And you want $15 an hour?

Pays "his best people". People who perform well and produce. What does Bill Gates pay people who do menial tasks, show up for work stoned or don't bother to show up at all?

How many goat turds fit in a standard pay envelope these days? Hey, I'm asking an expert here......

Great Canadian minds; HBH, Ted Cruz, and Justin Bieber!
Pays "his best people". People who perform well and produce. What does Bill Gates pay people who do menial tasks, show up for work stoned or don't bother to show up at all?

How many goat turds fit in a standard pay envelope these days? Hey, I'm asking an expert here......

Great Canadian minds; HBH, Ted Cruz, and Justin Bieber!

Fixate much, eh?
So you're writing that a business owner wouldn't increase expenses for the betterment of his/her company?

Only if that expense increases profit

One does not incur an expense solely for a write off.

I would think that's obvious

Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?


You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.
Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

If you are currently selling 100 widgets per month, wages increase, and now you're selling 200 widgets per month, how much is the unit price increase to compensate for the net increase in wages?

You have not proven that a wage increase will increase productivity by 100%

These people think they "deserve" double their pay for doing what they are doing not for doing more.

If they thought that they should do more to earn more they wouldn't be working a MW job.
Went to McDonald's for lunch today. No protesters to be seen btw. I ordered a number 7 meal, large with a Diet Coke and a Happy Meal cheeseburger for a girl. Thinking that I also wanted a small mcnuggets, I asked what sizes that they come in. The lady said 4, 6, and 10. "I'll take a 4 piece please."

I get my order and she hands me two large drink cups. Then she asks me what drink I wanted with my happy meal. I didn't know what to say since she was just going to give me an empty cup for me to fill.

At this point, voices in my head should have told me to check my order, but the voices failed. When I got back home they didnt give me my 4 piece but instead put the four piece in the happy meal and the child didnt get her cheeseburger. Practically the entire order was screwed up.

How does anyone deserve to double their salary when they perform their job so badly? It's nonsense.

Hmmmmmmmmmm.............. If they paid $15 an hour, bet they would get people that wouldn't screw up the orders.

And this would leave their current help unemployed.

Simply paying the people more that are currently at minimum wage will not necessary make them better employees.
I haven see a grocery store in years that didn't have them.

None of the Publix grocery stores here in Orlando have them that I'm aware of. I wish they did.

So you can pay for the privilege of checking and bagging your own groceries? You're nothing but a cheap fuck that hasn't figured out that the mark-up on each item has checking and bagging included. Self check out is nothing more than increasing the profits for the store which will NEVER be passed on to the consumer.

I self bag because it is quicker and easier than waiting in a check out line. The store can make what they want to make and I can either buy there or go down the street.
Making all of the money for a company is NOTHING?

Should a company not try to maximize profits?

It depends how you maximize said profits. I pay twice the rate as my competitors, have a zero contract fail rate, have the highest re-contract rate of my competitors, and will realize a doubling of revenue this year.

Being better than everyone else is how you can maximize profits.

You are so clueless, you earlier stated that every company has customer service failure and now you claim zero. Do you ever get confused by all your lies?
Only if that expense increases profit

One does not incur an expense solely for a write off.

I would think that's obvious

Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?


You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.
Paying people a living wage has many benefits for the employer. For proof, you need only look at Costco.

Low wages set up a vicious cycle of high turnover and low productivity. Workers can’t make ends meet and will readily quit for 5 or 10 cents more an hour in a job somewhere else. Even when they stay, paltry wages and bad working conditions create little incentive to put out extra effort. Employers respond by investing little in training, sticking with outmoded work systems and offering few, if any benefits. So the cycle repeats itself.

Paying better wages goes a long way toward solving these problems. Turnover declines, employees show up for work and actually want to work and retention improves. Employers invest in training and new technology because they know their workers will stick around for the long haul. Promoting from within becomes an attractive option because workers have acquired firm-specific knowledge.
So you can pay for the privilege of checking and bagging your own groceries? You're nothing but a cheap fuck that hasn't figured out that the mark-up on each item has checking and bagging included.
Moron with Pretend-Fantasyland-Company-He-Runs-And-Gets-Caught-In-Conflicting-Lies-About,

It has nothing to do with price, has to do with speed. The register lines usually all have a wait, but the two islands with four self checkout stations each almost always have open ones. The price is the same regardless of which checkout method I use, so I'll use the quicker one while you stupidly stand in line dreaming up more transparent lies to tell about your Walter Mitty life.
Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?


You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.
Paying people a living wage has many benefits for the employer. For proof, you need only look at Costco.

Low wages set up a vicious cycle of high turnover and low productivity.

