And you want $15 an hour?

If they paid more, they could get better help. Plus the people they hire wouldn't be so disgruntled and would do a better job. You really do get what you pay for.

So that implies that the current help will be unemployed.

Or, will be motivated to do a better job.

Wrong. What would be the motivation? They are making minimum wage still, they don't have to do a good job at all. If they get fired they can get another minimum wage job and make the same money. So where's the motivation? They didn't earn that raise, it was given to them without effort on their part. Where is the motivation?
It is livable.

You need some roommates, shop at Goodwill, cook efficiently, take public transportation, etc.


You mean sacrifice, do without, cut costs, work hard and earn what you get, like we used to when we were young and poor and working our way up?

What the fuck! That's horrible! You're mean!

Americans today deserve their own cell phone, and computer, and cable teevee, and monthly tattoos and a nice credit card budget, whether they earn it or not!

This is America, 2014! Catch up!


They deserve to be able to put a roof over their heads without having to find 5 other people to live with them.

No, they don't deserve it. What makes you say they deserve it? What did they do to deserve it?
Maybe or maybe not, employees and motivation are not quantifiable nor are they predictable. Giving someone a raise based on merit can have positive or negative effects, a raise based on a have to, I would not mean a better worker, it is all based on attitude.

Economics are hard numbers and you either surivive or you don't. So, if you cannot afford to pay a wage, you either cut costs somewhere else or you raise prices to the consumer.

Labor and food costs for a restuatrant should be no more than 60%, if it goes over that, then decisions need to be made. Doubling or even a 30% increase in labor means cutbacks and decisions on how to get the cost back under the 60% level. Sometimes this is achieved in cutting maintenance to the building, trying to negotiate a new lease, raising prices. Cutting electric, gas, sewer, water is pretty much out. The fact is with increased costs, you are going to have to make cuts or you go out of business.

All I know is if mw had kept up with inflation, it's be more than $16 an hour. IMO, in order to do what it was intended to do, it should remain at the same spending power.

And inflation would decrease the spending power as prices would rise to keep up with costs.

Simple concept that lefties cannot understand.
All I know is if mw had kept up with inflation, it's be more than $16 an hour. IMO, in order to do what it was intended to do, it should remain at the same spending power.

And inflation would decrease the spending power as prices would rise to keep up with costs.

Simple concept that lefties cannot understand.

The concept Is easy to grasp. But it isn't based in fact. It is an oversimplification at best. We have seen time and time again that raising the minimum wage does not lead to runaway....or even walkaway....inflation.

Please......refrain from relying on simple concepts that seem to make sense.....and stick to data that does make sense.

They deserve to be able to put a roof over their heads without having to find 5 other people to live with them.
What is wrong or degrading about shared living spaces?

Multi-generational homes are still quite common in many other developed countries, and plenty of people in expensive cities in the United States need roommates because of the housing costs. Do you believe all those young professionals living in Manhattan /DC/San Francisco with roommates deserve more too? Oh the humanity those three software engineers in San Jose don't need to suffer sharing an apartment!

It doesn't support a family of 3 above poverty rate. Why shouldn't it have kept up with inflation? Why is it you think the lowest paid (and probably hardest worked) employees aren't worth enough for them to support themselves?
I never made any claim about the poverty rate, I said people can afford to live on minimum wage.

It shouldn't have kept up with inflation because inflation is a broad measure of price increases, something totally different than business owners paying employees a wage that they both agree on.

Third question is a moot point because they can support themselves, and if they want something better they need to take the initiative to not make a career of it.
No they don't but how 'bout you put your money where your big mouth is? Build or buy a biz and then you can give all the profit away to your employees. That's why we call it private prop ... your biz, your decision. :D

Is that it? Pretty wimpy!

Translation: You haven't the stuff necessary to stand behind the convictions you state here. Just whining that others must help carry your sorry ass. Got it. :D

Is that it? Pretty wimpy!
It's been so long, I've forgotten a lot of the details. You do realize that was 40 years ago, right? But check your history, it was in the 70's that our corporations started to leave and the 80's they started leaving even faster because our government gave them tax subsidies, supposedly to built up economies in 3rd world nations, but they went around that and got guarantees from the countries government that there would be no unions and the wages would be guaranteed to be really low (I think it was 17 cent an hour back then). Cardboard cities sprouted up in Mexico along the border. Mostly women were hired as women are less likely to form a union and anyone that mentioned it turned up dead. Al Gore said when Clinton was elected, they'd stop those incentives but they never did.

Zenith was the last TV manufacturer to leave the states. They said they couldn't compete with the others.

Exactly. America has become unfriendly toward manufacturing and predictably they are leaving (see: Detroit). Maybe we should raise wages ... that'll make 'em stay. :lol:
BTW, I don't recall any US gov't subsidies being paid to companies to move overseas and I've been in biz since the early 1970s. Please support your claims.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch

With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?
Exactly. America has become unfriendly toward manufacturing and predictably they are leaving (see: Detroit). Maybe we should raise wages ... that'll make 'em stay. :lol:
BTW, I don't recall any US gov't subsidies being paid to companies to move overseas and I've been in biz since the early 1970s. Please support your claims.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch

With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?

No, the last President to raise the effective tax rate was Reagan, he cut the taxes but also ended many deductions. Later Presidents allowed them back in. Lower the rate, cut the types and many deductions back and you raise the effective tax rate. By shifting deductions and lowering the tax rates, you can lead businesses back to this country and help with the job market.

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By paying $15/hr, how many employees' salaries are we going to change? Do we double everyone's salary? What about the guy that's worked hard for 4 years to become manager and earn $16 an hour? Does he get a raise as well or do newbies get paid the same?

What do you think?, minimum wage is the base for all wages.
The thing that makes me laugh ultimately is that all of the politicians know that this is a stupid idea. Even the Democrat politicians. But they must appeal to their ignorant base so they make it appear that they support increasing the MW to $15/hour when they really have no intention of letting that happen.

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows it's naive at best, and economic suicide at worst.

Let's see how many brains cells you have.

What is the net costs for $15.00/hr.
Although the corporate tax is 35% the effective rate is only 12.6%. This is accomplished primarily by leaving and transferring earnings overseas which expand and enrich those economies. The solution is very simple. Cut the corporate tax rate to 15% and eliminate some of the tax loopholes that encourage corporations to shift earnings abroad. The results would be higher tax revenues for the treasury and more business kept in the US.

The absurdly simple way to fix the corporate tax system - Tax Guy - MarketWatch

With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?

No, the last President to raise the effective tax rate was Reagan, he cut the taxes but also ended many deductions. Later Presidents allowed them back in. Lower the rate, cut the types and many deductions back and you raise the effective tax rate. By shifting deductions and lowering the tax rates, you can lead businesses back to this country and help with the job market.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Reagan 'raised the effective rate'?
With usual and customary business deductions, wouldn't that bring the effective business tax to zero?

No, the last President to raise the effective tax rate was Reagan, he cut the taxes but also ended many deductions. Later Presidents allowed them back in. Lower the rate, cut the types and many deductions back and you raise the effective tax rate. By shifting deductions and lowering the tax rates, you can lead businesses back to this country and help with the job market.

Sent from my iPad using an Android.

Reagan 'raised the effective rate'?

I've posted links for you before in other threads, apparently being the smart guy you are, failed to follow the links or you have poor reading comprehension.

He cut the tax rates, closed deductions and raised the effective rate. If I thought it would help I'd post the links again. However, with a partisan pretender such as yourself, it would be a waste of my time.

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