And you want $15 an hour?

Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
If you pay more than minimum wage you can demand more from your employees because you have the option of replacing them with more capable people. Costco, Trader Joes, and a number of other companies have learned this.

People that are living on starvation wages rarely make good employees. The results are high turnover and poor employee moral.

Those people need to step up and take control of there own lives. This blame the employer mentality needs to stop. If a person gets a job and works his ass off he will not stay at minimum wage for long. Gosh darn, show a little bit of ambition. When hired for a job to begin with, ask about opportunities for advancement and the steps needed to advance. If the people on "starvation wages" are not good employees it is there own damn fault and that's why the stay on those starvation wages. They are lucky to have a job at all it they live by the mentality of doing as little as possible to get by on the job.

Most jobs pay more than min wage! People who go out and prove themselves will get those jobs.

Employers that pay 'starvation wages' ARE the problem.
People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive. "

There may be some truth to this statement. One must get training and find a way to stick it to their employers in search of a better job. One cannot afford a vehicle, to feed themselves, or pay the utilities on a MW job. It isn't possible. So, go out, get a college education, and then walk out with notice once you have secured a better job. Then you are sticking it to your employer a little. Feels great.

I disagree with the can't feed yourself crap and it's never wise to burn bridges.
The ability of the employees to provide for themselves and their family may not be the responsibility of the employer, but it certainly effects productivity in the workplace which is the employer's responsible.

People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive.
I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone who was satisfied with living in poverty.

If you are working at a place and you are still making MW after a year then you are obviously satisfied with the wage.
The ability of the employees to provide for themselves and their family may not be the responsibility of the employer, but it certainly effects productivity in the workplace which is the employer's responsible.

People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive.
I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone who was satisfied with living in poverty.

You should get around more. The person who has a family to support and is working for minimum wage is satisfied. He isn't satisfied with the money he's making for sure, but he doesn't want to try to get a better job, he wants to force his employer to pay him more. He's satisfied with his work, his effort, and his motivation, just not with his pay.
Those people need to step up and take control of there own lives.
And that is a conservative's stock answer for all social problems. Take control of your life and take responsibility. What never seems to dawn on conservatives is the inability of many poor people to do just that, which is why their lives are in such a wreck. A descent MW will not solve all the problems of the poor but it will open avenues for many to improve their lives and the lives of their families. When that happens, we all benefit.

We understand that perfectly well, we just don't see how their poor life choices are the responsibility of the employer or the taxpayer. We also understand that starvation can be quite a motivator. Take the danger if starvation away and you have parasites living off of others.
The liberal's stock answer to all social problems? Give 'em handouts. BIG handouts. Fancy handouts. Free Cell phones! ATM cards to trade for booze or drugs. More! Free! So long as they agree to vote the liberal way. Even if they're illegals. No. Especially if they're illegals.
You seem to be well versed in right wing propaganda.

Maybe according to you, but how is he wrong?
Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
If you pay more than minimum wage you can demand more from your employees because you have the option of replacing them with more capable people. Costco, Trader Joes, and a number of other companies have learned this.

People that are living on starvation wages rarely make good employees. The results are high turnover and poor employee moral.

And those that are night capable of meeting the higher demands get fired!
The she/he failed as an owner.

Pray tell oh business sage how do you know that?

I didn't speak of any problems I merely outlined the decision making process of buying an expensive piece of equipment.

The fact that you can't see that reinforces my assertion that you don't know shit about business.

It's a business decision fail. Why farm stuff out when you can BE the farm? An equipment lease for $100k is about $3K/month. One could create enough business by accepting outside business to pay the lease and offer customers full service.

Any first year econ student knows that the most efficient method of delivering goods and services to market is the indirect method. You just failed out ... again.
Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
If you pay more than minimum wage you can demand more from your employees because you have the option of replacing them with more capable people. Costco, Trader Joes, and a number of other companies have learned this.

People that are living on starvation wages rarely make good employees. The results are high turnover and poor employee moral.

And when you OWN the company you can follow the Costco model. As for Walmart, it is THEIR decision to determine the worth and wages - at or above the gov't mandated minimum - of THEIR employees ... not mine and certainly not YOURS.
I don't disagree with your statement that MW jobs don't require much training. However, I have to take issue with your statement that minimum wage jobs are the least valuable. Paying only enough to support a miserable life style certainly sends that message to the employee. The employer pays as little as possible and the employee does as little work as possible. A recipe that benefits neither employee or employer. For small businesses, the quality of those low paid workers often make the difference between success and failure and you don't get good workers paying starvation wages.

The lifestyle of an employee is not the problem of the employer.

The job is the job and the pay is based on the value of the task not the person doing it. If a person wants to make more then it is his responsibility to learn how to do a task that is worth more.
The ability of the employees to provide for themselves and their family may not be the responsibility of the employer, but it certainly effects productivity in the workplace which is the employer's responsible.

Again, that is a decision to be made by THOSE WHO OWN THE COMPANY in question. It takes a special kind of chutzpah to dictate to others how they must run THEIR company.
As it turns out, Walmart is somewhat successful at running theirs without your input. Ever wonder why? :D
People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive. "

There may be some truth to this statement. One must get training and find a way to stick it to their employers in search of a better job. One cannot afford a vehicle, to feed themselves, or pay the utilities on a MW job. It isn't possible. So, go out, get a college education, and then walk out with notice once you have secured a better job. Then you are sticking it to your employer a little. Feels great.

