Animal Rights, Yes or No

I think that I see your point. "Animal Rights" is somewhat a misnomer. "Laws to protect animals" would be a better term.

I believe in laws to protect. But animal rights people think animals should have rights, and we should extend them to them.
Save the Baby Harp Seals!


Or at least save one for me, I'll bring my own Louisville Slugger!


Did you get that awful pic off of this video of Bill Hicks>

[ame=]YouTube - BILL HICKS on War & Freedom[/ame]

Did you get that awful pic off of this video of Bill Hicks>

Naw, I just googled baby harp seal and found that on one of the first couple pages. The joke itself I stole from an issue of Mad magazine I read back in junior high school. Funny some of the things we remember.

Well, the ASPCA is a more "mainstream" group to protect the "rights" of animals, while PETA uses extreme measures sometimes to get their point of view across.

I used to be a member of PETA (for a year) and am now a member of ASPCA.

*My brother likes to call PETA:


He's real original, that one is. :cuckoo:
I avoid them both.

I think PETA is worse. I think ASPCA supports them..or maybe that was the Humane Society.
Naw, I just googled baby harp seal and found that on one of the first couple pages. The joke itself I stole from an issue of Mad magazine I read back in junior high school. Funny some of the things we remember.

Well, you can't be half bad if you read Mad Magazine!

Love that, still read it sometimes in my old age!
Why on earth is my distrust of an organization which supports terrorism and the erosion of rights symptomatic of not liking anything?
I think I was thinking of the Humane Society. They were busted for pouring $$ into Peta.

And Peta for pouring $$ into environmental terrorism defenses, and ELF.
Why on earth is my distrust of an organization which supports terrorism and the erosion of rights symptomatic of not liking anything?

The Humane Society and the ASPCA support terrorism?

Can you show me some links please?
The Humane Society supported Peta...which in turn poured many, many $$ into defense funds (and heavens knows what else) for ELF terrorists.

It's pretty well known....Ingrid even addressed it. I'll go on a hunt.
PETA Giving to the Earth Liberation Front |

PETA's Forum - sympathizers

"In the past, PETA has handled the press for the Animal Liberation Front (ALF), a violent, underground group of fanatics who plant firebombs in restaurants, destroy butcher shops, and torch research labs. The FBI considers ALF among America's most active and prolific terrorist groups, but PETA compares it to the Underground Railroad and the French Resistance. More than 20 years after its inception, PETA continues to hire convicted ALF militants and funds their legal defense. In at least one case, court records show that Ingrid Newkirk herself was involved in an ALF arson."
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals
Though that one is certainly biased against Peta...

From wiki:

Rod Coronado, a former ALF activist, received $64,000 from the group and two months later another $38,240 as a loan which has never been paid back to fund his legal defense when he was convicted of having set fire to a Michigan State University research lab in 1992. PETA claimed a tax refund from the Internal Revenue Service for the donation after the arson took place.[31][28] PETA is also alleged to have donated $1.3 million to the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM),[28] an organization that promotes the use of alternatives to animal testing, but which has been criticized for its links with the ALF, and in particular with Dr. Jerry Vlasak, a trauma surgeon who runs the North American Animal Liberation Press Office.[32] PETA also gave $5,000 to the Josh Harper Support Committee, before Harper was convicted of "animal enterprise terrorism" in the U.S. in connection with the Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty campaign[33] and, according to the New York Post, gave $1,500 to the ELF in 2001.[34] Newkirk said of the ELF donation that it was a mistake, and that the money was supposed to be used for "public education about destruction of habitat."[34] According to the Southern Poverty Law Center, PETA also provided $7,500 to Fran Trutt, convicted of the attempted murder of Leon Hirsch, the CEO of the United States Surgical Corporation.[35]

In general, Newkirk makes no apology for PETA's support of activists who may break the law, writing that "no movement for social change has ever succeeded without 'the militarism component'." Of the Animal Liberation Front, she writes: "Thinkers may prepare revolutions, but bandits must carry them out."[36] People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I'm running out of time...but here's what I've found on HSUS so far:
I know they are partners with Peta, and would have to find tax returns but I want to go to lunch....

"HSUS is big, rich, and powerful, a “humane society” in name only. And while most local animal shelters are under-funded and unsung, HSUS has accumulated $113 million in assets and built a recognizable brand by capitalizing on the confusion its very name provokes. This misdirection results in an irony of which most animal lovers are unaware: HSUS raises enough money to finance animal shelters in every single state, with money to spare, yet it doesn’t operate a single one anywhere.

Instead, HSUS spends millions on programs that seek to economically cripple meat and dairy producers; eliminate the use of animals in biomedical research labs; phase out pet breeding, zoos, and circus animal acts; and demonize hunters as crazed lunatics. HSUS spends $2 million each year on travel expenses alone, just keeping its multi-national agenda going. "
The Humane Society supported Peta...which in turn poured many, many $$ into defense funds (and heavens knows what else) for ELF terrorists.

It's pretty well known....Ingrid even addressed it. I'll go on a hunt.

Senate Committee Focuses on Extremist Groups - July 1, 2005

His evidence included the self-described "militant, direct action magazine" No Compromise, published for ALF supporters. The magazine lists as its benefactors People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, The Fund for Animals, and In Defense of Animals, as well as PETA President Ingrid Newkirk, two of PETA's officers, and an activist on staff with the Humane Society of the United States.

I think that it is a stretch to suggest that hte Humane Society supports terrorism.
They work with and for Peta. If they fund Peta, and Peta funds terrorists, then what are they funding?

The truth is, this is only the tip of the iceburg. They raise money to destroy industry. PERIOD. That's the purpose of the Humane Society. They don't even make any bones about it.

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