Ann Coulter's Answer to Canada!

Ravi taking abuse to a whole new level said:
neg-rep for hatin' on women

Now THAT is a Sweet Irony... This cow has been in here HATIN' ON A WOMAN FOR TWO DAYS... and wants to neg-rep ME for pointing out the feminized quality inherent in Leftist Males.

Clearly, another CLASSIC example of a Left-think Construing to an invalid conclusion; just as Ravi construed to such directly above.

do you ever stop whining, nancy boy?

What's that Mrs. Malaprop?

FYI; ya might want to look up the words you're not sure about... and here's another clue... be a lot less sure about the words ya use.

It'll spare ya all this humiliation.
Now THAT is a Sweet Irony... This cow has been in here HATIN' ON A WOMAN FOR TWO DAYS... and wants to neg-rep ME for pointing out the feminized quality inherent in Leftist Males.

Clearly, another CLASSIC example of a Left-think Construing to an invalid conclusion; just as Ravi construed to such directly above.

do you ever stop whining, nancy boy?

What's that Mrs. Malaprop?

FYI; ya might want to look up the words you're not sure about... and here's another clue... be a lot less sure about the words ya use.

It'll spare ya all this humiliation.

when did humiliation become a synonym for tedium, brainiac?
clearly you're laboring under the misconception that your opinion counts for something to someone.

that may be true, but i'm not the someone.

have a nice day.

preferably somewhere else.


Oh OK... So you're claiming then that the opposition isn't worthy of you actually sustaining your argument; thus you're conceding the point.

Fair enough...

And pleasse Sis... don't feel bad... It's not like ya had a shot, now is it?

Again kids... Del here is a Progressive... a long standing advocate of taking a little from the Right ideology and the wrong and finding a happy medium through compromise.

She advanced an assertion; was asked to sustain it; and ran to change the subject... Proving as she always does, that they simply can't compete.

They WANT TO... they really do.

But when the rubber of truth, hits the road of reason... they come up short every single time.

Recognize what's happened here... a Progressive has just demonstrated that when they're encouraged to demonstrate the product of their reasoning; the result is Regression.

WHICH IS THE EXACT SAME THING THAT THE CANUKISTANI ACADEMIC RIOTERS DID... Which is exactly what Miss Coulter's position on the issue is; which means that despite her best efforts to prove otherwise; Del here has proven Miss Coulter's position to be TRUE.

LOL... Now how Cool is that, huh...?

Good job Del... I knew I could count on ya.

let me put this in simple terms that even an intellectual giant such as yourself should be able to pick up after reading it through fifteen or sixteen times.

i don't care what you think.

it's a very simple concept; perhaps if you write it backwards on your forehead, you'll be able to remember it. :thup:

use multiple colors and large fonts if that aids in what passes for your cognitive processes.

o-tay, spanky?

Got it... you can't support your position and you want to avoid being held accountable for that personal failure, by changing the subject...

Again... it's not a complex issue Sis. And don't feel like ya need to trot out another of these chronic failures to prove it.

It's a certainty to anyone that reads the thread...

Your ass is OWNED.


The Owner.
do you ever stop whining, nancy boy?

What's that Mrs. Malaprop?

FYI; ya might want to look up the words you're not sure about... and here's another clue... be a lot less sure about the words ya use.

It'll spare ya all this humiliation.

when did humiliation become a synonym for tedium, brainiac?

It's not...

Again... if you'll look these words up BEFORE ya use 'em... you'll spare yourself the personal disgrace in demonstrating the shallow nature of your intellectual depth...
Publius seems to have an unhealthy fascination with del's ass.

at least he doesn't pretend he was a marine anymore.


Sorry for the delay sis... I had to report someone for trying to enflame the discussion...

Now again... you're problem here is that you're unable to sustain your well discredited assertion...

And I pointed out that your impotent attempts to change the subject were evidence of your failure.

Now let me ask ya this... is it you GOAL to demonstrate your inability to sustain your argument, through flaccid attempts to change the subject?

'Cause that's what it's lookin' like...
Publius seems to have an unhealthy fascination with del's ass.

at least he doesn't pretend he was a marine anymore.