If that's the motivation necessary to jumpstart one's ambition - to get some skills and sell them to the highest bidder in the job market - then I'm all for it.
I, for one, look back in gratitude toward those who helped me grow my skills ... even as a min wager (a wage I earned for a very short time).
Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
If you pay more than minimum wage you can demand more from your employees because you have the option of replacing them with more capable people. Costco, Trader Joes, and a number of other companies have learned this.

People that are living on starvation wages rarely make good employees. The results are high turnover and poor employee moral.

And when you OWN the company you can follow the Costco model. As for Walmart, it is THEIR decision to determine the worth and wages - at or above the gov't mandated minimum - of THEIR employees ... not mine and certainly not YOURS.

Most Walmart employees make more than minimum, yet people still claim that Walmart does not pay enough. When a new Walmart opens they have an abundance of applicants to fill the positions, yet people claim that Walmart does not pay enough. Walmart provides opportunities for advancement, yet people complain that those that don't advance for whatever reasons don't earn enough. Walmart seems to be doing just fine with there current business model.
People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive. "

There may be some truth to this statement. One must get training and find a way to stick it to their employers in search of a better job. One cannot afford a vehicle, to feed themselves, or pay the utilities on a MW job. It isn't possible. So, go out, get a college education, and then walk out with notice once you have secured a better job. Then you are sticking it to your employer a little. Feels great.

Sometimes the employers will help the employees seeking higher education stick it to 'em.


My employer paid for my MBA.
People who are satisfied with a MW job will never be overly productive.
I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone who was satisfied with living in poverty.

If you are working at a place and you are still making MW after a year then you are obviously satisfied with the wage.
Or there are no jobs you qualify for that:
are in commuting distance of your home
are hiring ex-cons
are willing to adjust your schedule so you can be home to take care to the kids
don't conflict with your other job

People don't work in MW jobs because like being poor and treated like scum but rather because they can't find a better job.
I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone who was satisfied with living in poverty.

If you are working at a place and you are still making MW after a year then you are obviously satisfied with the wage.
People don't work in MW jobs because like being poor and treated like scum but rather because they can't find a better job.

Generally because their skills are only worth min wage (or less) to their employer or that is as much as the job can pay. That's why they are called "entry level" or "low skill" jobs.
BTW, not all peeps treat min wagers like scum. Do you?
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Pray tell oh business sage how do you know that?

I didn't speak of any problems I merely outlined the decision making process of buying an expensive piece of equipment.

The fact that you can't see that reinforces my assertion that you don't know shit about business.

It's a business decision fail. Why farm stuff out when you can BE the farm? An equipment lease for $100k is about $3K/month. One could create enough business by accepting outside business to pay the lease and offer customers full service.

Any first year econ student knows that the most efficient method of delivering goods and services to market is the indirect method. You just failed out ... again.

What the hell are you writing about, and why would you use an import/export model?
Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
If you pay more than minimum wage you can demand more from your employees because you have the option of replacing them with more capable people. Costco, Trader Joes, and a number of other companies have learned this.

People that are living on starvation wages rarely make good employees. The results are high turnover and poor employee moral.

And when you OWN the company you can follow the Costco model. As for Walmart, it is THEIR decision to determine the worth and wages - at or above the gov't mandated minimum - of THEIR employees ... not mine and certainly not YOURS.

So it's OK for a company to collect tens of billions in taxpayer paid subsidies then pay so little that their employees can qualify for welfare?
If you are working at a place and you are still making MW after a year then you are obviously satisfied with the wage.
People don't work in MW jobs because like being poor and treated like scum but rather because they can't find a better job.

Generally because their skills are only worth min wage (or less) to their employer or that is as much as the job can pay. That's why they are called "entry level" or "low skill" jobs.
BTW, not all peeps treat min wagers like scum. Do you?
Retail stores don't determine the value of sales clerks or counter workers. That's determined by the market for labor and minimum wage laws. Most employers pay the lowest wage possible wage to low skill workers. If the minimum wage is $4, $8, $12, or $15, they will pay it because they must have the people to operate the business.

Every affected business will cover the additional cost differently. Some will increase prices, other will cut some employees that aren't really necessary, and still others will cut other costs or reduce profit margins.

Most economists are in agreement that increases in the minimum wage has little effect on the overall economy. This is because there are both positive and negative effects on the economy. Higher wages can result in higher prices which is bad but higher wages also increase sales because it puts more money in the hands of the poor. Higher wages can cause some job lost for marginal workers resulting in more government assistance but higher wages can also push some people off government assistance. Higher wages makes getting a job more attractive but it also creates more completion for low skilled jobs.
I wouldn't know. I've never met anyone who was satisfied with living in poverty.

If you are working at a place and you are still making MW after a year then you are obviously satisfied with the wage.
Or there are no jobs you qualify for that:
are in commuting distance of your home
are hiring ex-cons
are willing to adjust your schedule so you can be home to take care to the kids
don't conflict with your other job

People don't work in MW jobs because like being poor and treated like scum but rather because they can't find a better job.

No it's because they won't do what it takes to find a better job.

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