Animal Rights, Yes or No

North Carolina struggles with keeping pig waste out of the water system. I couldn't verify it by a quick search, but I once heard a statistic that claimed NC produces more pig waste than New York City does human waste. Overproduction for market purposes creates major impacts and costs passed on to government.

Except North Carolina put a stop to all new pig farms.
also arachnids as a group eat more insects than just about any other group.
you wouldnt face jail time for killing a deer downtown if it were legal to hunt there. Killing the deer would be as much of a non issue there as in the woods.

ps.. it's still funny that you shy away from the FACT of deer hunting season, yo.

My uncle would not be throwing kittens out the window in order to eat them. Neither did Vick eat his dogs. Neither would your "kicking a dogs ass" fantasy lead to the dinner table.

which, again, would be totally acceptable if I dog were ripping your kids throat out.

Ah. But what about activities that seem to abuse animals but also provide income and entertainment for people involved in running or watching such activity. I went to a bull fight once - and refused to go ever again. It was amazing to see so many people cheer as the bull was being stabbed and slowly killed. Yet, it seemed to provide enjoyment for lots of people and the athletic skilled bullfighter got lots of money by providing such entertainment. I guess that the bullfighter was able to live well, and supply his family with the "blood money" that he earned in his profession. Based on that, don't you think that bullfighting should be legal in America?

Invite people to see you torture and kill a bull. Get money for doing so; spend the money to buy food for yourself and your family. It soulds like it should be the American way - free market enterprize.
what's a matter allie? you can call me a christian bigot...

"We simply have them because cruelty makes US uncomfortable."

thanks for coming out.

You are a bigot.

And that's exactly why we have anti-cruelty laws. Unless you're aware of some sort of animal rising that I have yet to hear about, where some group of animals asserted their "right" to be treated humanely?
Ah. But what about activities that seem to abuse animals but also provide income and entertainment for people involved in running or watching such activity. I went to a bull fight once - and refused to go ever again. It was amazing to see so many people cheer as the bull was being stabbed and slowly killed. Yet, it seemed to provide enjoyment for lots of people and the athletic skilled bullfighter got lots of money by providing such entertainment. I guess that the bullfighter was able to live well, and supply his family with the "blood money" that he earned in his profession. Based on that, don't you think that bullfighting should be legal in America?

Invite people to see you torture and kill a bull. Get money for doing so; spend the money to buy food for yourself and your family. It soulds like it should be the American way - free market enterprize.

I watched a cock fight was sort of old unattached garage with hidden pull-out bleachers built into the walls, and a ring within a ring...and even a ticket booth.

The cocks wear long spurs and the fights are really short...but I wouldn't go again, either. Not my cup of tea.

99% of the time they snap the little varmints neck.

again moron boy. let me take a live mouse downtown and slowly peel it's skin off.

cruelty dipshit.

b-b-but they still FEEEL PAIN!

and they are not 100% accurate when snapping necks!

come on, dude.. try being consistent...

I take it you've never heard of animal testing for the sake of human consumption?
There is currently research into using brown recluse venom as an anti cancer drug. It is a necrotizing venom which stays localized to the area of injection.

Cockroaches are generally harmless. And provide an a easily replenished source of food for many small animals.

Can't think of any reason to keep mosquitoes though.

i've been bit by a brown recluse and kill every fucking one of them that i see. Unfortunately, in this state, they are everywhere.
The laws come from the society which they protect. So we're back to square one for the fifth or sixth time. We can't create rights for other species. Rights are created by us, to protect ourselves from ourselves. And laws which prevent cruelty in no way "prove" that we recognize rights in other species. We simply have them because cruelty makes US uncomfortable. Then animals haven't asserted their "right" to live without interference from humans. We did it ourselves, to make us comfortable within our own society.
It sounds like what you are saying is that there is no such thing as intrinsic rights, for animals or for humans either.
and even allie was able to recognize that the laws on cruelty
were based on "feelings".
course she said "uncomfortable". that a feeling...hmmm.:eusa_boohoo:

dont tell me about feeling when you avoid the fact of deer hunting dude. I'v seen an 11 year old kid take a knife and cut the throat of a wounded deer during hunting season. Dont give me this feeling shit.
I believe in intrinsic rights for humans because I believe they're given us by God.

Just as he gave us stewardship over the animals and earth.
Ah. But what about activities that seem to abuse animals but also provide income and entertainment for people involved in running or watching such activity. I went to a bull fight once - and refused to go ever again. It was amazing to see so many people cheer as the bull was being stabbed and slowly killed. Yet, it seemed to provide enjoyment for lots of people and the athletic skilled bullfighter got lots of money by providing such entertainment. I guess that the bullfighter was able to live well, and supply his family with the "blood money" that he earned in his profession. Based on that, don't you think that bullfighting should be legal in America?

Invite people to see you torture and kill a bull. Get money for doing so; spend the money to buy food for yourself and your family. It soulds like it should be the American way - free market enterprize.

Lets try to ban Rodeos and see how far that gets. I would never go to a bull fight, hell I would never go to a rodeo... but they are cultural facts above and beyond peta talking points about sad bunny eyes and crying bambis.

It sounds like what you are saying is that there is no such thing as intrinsic rights, for animals or for humans either.

In my opinion, people do not have intrinsic rights. "Rights" is merely a human invention - an artificial construct. It is written that people are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Yet, where is proof to this? Such a claim was invented by humans.
I think I'll turn vegan - order tofu and a vegetable plate.

while I am looking forward to a salad tonight I think im going to grill up some tasty animal this weekend. Just because.

maybe some world famous Shogun's tasty fucking Pork Ribs..
Oh, the AR crowd has already tried (and failed) to ban rodeos.

I've been to many, many rodeos. I was on a rodeo court when I was young. They aren't particularly cruel, at least not over the top cruel. If I were a cow I think I'd rather die on the rodeo grounds than die in a slaughter house.
Lets try to ban Rodeos and see how far that gets. I would never go to a bull fight, hell I would never go to a rodeo... but they are cultural facts above and beyond peta talking points about sad bunny eyes and crying bambis.


I understand and think that you get my point. There is no black-and-white – just shades of gray with respect to what different societies will tolerate. It reminds me of the old "torture" argument. What are examples of torture and what is not considered torture?
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In my opinion, people do not have intrinsic rights. "Rights" is merely a human invention - an artificial construct. It is written that people are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights. Yet, where is proof to this? Such a claim was invented by humans.

Lefties don't believe in rights, typically. They think people are cattle, only dumber.

I don't remember if you're left or not, just sayin...
why don't you oppose Mousetraps, dude?

Sticky traps are even worse. I can't have either in my house. It's bad enough when the cats catch the mice. When I caught one in a live trap I took it down the street and let it in the yard of the guy who screams at people whose dogs are off leash.

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