Angelina Jolia files for divorce from Brad Pitt

How has she suffered? She went through some emotional trauma deciding to remove both her breasts in an effort to avoid breast cancer. It was a brave move but she never actually had breast cancer.

I was under the impression she had a diagnosis.

Cutting off your tits preemptively seems pretty stupid.

Then again so does marrying Brad Pitt.

My understanding is that the family tendency was very strong. In such cases prophylactic surgery is sometimes recommended.

Also, "Cut off" is a bit misleading. Significant breast reduction surgery is more the case.
How has she suffered? She went through some emotional trauma deciding to remove both her breasts in an effort to avoid breast cancer. It was a brave move but she never actually had breast cancer.

I was under the impression she had a diagnosis.

Cutting off your tits preemptively seems pretty stupid.

Then again so does marrying Brad Pitt.

My understanding is that the family tendency was very strong. In such cases prophylactic surgery is sometimes recommended.

Also, "Cut off" is a bit misleading. Significant breast reduction surgery is more the case.
She was tested and is ripe for BC. So, she had them removed. Personally, I think that is a wise move on her part.
How has she suffered? She went through some emotional trauma deciding to remove both her breasts in an effort to avoid breast cancer. It was a brave move but she never actually had breast cancer.

I was under the impression she had a diagnosis.

Cutting off your tits preemptively seems pretty stupid.

Then again so does marrying Brad Pitt.

She had the genetic marker. Many of her relatives had the same marker and died.

I can't blame her there.
Brad has been unfaithful with another actress. Not feeling bad for the Angelina.
She was tested and is ripe for BC. So, she had them removed. Personally, I think that is a wise move on her part.
When there is the suggestion of strong potential for cancer there is no question that excision or reduction is a wise move. But I believe the level at which wisdom overrules vanity depends on social status and individual circumstances.

If Jolie were an anonymous widow, an ordinary, middle-age hausfrau, etc., then wisdom would easily prevail. But in Jolie's example her ample bosom, along with her lips, are important components of her celebrity persona. Removing such a critical element of her identity will surely pose an unusually severe subconscious dilemma.

I happen to know that breast removal is cause for some women to visit a psychotherapist.

Apparently she's pissed at his fatherhood abilities.

But how is he supposed to just know how to be a father? Did anyone help him to improve? Probably not. Maybe education should start trying to make people understand fatherhood a little better. Might improve society.
Munchies and wrecking your marriage. Which is a good thing. Everyone married to a drug addict should walk out the door and say why. Jolie is to be commended by her actions in dumping the pothead.

Maybe she figured out that it was the pot use that caused Pitt to be bathing adverse and stink.
"There is no more critical reformer than a reformed drunk."

What are your thoughts on that old adage, Tipsy? Do you think it's based on a solid premise? And do you think "potheads" reside in the same category as drug addicts?" If so, why?

And of all the recreational drugs, including beverage alcohol, which do you believe is the most insidiously addictive and destructive? If you had your choice would you rather be a heroin junkie or a degenerate alcoholic?
Well she did go or is going through premature menopause, and hormone replacement is variable and can make one irritable and it is hard on the female body and psyche. Or it could just be a Hollywood thing, marriages do not last,
but I must say I was surprised to hear it.
It might be Brad is going through male menopause and the two of them at the same time spell disaster.
Considering the circumstances in which they got together, I'm not surprised at all. If anything, I'm surprised it lasted this long. Apparently marriage doesn't mean much to Brad or Angelina considering their history of marriages.

And by the same token. They are a match made in heaven and should stay together.

Instead of corrupting anyone else.
Will those two be able to get a refund on the heard of kids they acquired?

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