Sorry for the delay sis... I had to report someone for trying to enflame the discussion...

Now again... you're problem here is that you're unable to sustain your well discredited assertion...

And I pointed out that your impotent attempts to change the subject were evidence of your failure.

Now let me ask ya this... is it you GOAL to demonstrate your inability to sustain your argument, through flaccid attempts to change the subject?

'Cause that's what it's lookin' like...

at least he doesn't pretend he was a marine anymore.


Sorry for the delay sis... I had to report someone for trying to enflame the discussion...

Now again... you're problem here is that you're unable to sustain your well discredited assertion...

And I pointed out that your impotent attempts to change the subject were evidence of your failure.

Now let me ask ya this... is it you GOAL to demonstrate your inability to sustain your argument, through flaccid attempts to change the subject?

'Cause that's what it's lookin' like...


enflame? flaccid? impotent?

I'm seeing a theme develop.
Sorry for the delay sis... I had to report someone for trying to enflame the discussion...

Now again... you're problem here is that you're unable to sustain your well discredited assertion...

And I pointed out that your impotent attempts to change the subject were evidence of your failure.

Now let me ask ya this... is it you GOAL to demonstrate your inability to sustain your argument, through flaccid attempts to change the subject?

'Cause that's what it's lookin' like...


enflame? flaccid? impotent?

I'm seeing a theme develop.

a meltdown?
Sorry for the delay sis... I had to report someone for trying to enflame the discussion...

Now again... you're problem here is that you're unable to sustain your well discredited assertion...

And I pointed out that your impotent attempts to change the subject were evidence of your failure.

Now let me ask ya this... is it you GOAL to demonstrate your inability to sustain your argument, through flaccid attempts to change the subject?

'Cause that's what it's lookin' like...


enflame? flaccid? impotent?

I'm seeing a theme develop.


Looks like another ROUTE... The gals have set aside any attempt to remain on subject and the effort is now wholly relegated to distraction... which by any objective ruling is a CONCESSION OF THE ARGUMENT.

And THAT kids is how THAT'S done.

In closing... I'll only point out that the more recent posts demonstrates the moral relativism that has been at issue... where rules are to be enforced only where the rules suit the ends of the ruler.

Again... tying Progressives to Progressive leadership. What can one expect when one places Progressives in positions of Responsibility?

The evidence is ever-present... Vote accordingly.
Isn't that against your religion...... the religion of "men who stare at and have sex with goats"........ excuse me, I meant to say "whimps that stare at and have sex with goats".
Sex with women? No, I'm afraid it isn't. As for having sex with goats, I hate to put a damper on your fantasies, but you may be interested in this:

Narrated 'Abdullah ibn Abbas: The Prophet said, "If anyone has sexual intercourse with an animal, kill him and kill it along with him." - Sunan Abu Dawud, Prescribed Punishments, no. 4449​

Hollywood made a movie about it. They had George Clooney play an Arab ass wipe.
Ironically, that movie was about the utter stupidity at the heart of US military intelligence.
How can Coltface pick on anyone for talking mean?

I try to remember that some of our members require spoon-feeding of ideas, so forgive me for simply posting the Ann Coulter column.

Here is the breakdown so that you can understand, as " talking mean" actually has nothing
to do with the OP.

1. Ms. Coulter was invited to speak to students at the University.

2. Left wing 'scholars' looked into their well-worn compendium on civil discourse, and 'market place of ideas' strategies, and shouted and rioted so that Ms. Coulter could not deliver here talk.

3. No one was force to join the assembly who wished to hear ideas with which they might or might not agree.

Still with me?

4. Canada represents ersatz-EU, in that free speech means only if the left agrees with your speech content.

5. Those of us who honor the first amendment of the US Constitution, see it as a higher level of social evolution than censorship, would champion Ms. Coulter's right to speak, and critique Canadian culture in this regard.

5a. Consider the this quote, attributed to Voltaire: "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."
Have someone explain it to you.

