Ann Coulter finally unites us all: ‘Who DOESN’T want Trump impeached’ now?

Ann was never on Trump's wagon anyway. She likes the whale from NJ. Go ahead and seal your fate and bring impeachment charges up on Trump. I would love to see that happen. It would be the end of the DNC.
Ann was never on Trump's wagon anyway. She likes the whale from NJ. Go ahead and seal your fate and bring impeachment charges up on Trump. I would love to see that happen. It would be the end of the DNC.

In Trump We Trust - Wikipedia

In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!is a 2016 book by Ann Coulter in support of Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States
Oh' poo. The DACA peeps and illegals will all have to get their apps in soon just in case congress gives them amnesty.
Ann was never on Trump's wagon anyway. She likes the whale from NJ. Go ahead and seal your fate and bring impeachment charges up on Trump. I would love to see that happen. It would be the end of the DNC.

In Trump We Trust - Wikipedia

In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!is a 2016 book by Ann Coulter in support of Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States
Don't care...neither do 90% of Trump voters. The economy is on fire, the borders are already stronger. Bad illegal criminals are being deported. And finally someone is exposing the swamp and draining it. And Obama's America is being reversed at a very rapid pace. Trump's a winner! one day you will realize it.
Ann was never on Trump's wagon anyway..
In Trump We Trust - Wikipedia

In Trump We Trust: E Pluribus Awesome!is a 2016 book by Ann Coulter in support of Donald Trump and his 2016 campaign for the presidency of the United States

And what happens after being proven wrong?

Don't care...neither do 90% of Trump voters. .

That's the point. You don't care about being wrong, stupid, or racist.
Trump to do another rally....already sold out. Proceeds to go to the storm/flood victims.
It's called cult of personality. You're i love with Trump, and will follow him even if you catch him cheating on you, lying to you, or stealing from you.
Nope wrong again...he does the opposite of what the swamp does. He is real change. Finally someone has the life long leaders in our non functional federal government listening. What he did to his own house and senate leaders was historic in nature. He has told all in DC that he is there to get things done for the people, the tax payers not the wealthy donors that give equally to both sides. Why you can't see that is amazing to me. I guess the new progressives and the left are total government sycophants.
After Hungary built a Border Wall, illegal immigrant crossings dropped by over 99%. Secure borders make sense; so why can’t the US have one?

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