And you want $15 an hour?

I love the self check outs. I am faster than any cashier and I pack my groceries better than any bag boy.

I hate them. I prefer to wait a little longer to be served by an actual human being.

Yeah that takes twice as long as I do to scan bar codes and then I usually have to re pack everything as I put it in my car.

Sorry but I have better things to do than wait around for menial tasks to get done
I'm not a Democrat.

How about supporting your claims. I said please.

1. Yes you are.
2. You've proven yourself to be unable to understand difficult discussions.
3. Your belief in the goodness of raising the minimum wage speaks ill of your untelligence.
4. I'm too lazy to go into a fruitless discussion.

Nice...."untelligence"! That is the funniest thing you have ever said.....and it was a typo! That must suck.

Actually, that was a typo. Funny though.
Lets keep them at 8.10 an hr so they stay below the poverty line so they qualify for gov assistance so we can continue subsidizing McDonalds and all the other bottom paying employers.

No, lets keep them at $8.10 an hour and cut off their go erect assistance so they can either get their asses in gear or starve.
Sorry chuckles, it's fact. Planning and directing is a bosses ONLY job.

No, it's nonsense. Your ignorant insistence that it isn't doesn't change anything. I go to McDonald's for the French fries, not the service. I go to Home Depot for the tools and supplies, not the people, I go to the movies for the show, not the ticket taker.

Who cares why you go there. The employees at McDonalds, Home Depot, and the movies make all the money for the company.

That is just a stupid thing to say. But hey, explains why you are a democrat I guess.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.
I haven see a grocery store in years that didn't have them.

None of the Publix grocery stores here in Orlando have them that I'm aware of. I wish they did.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Use vending machines, and if enough people use them, they will put honest people out of a job.

You are far from honest if you think you deserve a doubling if your salary for nothing.


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Btw, Seattle is in for some major economic trouble. Buncha dumbasses.

Increased middle class spending is somehow bad?

Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.
Increased middle class spending is somehow bad?

Middle class spending has increased due to the increase in minimum wage? That makes no logical sense at all, got a link?

Spending will increase but because prices will necessarily rise to cover the added expenses of employers that additional spending will yield the same value in goods and services as it did before.

What's more those already making the proposed 15 an hour will see their purchasing power decline.

It doesn't make sense to me because the middle class wasn't the ones making minimum wage. If they said that the spending by the poor would increase then I would believe that.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

I'm not. I don't give a shit about them. I'm busy. It's not my problem if they can't get anything but a minimum wage job.
Use vending machines, and if enough people use them, they will put honest people out of a job.
Use tractors and plows, and if enough people use them, they will put honest field laborers out of a job.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.
Guess you're naive enough to believe holding on to more unproductive labor intensive methods is good in the long run for a country, economy, or the workers.
In response to something said earlier, locally there are two supermarkets sans scanners. One never installed any. The other removed them several months ago. They had a limited size "front end" and had displaced two actual checkouts to install the gadgets. Said gadgets had to have one person attending at all times so only one job was saved and enough people refused to use the machines that the lines at the remaining checkouts were so long people were regularly abandoning full carts and going elsewhere. That leaves about five stores that still have them and, in one of the five, people do seem to use them. Oddly, it's the store with the most exotic merchandise and highest prices.
Most Safeway stores now have self checkout stations usually 6 to 9 stations. One employee is committed to the machines. The purpose of the machines is not to replace the cashiers but to provide faster service for people buying small quantities making the supermarkets more competitive with smaller convenience stores.

Self checkout only has been tried in large supermarkets and has not been successful. Checkout is 2 to 5 times slower for large orders and customers satisfaction has been low. However, self checkout for customers with small orders has been successfully and gets high scores from customers. Nobody wants to wait in a long line to buy a gallon of milk and loaf of bread.
I've said this before. You don't want vending machines, don't use them. Our local Albertson's finally did away with their self check out because we patrons wouldn't use them.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

So you would rather put the people who design, build, buy, sell, fix and transport vending machines out of work?
With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?
No. Lowering the tax rate to 15% would not reduce the effective rate to zero. Take at look at the following example of how effective tax rate is calculated for corporations. In the following example it would reduce the effective rate from 30.9% to 16.9% for a taxable income of 5 million. This assumes that all loopholes remain the same which they wouldn't. The 15% is a bit low but I basically agree corporate rates need to come down and some loopholes need to be closed. If done properly, it will increase treasury revenue and bring some businesses and jobs back into the country.

Corporate Tax Table Tax Rate:
First $100,000 10%
$100,001-$500,000 15%
$500,001-$1,000,000 25%
Over $1,000,000 35%

Annual Pre-Tax Earnings = $5,000,000
Total Taxes Paid = ($100,000 *10% + $400,000 * 15% + $1,000,000 * 25% + 35% * 3,500,000) = $1,545,000
Effective Tax Rate = $1,545,000 / $5,000,000 = 30.9%
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No. Lowering the tax rate to 15% would not reduce the effective rate to zero. Take at look at the following example of how effective tax rate is calculated for corporations. In the following example it would reduce the effective rate from 30.9% to 16.9% for a taxable income of 5 million. This assumes that all loopholes remain the same which they wouldn't. The 15% is a bit low but I basically agree corporate rates need to come down and some loopholes need to be closed. If done properly, it will increase treasury revenue and bring some businesses and jobs back into the country.

Corporate Tax Table Tax Rate:
First $100,000 10%
$100,001-$500,000 15%
$500,001-$1,000,000 25%
Over $1,000,000 35%

Annual Pre-Tax Earnings = $5,000,000
Total Taxes Paid = ($100,000 *10% + $400,000 * 15% + $1,000,000 * 25% + 35% * 3,500,000) = $1,545,000
Effective Tax Rate = $1,545,000 / $5,000,000 = 30.9%

Where do you come up with this stuff?

A company with $5M annual earnings will have $4.5M in typical deductions @ 100% bring taxable income to $500k. So...

$50k ÷ $5M = 0.01% effective.
A surface reader, now you know why I know you are not a 1%er. Better luck next time. Reagan eliminated many tax deductions. Maybe you should try harder than just being a partisan nut job.

Which tax deductions?

Look it up yourself, I took you there a long time ago, you are lazy, you don't want to look for facts. It took me all of 10 seconds to find the links.

It happened in 1986, you do your homework.

Why would I want to 'look up' something that I already know never occurred?
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

So you would rather put the people who design, build, buy, sell, fix and transport vending machines out of work?

Nice try. I don't ever see the guy who designs the vending machine and the people I know who own them, supplement their income with them.

I would rather face a cashier than a machine any day. I also, would like a law that during business hours your phone must be answered by an actual person.
I avoid one of the local groceries because they don't have them, it is way faster unless I'm buying an entire cart full of stuff with lots of fruits/veggies that don't have the code sticker on them.

Guess I'm just more concerned about jobs for Americans than I am about saving a couple of minutes.

I'm not. I don't give a shit about them. I'm busy. It's not my problem if they can't get anything but a minimum wage job.

You talk on your phone all the time don't you? You don't actually socialize with anyone around you anymore, do you?

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