Andrew Tate released from Romanian prison and on house arrest. Major victory for the free world amid the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
What a sense of positive news after this awful series of events with Donald Trump. This is something that is a breath of fresh air it is something that’s good for the world. The United States Embassy in Romania reportedly played a role and getting Andrew Tate released from Romania jail and put on house arrest. Mr. Tate feel confident that The truth will prevail and he will be cleared of any charges. Of course the entire time and this has been said about 1 million times on this board by folks the very person the Romanian court said was kidnapped and assaulted by Tate has already come forward and said no that did not happen. This means nothing to far lefties who as we see are the most evil people in the world… they want to put people in jail because of political differences and even because they’re trying to help out young men get off drugs get off the computer, get off video games and meet women in real life.

Well the far left has lost this one. Victory for our lord victory for the free world!!!!!!

There are after all good judges good people in Romania who recognized the wrongdoing in this case … positive steps have been taken.

Being in one of the worst prisons in the world could not stop Andrew Tate from remaining one of the most physically fit men in the world. And there was one report of three men who tried to attack him in prison that didn’t work out too well for those three men. Lol that’s what happens when you go up against world champion kickboxer. …. To this dismay of the Satanic posters here who wished violence against Mr. Tate …

These political prosecutions going on across the world are absolutely disgraceful and people won’t stand for it. In the end freedom prevails. Far leftists are gonna have to sit down and shut their mouths because they are the enemies of civilization and they represent a fraction a tiny percentage of the world population..

There’s still great things happening in the world even amid the crime the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump this positive news regarding Tate is a major victory for the free world.
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What a sense of positive news after this awful series of events with Donald Trump. This is something that is a breath of fresh air it is something that’s good for the world. The United States Embassy in Romania reportedly played a role and getting Andrew Tate released from Romania jail and put on house arrest. Mr. Tate feel confident that The truth will prevail and he will be cleared of any charges. Of course the entire time and this has been said about 1 million times on this board by folks the very person the Romanian court said was kidnapped and assaulted by Tate has already come forward and said no that did not happen. This means nothing to far lefties who as we see are the most evil people in the world… they want to put people in jail because of political differences and even because they’re trying to help out young men get off drugs get off the computer, get off video games and meet women in real life.

Well the far left has lost this one. Victory for our lord victory for the free world!!!!!!

There are after all good judges good people in Romania who recognized the wrongdoing in this case … positive steps have been taken.

Being in one of the worst prisons in the world could not stop Andrew Tate from remaining one of the most physically fit men in the world. And there was one report of three men who tried to attack him in prison that didn’t work out too well for those three men. Lol that’s what happens when you go up against world champion kickboxer. …. To this dismay of the Satanic posters here who wished violence against Mr. Tate …

These political prosecutions going on across the world are absolutely disgraceful and people won’t stand for it. In the end freedom prevails. Far leftists are gonna have to sit down and shut their mouths because they are the enemies of civilization and they represent a fraction a tiny percentage of the world population..

There’s still great things happening in the world even amid the crime the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump this positive news regarding Tate is a major victory for the free world.

Aren't you the one, earlier in the week bitching because Biden would not make a public statement about the Tate case? Looks like Biden's State Department was working behind the scenes. Good diplomacy, by the Biden administration, and without public statements by the President that could have actually been counterproductive. Looks like he handled it correctly.
Aren't you the one, earlier in the week bitching because Biden would not make a public statement about the Tate case? Looks like Biden's State Department was working behind the scenes. Good diplomacy, by the Biden administration, and without public statements by the President that could have actually been counterproductive. Looks like he handled it correctly.
I wouldn’t use that language against you brother. I don’t think I’ve ever said one bad thing about you.

I have no idea nor do any of us who was helping out Mr. Tate. I simply read a report that said the US Embassy in Romania helped to get Andrew Tate on house arrest I don’t know who’s responsible for it nobody does. But let’s applaud whoever was

Will go back to the case about Britney Griner President Biden made all sorts of public comment about her so there you go man.

