Animal Rights, Yes or No

Since we are all going to die too, just like the animals, then why should we even bother to improve our own standard of living?

because we are humans. a collective specie that can wholly empathize with each other.

now, again, tell me how much space a chicken must have in order to be allowed to produce mcnuggets. If you can't answer this then you have just fallen into the arbitrary nature of this debate.
you know.. since hippos have yet to keep humanity in check!

Hippos kill more people in Africa than any other animal. They are dangerous.

Also the whole thing of giving an animal rights based on its purpose is retarded. Every animal (indeed every organism) has the same purpose. Survive and breed.

Nothing was meant to be eaten, cows have a herding instinct and size to avoid being eaten.

As to corn feeding, it has some nasty side effects (and not just for the cow).

Me I avoid beef any way, our prion testing is inadequate for my tastes.
That's funny you said that.

I have been a vegetarian since I was 14. It's funny, when I meet new people they feel "guilty" for eating meat in front of me.

I tell them it's MY CHOICE to be a vegetarian, I would never try to change their way of eating. The only control I have of healthy eating habits is my 13 yo daughter's and myself.

(My fiancee loves his meat products btw)

I heard the same thing from another vegetarian about meat eaters feeling guilty or getting defensive when her personal choice is brought up. I didn't quite believe it till I saw in happen.

I turned vegetarian when I was 14 too but I was only able to stick too it for 2 years. I didn't use any kind of animal product except a saddle. Tennis shoes in the slush was not easy. But my two years taught me I can at least eat less meat than I did and restrict it to meat I think is raised humanely.

There are many good reasons to be a vegetarian or to cut down on eating meat.

My boyfriend became one about 6 years ago out of concern for the harm the meat industry causes the environment.
yea dude.. THOUSANDS of hunters in this state are out of sight when they string up the fucking deer and rip it's guts our of it's skinned carcass.

getting all hyped up on testosterone, machoism, whiskey and nostalgia for being a hunter gather is one thing.

actually visiting a modern factory farm...another.
Prions scare me more than ebola, anthrax, ecoli, cholera and typhoid combined...
The whole chicken thing is a little disturbing. But we need chicken. It's the cheapest meat out there.....that and pork.

They're cheaper because they don't require much for a huge output. Start building them mansions and ideal habitat, and suddenly they are no longer economical.

Pork is not cheap when you consider the cost to the environment; the run off of pig waste in to rivers and the ocean, the petro chemicals needed to make fertilizer and insecticides for the corn fed to pigs. We will all be paying for that big time.
Can you tell me where it's running into the ocean at?

Farmers have to account for their waste.
id love to see some examples. Im pretty sure a pack heirarchy is not the product of "rights" so much as it is "im going to fucking kill you if you try to fuck that bitch over there"

Check out some of the recent research on chimpanzees.
Can you tell me where it's running into the ocean at?

Farmers have to account for their waste.

Investigators looked at farming's effect on the oceans -- and they found a devastating relationship. The Pew commission's report concludes that farm runoff has become the main source of pollution in the oceans.

The problem begins with nitrogen fertilizer, says former Kansas governor and commission member Mike Hayden. Farmers use large amounts of nitrogen fertilizer because it's an inexpensive way to improve their yields. But the chemical plant food doesn't stay on the farmland. It seeps into groundwater and streams, then into the Mississippi River, and ultimately it winds up in the Gulf of Mexico. Each state along the Mississippi is responsible for tracking local water quality, says Hayden, but no one is responsible for monitoring the cumulative effect.

Morning Edition: Troubled Seas
I hate chimps. I don't think they're great at recognizing the rights of other chimps. They kill each other willy nilly all the time. They kill their own young and the young of others. They are cannibals.

They're just gross.
Also the whole thing of giving an animal rights based on its purpose is retarded. Every animal (indeed every organism) has the same purpose. Survive and breed.

hehehhe...what you mean michael vicks dogs whose purpose was to fight or shogun uncles who thought kittens purpose was flight testing doesn't make sense?

People who beat animals EAT them? thats a new one. You probably would have starved in the first 150 years of our nation, dude.. not to mention in any culture earlier than the advent of a boca burger.

Did Hindu's exist before the Boca burger?
Oh, please, you are actually lying here, or you really are stupid. Read my post in context. Even out of context, it means nothing more than that people don't have to eat meat to keep from starving.

Can you show me that it does? People don't need to eat meat, you know, to keep from starving.

Not my problem that you are a knee-jerk reactionary and think I'm saying we shouldn't eat meat.

hey.. go ahead and pull a standard ravi reaction, yo. it's not like it's a rare beast around here.
Honey, nitrogen fertilizer isn't pig shit.

Fertilizer is used to fertilize fields where crops are grown. So the more crops you grow, the more nitrogen you're going to be dumping into the sea.


I don't know if pig shit gets into the ocean, but it does get into the water table, so I imagine it travels in the same way as nitrogen run off. Not to mention farm feces has been responsible for a couple of outbreaks of e. coli contamination in downstream produce farms.

What do you suppose they do with it?
But what if said "forcing" results in fewer people dying of starvation?

It is far more productive to feed the grains and soybeans to people rather than to the animal to raise it for feeding people. If anything, livestock has the opposite effect.

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