Angelina Jolia files for divorce from Brad Pitt


Apparently she's pissed at his fatherhood abilities.

But how is he supposed to just know how to be a father? Did anyone help him to improve? Probably not. Maybe education should start trying to make people understand fatherhood a little better. Might improve society.
All sorts of rumors out there.
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..... the only "dangerous" thing about pot is weight gain from the munchies.

Don't be so naïve, young man! Didn't you see "Reefer Madness"? People running over others with their car, jumping out of windows, and playing the piano like Little Richard!
Munchies and wrecking your marriage. Which is a good thing. Everyone married to a drug addict should walk out the door and say why. Jolie is to be commended by her actions in dumping the pothead.

Maybe she figured out that it was the pot use that caused Pitt to be bathing adverse and stink.
"There is no more critical reformer than a reformed drunk."

What are your thoughts on that old adage, Tipsy? Do you think it's based on a solid premise? And do you think "potheads" reside in the same category as drug addicts?" If so, why?

And of all the recreational drugs, including beverage alcohol, which do you believe is the most insidiously addictive and destructive? If you had your choice would you rather be a heroin junkie or a degenerate alcoholic?
Everyone has a choice to be an alcoholic or junkie. Just don't start drinking or using. Then you don't have it to think about.

Alcohol is less addictive and destructive, obviously. Not everyone who has a beer is an alcoholic. Everyone who uses drugs is a drug addict.

Angelina Jolie cites Marijuana and violence as contributory reasons for her marriage ending. Is that violent munchies?

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