Animal Rights, Yes or No

see how people get all defensive...

praytel, dude. You are offering dime store lectures about cruelty to animals but today I guarantee you'll be partaking in the process that causes a business to kill an animal. Weren't you talking about consistency earlier?
i know it's wrong...but i bet you do it too!!!

what? eating meat? I dont think its wrong at all. Killing animals? nope, sorry. I'll gladly kill an animal in order to perpetuate the human specie. diving into existentialism won't keep starving humans from remaining on top of the food chain.
praytel, dude. You are offering dime store lectures about cruelty to animals but today I guarantee you'll be partaking in the process that causes a business to kill an animal. Weren't you talking about consistency earlier?

i never claimed sainthood.

merely more ability to recognize the morals of the issues at hand.

Fertilizer..animal meat production by-product (particularly if you eat organic veggies....)
Harvest....results in lotsa animal deaths......
what? eating meat? I dont think its wrong at all. Killing animals? nope, sorry. I'll gladly kill an animal in order to perpetuate the human specie. diving into existentialism won't keep starving humans from remaining on top of the food chain.

well even though it's over your head...

the more enlightened folks on the board know why this guy didn't get charged with littering.

One of 3 kittens thrown from pickup killed; driver arrested | | News-Chief | Winter Haven, FL
Dogs are omnivorous and can survive quite well on a vegetarian diet. Cats are true carnivores and must eat other animals or they will die of malnutrition.

Yes, but if you FORCE them to suvive on a veggie diet, aren't you violating their rights?

Because they will never choose a purely veggie diet.
ok, i think you guys are ready for another lesson.

because morality has been expanding as humans evolve.

originally we might have been concerned about ourselves, then expanded to our family, and then the tribe, etc...

so too eventually as sentient creatures we'll expand our recognition of the inherent value of all living creatures.

as the Tread Author notes.
Why are there always some people who think we should be limited only to what we must have for survival?

If we quit eating meat, what will happen to all the cows, sheep, goats, pigs, chickens, etc.? Who will feed them? Will we turn them loose to starve? Kill them and burn the bodies? If we aren't eating them, and we're feeding them, then we aren't going to have enough to eat ourselves.

Do you mean what will happen to all the cows, sheep, goats, and etc who would not even exist were they not breed from wild animals into the unatural domesticated creatures that they are now? Those that could not adapt back to the wild would die off. Or perhaps if we stopped producing them in such large quantities and storing them on factory farms, raised them in humane conditions, reduced the amount of meat we consume and started relying more on other, safer, cheaper and less environmentally destructive sources of protein, then perhaps our consumption of meat would become more ethical and easier to live with.
I like a tasty burger just as much as the next person but I don't think a cow needs to live it's life crowded into a pen with hundreds of other cows wading in their own shit and pumped full of antibiotics to counteract the effects that being feed a corn diet does to their immune system and then prodded by electrical shock up off it's knees into a slaughterhouse in order for me to enjoy a hamburger.
I like a tasty burger just as much as the next person but I don't think a cow needs to live it's life crowded into a pen with hundreds of other cows wading in their own shit and pumped full of antibiotics to counteract the effects that being feed a corn diet does to their immune system and then prodded by electrical shock up off it's knees into a slaughterhouse in order for me to enjoy a hamburger.

yep... while a lot of people wanna claim to be all tough when it comes to animal rights...they wouldn't have the stomach to tour an animal factory.
This thread brings back some fond memories of bowling cats in college.

Ask me about it sometime, it's a hoot!

How strange. That story just popped into my head yesterday and it was a long time ago that you told it.
by tough i mean that they claim animal factories slaughterhouses and all that are just fine and dandy.

it's more like an out of sight out of mind thing.

cause if they really saw they shxt up close they'd say it sucks.
again, you are talking about arbitrary concepts which vary from opinion to opinion.. especially when, in the end, the animal will be killed for consuption.

so, you tell me. How much field space should Tyson require each bird get. Go ahead and toss out a number. It wont match anyone else's opinion but go ahead and venture a guess on what will placate your empathy.

Since we are all going to die too, just like the animals, then why should we even bother to improve our own standard of living?
yep... while a lot of people wanna claim to be all tough when it comes to animal rights...they wouldn't have the stomach to tour an animal factory.

are you fucking kidding me? THOUSANDS of hunters get their deers processed by small business every year. Hell, how many hunters gut the fucking animal ON THE SPOT? I think you assume a bit too much.

your lack of honest is exactly why I've come to terms with the necessity of quoting you, ravikins.

Oh, please, you are actually lying here, or you really are stupid. Read my post in context. Even out of context, it means nothing more than that people don't have to eat meat to keep from starving.

Can you show me that it does? People don't need to eat meat, you know, to keep from starving.

Not my problem that you are a knee-jerk reactionary and think I'm saying we shouldn't eat meat.
by tough i mean that they claim animal factories slaughterhouses and all that are just fine and dandy.

it's more like an out of sight out of mind thing.

cause if they really saw they shxt up close they'd say it sucks.

yea dude.. THOUSANDS of hunters in this state are out of sight when they string up the fucking deer and rip it's guts our of it's skinned carcass.



bambi takes a cyanide pill right before the trigger is pulled. you know.. because, apparently no one has the balls to be where animals die for the sake of dinner.

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