MW jobs are not really affected by high turn over because there is very little skill needed that's why they are MW jobs.
I hate them. I prefer to wait a little longer to be served by an actual human being.

Yeah that takes twice as long as I do to scan bar codes and then I usually have to re pack everything as I put it in my car.

Sorry but I have better things to do than wait around for menial tasks to get done

Thank you Leona Helmsley!

Yeah because hanging around for 20 minutes doing nothing instead of getting it done in 10 minutes so you can get on with more important things is a bad idea.
Only if that expense increases profit

One does not incur an expense solely for a write off.

I would think that's obvious

Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?


You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.

Sounds like an underfunded business.
Spending for the betterment of the company while reducing tax liability ISN'T GOOD?


You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.

Sounds like an underfunded business.

You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.

Sounds like an underfunded business.

You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems[/QUOTE

You think?

You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.
Paying people a living wage has many benefits for the employer. For proof, you need only look at Costco.

Low wages set up a vicious cycle of high turnover and low productivity.

MW jobs are not really affected by high turn over because there is very little skill needed that's why they are MW jobs.
Both employees and employers are effected by turnover. Every time employees leaves, other employees have to cover for them until replacements are found. When new employees are added shifts and work assignments often must change to accommodate the new workers.

For employers, it means time spent interviewing, training, and dealing with personnel problems that result from the change in work and personal dynamics. High turnover means less productivity and the lower the wages the higher the turnover.
Paying people a living wage has many benefits for the employer. For proof, you need only look at Costco.

Low wages set up a vicious cycle of high turnover and low productivity.

MW jobs are not really affected by high turn over because there is very little skill needed that's why they are MW jobs.
Both employees and employers are effected by turnover. Every time employees leaves, other employees have to cover for them until replacements are found. When new employees are added shifts and work assignments often must change to accommodate the new workers.

For employers, it means time spent interviewing, training, and dealing with personnel problems that result from the change in work and personal dynamics. High turnover means less productivity and the lower the wages the higher the turnover.

I have yet to see a MW wage job that requires much training if any.

MW workers are not paid more because the job the do is worth the least in the business. And a new employee gets the schedule they get there is little accommodation made for a MW employee. If they don't like the hours they get then they can find another job. That's the way it always worked when i was new on a job.

Your point may hold true for higher paid positions but not for MW jobs a they are the least valuable

You haven't shown me anywhere that raising the MW will be better for the company.

And you do not spend money simply for a tax write off.

The the expense incurred does not result in a positive ROI then the expense is not justifiable.

For example I'll use my friend who owns a vet clinic.

Everyone working there and the associate vets want a digital X ray machine.

A 70K investment. A huge write off you say so why not do it?

The facts are that the number of x rays taken in house would have to double and the price would have to go up to cover the costs. And it would not increase the diagnostic efficacy

In short it would cause a loss of income.

But a 50K ultrasound machine would increase revenue because as of now he outsources ultrasounds and people sometimes have to wait days until they can be done, Not only does that compromise the medicine but a lot of revenue walks out the door

In short the ultrasound increases profit.

The write off is NOT the reason to buy it.

Sounds like an underfunded business.

You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.
MW jobs are not really affected by high turn over because there is very little skill needed that's why they are MW jobs.
Both employees and employers are effected by turnover. Every time employees leaves, other employees have to cover for them until replacements are found. When new employees are added shifts and work assignments often must change to accommodate the new workers.

For employers, it means time spent interviewing, training, and dealing with personnel problems that result from the change in work and personal dynamics. High turnover means less productivity and the lower the wages the higher the turnover.

I have yet to see a MW wage job that requires much training if any.

MW workers are not paid more because the job the do is worth the least in the business. And a new employee gets the schedule they get there is little accommodation made for a MW employee. If they don't like the hours they get then they can find another job. That's the way it always worked when i was new on a job.

Your point may hold true for higher paid positions but not for MW jobs a they are the least valuable

Here comes that stupid 'worth' argument again.

How much are the people that make an employer ALL OF THE MONEY, WORTH?
Sounds like an underfunded business.

You know nothing about the veterinary business. Or about small business in general it seems

I don't need to know anything about the Veterinary Business. A business is a business no matter what kind of business.

If you want to start or operate a successful business you need/do three things:

1) Have five years total operating capital.
2) Know who to hire which you can farm out.

OBTW; I'm not at all surprised that the Veterinarian is having business problems. Doctors of the medical kind ARE THE WORST BUSINESS PEOPLE IN THE WORLD!!!! If the good Doctor would have followed step '2', she/he would have hired a great business manager and the problems today wouldn't have occurred.

Assume much?

I said my friend OWNS a vet clinic not that he is a vet.

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