Yeah there’s a whole lot of bitches on the far left the monsters they’re so scared of the real world they’re the people who don’t give a shit about the facts in this case my friend. We saw them on this forum they don’t care about the fact they don’t care about the person who the Romanian court initially said were kidnapped by Tate already came out and said no that did not happen

I don’t think that the far left wing BLM protesters should have to go to languish in jail for four years for peacefully walking around a government building in 2020 and illegally trespassing. But you have these maniacs on the US message board who support sending away people to jail for years for simply walking into the building on January 6. They’re the same people who want Andrew Tate and Trump to go to jail for doing nothing.

It is a great day brother it is a great great day to see Mr. Tate released from prison this is a victory for humanity praise God. And down with the Devil
What a sense of positive news after this awful series of events with Donald Trump. This is something that is a breath of fresh air it is something that’s good for the world. The United States Embassy in Romania reportedly played a role and getting Andrew Tate released from Romania jail and put on house arrest. Mr. Tate feel confident that The truth will prevail and he will be cleared of any charges. Of course the entire time and this has been said about 1 million times on this board by folks the very person the Romanian court said was kidnapped and assaulted by Tate has already come forward and said no that did not happen. This means nothing to far lefties who as we see are the most evil people in the world… they want to put people in jail because of political differences and even because they’re trying to help out young men get off drugs get off the computer, get off video games and meet women in real life.

Well the far left has lost this one. Victory for our lord victory for the free world!!!!!!

There are after all good judges good people in Romania who recognized the wrongdoing in this case … positive steps have been taken.

Being in one of the worst prisons in the world could not stop Andrew Tate from remaining one of the most physically fit men in the world. And there was one report of three men who tried to attack him in prison that didn’t work out too well for those three men. Lol that’s what happens when you go up against world champion kickboxer. …. To this dismay of the Satanic posters here who wished violence against Mr. Tate …

These political prosecutions going on across the world are absolutely disgraceful and people won’t stand for it. In the end freedom prevails. Far leftists are gonna have to sit down and shut their mouths because they are the enemies of civilization and they represent a fraction a tiny percentage of the world population..

There’s still great things happening in the world even amid the crime the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump this positive news regarding Tate is a major victory for the free world.

I don’t care much for Tate because he is a Muslim. But much of what he says is spot on. They imprisoned him for three months with no charges, supposedly for prostitution related charges….in a country where prostitution is completely legal.
I don’t care much for Tate because he is a Muslim. But much of what he says is spot on. They imprisoned him for three months with no charges, supposedly for prostitution related charges….in a country where prostitution is completely legal.
The thing is brother they slap a big-time label onto his charge like “human trafficking” and it’s just another way to try and destroy people. All that can be said
With regards to the “crime” tate is accused of is the very person that the Romanian court initially said was kidnapped by Mr. Tate already came out and said it did not happen. So that’s it man that’s all I need to see.

Look at the very people against Andrew Tate. Like the far left US message board posters these radical atheists, people without any faith at all these are the monsters of the world. Just look at how they treat Mr. Trump.

Mr. Tate was out there getting kids off of dope, getting young people young boys and men to get off the computer meet a woman in real life and to reject the far left… and now he’s back. It’s just such a victory over the far left Satanists.

All praise be to God
I follow Tate on Twitter, as I do many controversial figures, mainly to see what they say. I get where Tate is coming from on some of his points, but I don't think he's the best role model for young men. I also don't think he's guilty of these accusations either.
What a sense of positive news after this awful series of events with Donald Trump. This is something that is a breath of fresh air it is something that’s good for the world. The United States Embassy in Romania reportedly played a role and getting Andrew Tate released from Romania jail and put on house arrest. Mr. Tate feel confident that The truth will prevail and he will be cleared of any charges. Of course the entire time and this has been said about 1 million times on this board by folks the very person the Romanian court said was kidnapped and assaulted by Tate has already come forward and said no that did not happen. This means nothing to far lefties who as we see are the most evil people in the world… they want to put people in jail because of political differences and even because they’re trying to help out young men get off drugs get off the computer, get off video games and meet women in real life.

