Angle to Reid: "Debate me" Reid demurred and then accepts, Angle backs down


Daydream Believer
Sep 2, 2008
Not Happy Sharron : CJR

For Ralston, host of Nevada TV program Face to Face, it was a coup. On June 29, Angle had appeared on his program and challenged Reid to a debate with Ralston as moderator. “What I would like to see is Harry Reid come into this studio with you and I and have a true debate,” Angle said. The gauntlet clearly thrown, Ralston “pushed and pushed and pushed” to get Reid to commit, but the senator demurred. “Neither of these candidates, I think, is really thrilled about debating for a variety of reasons,” says Ralston upon reflection. “Not the least of which is that each of them is prone to saying things that they shouldn’t say in public.”

Nevertheless, Reid did eventually agree—thus the release—and Angle’s deputy campaign manager came on board too, telling Ralston to announce the debate yesterday. Ralston excitedly Tweeted minutes after Reid’s office released its press release: “So you thought there would only be one #nvsen debate? Not so: Reid and Angle have now agreed to debate on F2F on Oct. 21 in Reno.” Hashtag: “#gameon.”

Within an hour, though, it was game off. Angle spokesperson Jerry Stacy called Ralston a little after 4 p.m. to back out of the debate. The issue was timing and “other crazy reasons.” Ralston was gob-smacked, taking to Twitter to write, “Thought I had seen it all in #nvsen, tweeps: Just got a call from Team Angle spox. Now he says they are not agreeing to debate.” The hashtag this time, was “#shootme.”

Angle’s campaign issued a press release the same day saying the candidate had agreed to another debate at a high school. Ralston says: “She’s going to be there by herself but they called it a free-flowing debate with Reid, which was totally disingenuous. And it was no coincidence, I tell you, that it came two hours after they backed out of mine.” On Face to Face last night, Ralston briefly told viewers what had happened and added, “I’m not making this up, folks.”


I'm totally shocked Angle would back out of a debate. I would pay to see her in an unscripted event
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) finally agreed on Thursday to the Oct. 21 Reno event set to air on Ralston's "Face to Face" TV program. This came after Angle challenged Reid to do so several months ago.
We have other events planned for October 21 and we've long contended that debates be held before early voting."

may as well get both sides... nice try to turn it around. reid's

too liberal, i wish steve wynn would run
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Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) finally agreed on Thursday to the Oct. 21 Reno event set to air on Ralston's "Face to Face" TV program. This came after Angle challenged Reid to do so several months ago.
We have other events planned for October 21 and we've long contended that debates be held before early voting."

may as well get both sides... nice try

You need to look up the definition of demurred. And of course, perhaps you didn't notice I bolded how Reid waited in my original post.

Try harder next time, nice try though. :thup:
So did it really take months for Reid to "accept" to a debate? If that's the case then why is this even a thread? More important why are you not being hard on Reid for not doing the debate months ago when he was asked, if in fact it was asked months ago?

I'm not picking sides here, just pointing out that this thread might be a load of BS.
Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) finally agreed on Thursday to the Oct. 21 Reno event set to air on Ralston's "Face to Face" TV program. This came after Angle challenged Reid to do so several months ago.
We have other events planned for October 21 and we've long contended that debates be held before early voting."

may as well get both sides... nice try

You need to look up the definition of demurred. And of course, perhaps you didn't notice I bolded how Reid waited in my original post.

Try harder next time, nice try though. :thup:

i looked it up (again) hasn't changed... what's the point in your op?
imagine angle vs palin
Yeah, it's important that our political leaders are eloquent and look good on camera. That's really the only way to ensure that they'll do a good job once in office.

Like for instance, Barack Obama.
i looked it up (again) hasn't changed... what's the point in your op?

A facepalm story to share. I don't like Harry Reid at all, and I am amazed at how incompetent the GOP/Tea Party was in Nevada by picking Angle who is somehow worse than Harry Reid of all people.

