.

And this would leave their current help unemployed.

Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.

They are fucking up a simple order because they are stupid, or lazy, or don't give a shit. Paying them more without them earning it won't correct any of those problems.
Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?

You can presume to put a price on people I don't.

I can however put a price on how much a task is worth

Pushing a button and scanning a bar code is a task that is not worth very much therefore people who perform that task do not earn very much

It really is that simple.

I didn't start the worth argument, I'm ending it.

No you confused the worth of a person with the worth of a task.

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