Well the far left has lost this one. Victory for our lord victory for the free world!!!!!!

There are after all good judges good people in Romania who recognized the wrongdoing in this case … positive steps have been taken.

Being in one of the worst prisons in the world could not stop Andrew Tate from remaining one of the most physically fit men in the world. And there was one report of three men who tried to attack him in prison that didn’t work out too well for those three men. Lol that’s what happens when you go up against world champion kickboxer. …. To this dismay of the Satanic posters here who wished violence against Mr. Tate …

These political prosecutions going on across the world are absolutely disgraceful and people won’t stand for it. In the end freedom prevails. Far leftists are gonna have to sit down and shut their mouths because they are the enemies of civilization and they represent a fraction a tiny percentage of the world population..

There’s still great things happening in the world even amid the crime the criminal prosecution of Donald Trump this positive news regarding Tate is a major victory for the free world.

The guy is a sex trafficker! This is someone you consider a hero?
Will go back to the case about Britney Griner President Biden made all sorts of public comment about her so there you go man.

Um, yes, because Ms. Griner was being abused in retaliation for our policy on Ukraine. Romania, on the other hand is an ally.

Yeah there’s a whole lot of bitches on the far left the monsters they’re so scared of the real world they’re the people who don’t give a shit about the facts in this case my friend. We saw them on this forum they don’t care about the fact they don’t care about the person who the Romanian court initially said were kidnapped by Tate already came out and said no that did not happen

The guy lived in Romania because he thought he could do stuff there that would get him arrested here... hardly someone to be proud of.

don’t think that the far left wing BLM protesters should have to go to languish in jail for four years for peacefully walking around a government building in 2020 and illegally trespassing. But you have these maniacs on the US message board who support sending away people to jail for years for simply walking into the building on January 6. They’re the same people who want Andrew Tate and Trump to go to jail for doing nothing.

Tate is a human trafficker.
Trump has committed so many crimes it isn't even worth listing here.
The J6 terrorists are getting what they deserve.

As for your claims that "The BLM people got away with stuff." Um, not really.

The AP found that more than 120 defendants across the United States have pleaded guilty or were convicted at trial of federal crimes including rioting, arson and conspiracy. More than 70 defendants who’ve been sentenced so far have gotten an average of about 27 months behind bars. At least 10 received prison terms of five years or more.

But President Joe Biden’s Justice Department has continued the vast majority of the racial injustice protest cases brought across the U.S. under Trump and has often pushed for lengthy prison time for people convicted of serious crimes. Since Biden took office in January, federal prosecutors have brought some new cases stemming from last year’s protests.
Aren't you the one, earlier in the week bitching because Biden would not make a public statement about the Tate case? Looks like Biden's State Department was working behind the scenes. Good diplomacy, by the Biden administration, and without public statements by the President that could have actually been counterproductive. Looks like he handled it correctly.

Well that's just heresay and conjecture and speculation.

Biden had no problem being publicly vocal about the black gay chick in Russia that was arrested for legit breaking the laws of a foriegn nation.

And he didn't even work behind the scenes or do anything besides trade an international arms dealer for a wnba player.
Well that's just heresay and conjecture and speculation.

Biden had no problem being publicly vocal about the black gay chick in Russia that was arrested for legit breaking the laws of a foriegn nation.

And he didn't even work behind the scenes or do anything besides trade an international arms dealer for a wnba player.

Not sure how you think putting an innocent women behind bars for medically prescribed drugs is just.

But if you do, then you should have no problem with the reeming Trump is going to get in NYC>
Well that's just heresay and conjecture and speculation.

Biden had no problem being publicly vocal about the black gay chick in Russia that was arrested for legit breaking the laws of a foriegn nation.

And he didn't even work behind the scenes or do anything besides trade an international arms dealer for a wnba player.
I don't remember him being very vocal until after she was out. Post links.
Not sure how you think putting an innocent women behind bars for medically prescribed drugs is just.

But if you do, then you should have no problem with the reeming Trump is going to get in NYC>
reeming? Is that what you call your love of Biden?

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