Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on MJ.

Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963
As a senior in high school she T-boned the car driven by her ex. He was on his way to pick up his new girl friend to take her to a school party.

Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963 - Yahoo! Answers,cf.osb&fp=c84746cf00647e6a&biw=1737&bih=882

So I guess that was murder too?

She had an ACCIDENT. He was drunk and ran away after saving himself. Fuck off....

Like I said, sick people AND THEY VOTE.
no wonder this country is in so much trouble.
Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963
As a senior in high school she T-boned the car driven by her ex. He was on his way to pick up his new girl friend to take her to a school party.

Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963 - Yahoo! Answers,cf.osb&fp=c84746cf00647e6a&biw=1737&bih=882

So I guess that was murder too?

She had an ACCIDENT. He was drunk and ran away after saving himself. Fuck off....

She had an accident that happened to kill her ex-boyfriend who was in the other car? Seems more like hitting the Lotto.
I went out in the middle of Texas and happened to run into an old girlfriend who had just broken up with me. Who would have thunk it?
Ann Coulter, as usual, is correct.
That maggot infested pile of human debris has never been correct about anything!

Whatever one may think of her politics that simply is not true. She came out immediately in defense of the Duke lacrosse team (Stripper lied, white boys fried was her line IIRC) saying they were wrongly and falsely accused when the MSM - and Duke University itself tossed them under the bus putting political correctness ahead of the constitutionally mandated presumption of innocence. She was proven to be absolutely correct.

Wonder what will be said when she dies....if anyone even remembers her then.
Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on Morning Joe.

Human Pestilence?

The entire crew sits there wide eyed and silent. Once she's gone, they talk about what a "great guy" Ted Kennedy was. If they felt that way, why not say something to her face?

And she goes on about "conservative values".

Let's recap:

Human pestilence.

"Let him die".

Applauds executions.

Wants to get rid of the EPA because a certain number of birth defects are "acceptable".

Turn Medicare in to a "voucher program".

Blackmails the nation, holding the unemployed hostage to push for a Bush Tax cut extension.

Supports removing the payroll tax break to lay more burden on the Middle Class.

These just aren't my values. Thank Gawd.

I love Anne, too. She's so easy to deflate.

[ame=]Al Franken Challenges Ann Coulter on Slanting the Truth - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ann Coulter, Al Franken: Who in History Would You Be? FDR & Hitler! - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Ann Coulter gets OWNED by Bill Maher - YouTube[/ame]
"She first establishes her base line, defining the mob as "an irrational, childlike, often violent organism that derives its energy from the group. Intoxicated by messianic goals, the promise of instant gratification, and adrenaline-pumping exhortations, mobs create mayhem, chaos, and destruction, leaving a smoldering heap of wreckage for their leaders to climb to power."

Sound familiar? It should, because "the Democratic Party is the party of the mob . . . Indeed, the very idea of a 'community organizer' is to stir up a mob for some political purpose." No truer words.

She then systematically identifies the Democratic Party's mob characteristics and how its leaders' appeal to them — through distortions, inflaming passions, demonizing opponents, and substituting propagandist images and sound bites in place of facts, ideas and persuasive argument.

The Democratic Party is nothing if not a repository of hackneyed slogans ("the laws of logic have no action on crowds"), repeated mindlessly and incessantly and designed to thwart the rational consideration of ideas with appeals to incendiary, false rhetoric: "Bush lied, people died." "No blood for oil." "Tax cuts for the rich."

Next, Coulter takes us on a gripping tour of the murderously barbaric and ghoulishly bloody years of the French Revolution and its philosophical underpinnings, which were inspired in part by Jean Jacques Rousseau.

Rousseau, as you know, is one of the left's celebrated secular political philosophers. Anticipating modern liberals, he twisted words and concepts to turn common sense on its head.

Rousseau was a proponent of the "general will," but his idea of the general will did not remotely resemble any bottom-up expression of the people en route to republican government. It more closely resembled the process whereby autocrats impose their "superior" ideas on the masses in the name of carrying out the people's will.

As Coulter puts it, "a select group of elites with absolutely no grasp of human nature will figure out the program, inflexibly impose it on the people and thereby regenerate mankind."

Coulter's guided tour of the French Revolution (and her contrasting summary of the American Revolution) is hardly a mere historical joyride. For in the book's last section, she makes her closing argument, highlighting the inescapable parallels between today's liberals and the revolutionary French.

She writes that "all the bloody totalitarian dictatorships of the twentieth century have drawn inspiration from Rousseau and the French Revolution." All the "great liberal 'reformers' of the twentieth century, from Lenin to Hugo Chavez," got their "playbook from Robespierre" — probably the worst and most radical of the French revolutionaries — "who argued, following Rousseau, that a 'Republic of Virtue' could only be achieved by 'virtue combined with terror.'"

Democrats, says Coulter, "are heirs to the French Revolution, the uprising of a mob," whereas "conservatives are heirs to the American Revolution and the harmonious order of a republic." Indeed.

Chilling 'Demonic' Is Ann Coulter's Best Book
Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963
As a senior in high school she T-boned the car driven by her ex. He was on his way to pick up his new girl friend to take her to a school party.

Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963 - Yahoo! Answers,cf.osb&fp=c84746cf00647e6a&biw=1737&bih=882

So I guess that was murder too?

She had an ACCIDENT. He was drunk and ran away after saving himself. Fuck off....

She had an "accident" with her X while he was on his way to get his new girlfriend? Wow.
Ann Coulter refers to Ted Kennedy as, "Glad he's gone human pestilence" on Morning Joe.

Human Pestilence?

The entire crew sits there wide eyed and silent. Once she's gone, they talk about what a "great guy" Ted Kennedy was. If they felt that way, why not say something to her face?

And she goes on about "conservative values".

Let's recap:

Human pestilence.

"Let him die".

Applauds executions.

Wants to get rid of the EPA because a certain number of birth defects are "acceptable".

Turn Medicare in to a "voucher program".

Blackmails the nation, holding the unemployed hostage to push for a Bush Tax cut extension.

Supports removing the payroll tax break to lay more burden on the Middle Class.

These just aren't my values. Thank Gawd.


Its almost as if republicans are callous, uncaring idiots who like to flag wave.
Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963
As a senior in high school she T-boned the car driven by her ex. He was on his way to pick up his new girl friend to take her to a school party.

Why did Laura Bush kill her ex-boyfriend in 1963 - Yahoo! Answers,cf.osb&fp=c84746cf00647e6a&biw=1737&bih=882

So I guess that was murder too?

She had an ACCIDENT. He was drunk and ran away after saving himself. Fuck off....

She had an "accident" with her X while he was on his way to get his new girlfriend? Wow.

Country roads, that go for miles and intersect. They lived in the same part of the country, and they were going to the same party.

Really, it isn't that amazing.

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