Angle has avoided the media for months, she basically tried to bluff Reid on this and when he finally called it, she backed down.
Not Happy Sharron : CJR

For Ralston, host of Nevada TV program Face to Face, it was a coup. On June 29, Angle had appeared on his program and challenged Reid to a debate with Ralston as moderator. “What I would like to see is Harry Reid come into this studio with you and I and have a true debate,” Angle said. The gauntlet clearly thrown, Ralston “pushed and pushed and pushed” to get Reid to commit, but the senator demurred. “Neither of these candidates, I think, is really thrilled about debating for a variety of reasons,” says Ralston upon reflection. “Not the least of which is that each of them is prone to saying things that they shouldn’t say in public.”

Nevertheless, Reid did eventually agree—thus the release—and Angle’s deputy campaign manager came on board too, telling Ralston to announce the debate yesterday. Ralston excitedly Tweeted minutes after Reid’s office released its press release: “So you thought there would only be one #nvsen debate? Not so: Reid and Angle have now agreed to debate on F2F on Oct. 21 in Reno.” Hashtag: “#gameon.”

Within an hour, though, it was game off. Angle spokesperson Jerry Stacy called Ralston a little after 4 p.m. to back out of the debate. The issue was timing and “other crazy reasons.” Ralston was gob-smacked, taking to Twitter to write, “Thought I had seen it all in #nvsen, tweeps: Just got a call from Team Angle spox. Now he says they are not agreeing to debate.” The hashtag this time, was “#shootme.”

Angle’s campaign issued a press release the same day saying the candidate had agreed to another debate at a high school. Ralston says: “She’s going to be there by herself but they called it a free-flowing debate with Reid, which was totally disingenuous. And it was no coincidence, I tell you, that it came two hours after they backed out of mine.” On Face to Face last night, Ralston briefly told viewers what had happened and added, “I’m not making this up, folks.”

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Did you start a thread when Reid backed down?
So did it really take months for Reid to "accept" to a debate? If that's the case then why is this even a thread? More important why are you not being hard on Reid for not doing the debate months ago when he was asked, if in fact it was asked months ago?

I'm not picking sides here, just pointing out that this thread might be a load of BS.

see, i'm not the only one... people don't usually wait three months to call someone's bluff, especially in politics. what's the guy in the gocart throwing?
Ohh really? How long EXACTLY did it take for him to "accept"? Isn't it cute how a democrat that refuses is Demurring but when a Right winger refuses it is backing down?

Except he didn't refuse to debate. Like I said before, I don't like Harry Reid and think he's a incompetent buffoon. However, to challenge someone to debate and then withdraw within a hour of them accepting is even lower than Reid's stalling.

Personally, I think whoever wins that race, Nevada loses.
Did you start a thread when Reid backed down?

Reid never backed down. He demurred and then stepped up. Though he should of accepted a lot sooner.

I guess what I'm saying here is that while you rag on one side you let the other side off.

Get back to me in 3 months about this ok? Because reamember, if you give Reid 3 months to "accept" why not give the other side the same respect?
Ohh really? How long EXACTLY did it take for him to "accept"? Isn't it cute how a democrat that refuses is Demurring but when a Right winger refuses it is backing down?

Except he didn't refuse to debate. Like I said before, I don't like Harry Reid and think he's a incompetent buffoon. However, to challenge someone to debate and then withdraw within a hour of them accepting is even lower than Reid's stalling.

Personally, I think whoever wins that race, Nevada loses.

Ya cause well conditions don't change after HOW LONG? 2 months? Another dishonest thread by Modbert. You don't like Reid but RUSH to his defense like a rabid pt bull. Peddle that lie somewhere else. Unless you can point me to a thread by you attacking Reid for the same thing.
Ohh really? How long EXACTLY did it take for him to "accept"? Isn't it cute how a democrat that refuses is Demurring but when a Right winger refuses it is backing down?

Except he didn't refuse to debate. Like I said before, I don't like Harry Reid and think he's a incompetent buffoon. However, to challenge someone to debate and then withdraw within a hour of them accepting is even lower than Reid's stalling.

Personally, I think whoever wins that race, Nevada loses.

Maybe 3 months ago she had time to do the debates??? At least she was honest and said "No, we are busy." I mean she should have really just said and done nothing to get your support...

I don't care who you support or don't support. I don't know either of them very well but I can see your bias clear as day.

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