Ann Coulter finally unites us all: ‘Who DOESN’T want Trump impeached’ now?

I never really liked Ann Coulter, and I'm not sure I really care one way or the other what she has to say.
"Let's play Jeopardy. ANSWER: An Easter egg. QUESTION: What's the only thing easier to roll than Donald J. Trump?" - Coulter
You leftwits are declaring victory again before he battle is won. How's it going on the recounts and Russia collusion? :laugh:
he caved on the wall. he caved on DACA. he caved on locking her up. impeach NOW!
Ryan, McConnell, Schumer, and Pelosi have perhaps finally succeeded in turning Trump into one of them....why the hell would they want to Impeach him NOW?!
You leftwits are declaring victory again before he battle is won. How's it going on the recounts and Russia collusion? :laugh:
No one is declaring victory. I for one am just enjoying laughing at you gullible twits
I'm done with Trump if he Cucks

you need to listen to more infowars because it's not looking good and Trump might be controlled

The only wall I can see is the one the globalists built between Candidate Trump and President Trump.
"We did whatever a good quarterback does in the 4th quarter, down 3 pts, with 4 seconds to go. We threw a Hail Mary pass. It didn't work." - Coulter
"Disgusted I ever supported you. My family went through a lot supporting u. Cruz should have been nominee. Despise u & the other GOP traitors" - Coulter


KOBACH ELECTION FRAUD COMMISSION SHOCK DISCOVERY: A guy ran for president promising one thing, got elected, and did exactly the opposite" - Coulter
Did she not once say that Mitt was a great conservative?

That trump was her candidate of choice?

That Bush was so right about WMD?

It appears Mz Coulter is not the best judge of political leadership!

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