Animal Rights, Yes or No

Are hindu vegetarians reflective at all of the rest of meat eating humanity?

further, not all hindus avoid meat. Im sure we can find some hunter tribe somewhere that only eats meat though. What do you suppose that says about the rest of humanity?

Get back to me when you start making sense.
No, we breed way to quickly for that, they do however change our gene pool by removing quite a few individuals from it.

Depending on the species, yes. Cats are obligate carnivores, cows are naturally herbivores. Humans are omnivores and can get by on almost anything but are healthiest when they feed from a variety of sources.

I agree with this, which is why saying that assigning animals rights based on their supposed purpose is retarded.

I don't avoid it out of moral objection. I just work with vets a lot. Many of whom will not consume beef because our testing methods for prion diseases are sub-par.

uh, do you REALLY think it's the breeding and NOT the tool clutching opposable thumb at play here? And. why do fish school if they are not directly lower in the food chain to aquatic fish eating predators?

Hey, I support your individual right to choose your own diet. But this is the base argument to implementing mass vegetarianism and it's arbitrary as hell.

Id hate to see what happens to smokers happen to meat eaters.
Get back to me when you start making sense.

im making perfect sense. When did the hindu diet reflect the rest of humanity? And, even if I wanted to find a culture whose beliefs match my opinion on THIS issue how does that diet actually reflect on the rest of the meat eating population?

Do you think humans evolved because they ate PLANTS?
uh, do you REALLY think it's the breeding and NOT the tool clutching opposable thumb at play here? And. why do fish school if they are not directly lower in the food chain to aquatic fish eating predators?

Hey, I support your individual right to choose your own diet. But this is the base argument to implementing mass vegetarianism and it's arbitrary as hell.

Id hate to see what happens to smokers happen to meat eaters.

The funny thing is...theoretically man began to really EVOLVE (if you believe in evolution, which I don't) after he learned to hunt. It wasn't until he could hunt, which means bring in protein-rich food which allows for more idle time, and move away from spending so much time scavenging, that he became the man he is today.
im making perfect sense. When did the hindu diet reflect the rest of humanity? And, even if I wanted to find a culture whose beliefs match my opinion on THIS issue how does that diet actually reflect on the rest of the meat eating population?

Do you think humans evolved because they ate PLANTS?

I think you evolved from eating Twinkies.
The funny thing is...theoretically man began to really EVOLVE (if you believe in evolution, which I don't) after he learned to hunt. It wasn't until he could hunt, which means bring in protein-rich food which allows for more idle time, and move away from spending so much time scavenging, that he became the man he is today.
But, since you don't believe in evolution ...
The funny thing is...theoretically man began to really EVOLVE (if you believe in evolution, which I don't) after he learned to hunt. It wasn't until he could hunt, which means bring in protein-rich food which allows for more idle time, and move away from spending so much time scavenging, that he became the man he is today.

yep...that's about the time we invented god...
im making perfect sense. When did the hindu diet reflect the rest of humanity? And, even if I wanted to find a culture whose beliefs match my opinion on THIS issue how does that diet actually reflect on the rest of the meat eating population?

as long as you are talking about your ah 'beliefs'.

please explain why if i were to go out and capture a deer. take downtown tie it up and start kicking it in the face i'd end up in jail.

and as a side note try to actually help you out why was it not ok for your uncle to throw kittens out his pickup window?
yep...that's about the time we invented god...
and the type of animal worship where hunters ask permission or give thanks to animal gods for their kills.

Thoughts on the ethics of meat eating go way back.
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as long as you are talking about your ah 'beliefs'.

please explain why if i were to go out and capture a deer. take downtown tie it up and start kicking it in the face i'd end up in jail.

and as a side note try to actually help you out why was it not ok for your uncle to throw kittens out his pickup window?

Because it's AGAINST A WHOLE BUNCH OF LAWS, since you keep missing that...
and the type of animal worship where hunters ask permission or give thanks to animal gods for their kills.


and going back to the difference between hunting on a nostalgia for being a hunter gather (with legitimate issues of overpopulation - i.e. what i can't hunt endangered bald eagles)

seems like humanity went from hunting to domestication...and is now moving from domestication to factorification.

it's two steps from hunting to perversion of life that factory farming is.
You mean dying from heart attacks?

LOL! Here come the non sequitor loss of freedom scare tactics.

given that meat IS another substance that can cause the blocking of arteries and promotes heart attacks..


it's just a matter of time before those who think they know how to live your life better bans your options.
Because it's AGAINST A WHOLE BUNCH OF LAWS, since you keep missing that...


i guess you missed where i asked about where laws come from dearie.

hehehe...i mean besides coming down the mountain on a tablet (lol)
Bigot alert.

The laws come from the society which they protect. So we're back to square one for the fifth or sixth time. We can't create rights for other species. Rights are created by us, to protect ourselves from ourselves. And laws which prevent cruelty in no way "prove" that we recognize rights in other species. We simply have them because cruelty makes US uncomfortable. Then animals haven't asserted their "right" to live without interference from humans. We did it ourselves, to make us comfortable within our own society.
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