You're absolutely correct. What I see here is two different exercises in free speech. Unfortunately the authorities in Canada were unprepared to keep a distance between the two sides. That is not an uncommon occurrence here in America. Normally, the party that retreats at the initial confrontation usually returns with the authorities in place to ensure their right to speak is not abridged.
Under Canadian law, things Coulter says can probably be construed as violating hate speech laws.

For example.
More than 2,000 students showed up to protest her telling a Muslim student Monday to "take a camel" as an alternative to flying. Security at the University of Ottawa feared students would riot over racist remarks she made to Muslims. Coulter has said all terrorists are Muslims and has suggested all Muslims be barred from airlines and use flying carpets. When the student said she didn't have a flying carpet, Coulter told her to "take a camel."
American Right-Winger Ann Coulter's Speech Cancelled Because of Her Racist Remarks

Again, if you don't want to follow another country's rules, don't be their guest.

And if you are AFRAID of Canadian college students exercising THEIR freedom of speech you look like a coward.

Coulter was both a bad guest and a coward.

That is all.

The event was not canceled because of anything Coulter said or did. It was ONLY canceled because security officials were afraid the little shouting fascists were going to try and cause a riot. That is what fascists do -use intimidation and the threat of violence to silence political opponents. ENOUGH of this crap trying to pretend Coulter committed a hate crime. She did no such thing or she would have been arrested. Instead she was booked for more speaking engagements. It was shut down ONLY because of the fascist actions of leftist students. Leave it to the fascist-loving left to try and re-write this history as well. Let's review both Canadian law and what Coulter actually said. Canadian law regarding HATE SPEECH involves encouraging violence against a person or group based on their ethnic, racial or religious heritage or sexual orientation. Get this one? If its just an opinion but doesn't encourage violence against someone or some group based on their sexual orientation, religious, racial heritage etc. then it isn't "hate speech". It is just an opinion YOU may not like and while we all realize that liberals insist that any political opinion they don't like amounts to a "crime", it really isn't.

At a PREVIOUS speaking engagement Coulter expressed her opinion that all Muslims should be put on a no-fly list until mainstream Muslims publicly and unequivocally denounced the violence committed in the name of their religion by extremists and that until that happened no one should assume the religion had been hijacked by extremists at all.

I don't care how much you pro-fascist liberals want to twist in the wind on this one -this is NOT hate speech and it isn't racist either. (And maybe you fascists really don't know this, but in order for something to be "racist" it must involve a negative comment applied to a group or individual about their RACE. Religious comments don't count as "racist" or nearly all liberals could properly be called "racist" for all their near nonstop filthy Christian bashing, huh?) It was Coulter's OPINION about how to deal with the ongoing reality that Muslims still try to use our airlines and planes as the means of killing Americans. The cold-blooded murder of unarmed civilians trapped on an airplane with mass murdering Muslims is something I happen to find far more offensive than Coulter's OPINION. But that's me -maybe fascists have no problem with that one.

After Coulter expressed this opinion and explained why she held that opinion, this Muslim woman made the comment about not being able to take a magic carpet so how was she supposed to travel. Her comment showed her concern was NOT with Coulter's contention that most Muslims actually had no objections to the violence carried out in the name of their religion or in any way tried to counter her reasoning behind her opinion. It was all about her CONVENIENCE instead -as if that was at least as important as taking measures that would save the most lives and as if violence committed in the name of her religion was no big deal when that was the very premise of Coulter's opinion. In other words Coulter responded with the same level of seriousness as the woman's question. In the real world this is called TOUGH SHIT -you want a serious answer, then ask a serious question.

If this woman had really disagreed with Coulter's entire premise, there is sound reasoning to argue against her opinion. I don't agree with Coulter that all Muslims should be on a no-fly list. If it had been me -and assuming I really DID object to the violence carried out in the name of my religion - I would have said that as a Muslim woman who has never given approval for the violence committed in the name of my religion, how does that obligate me PERSONALLY to first publicly denounce it before I am allowed to fly? Was Coulter obligated to first denounce the IRA or the British government's anti-IRA actions (depending on her own religion here) before she could fly? I would have asked her a question along these lines and I guarantee you that if this Muslim had as well, Coulter would have given her a serious answer. Wow, the very NOTION of using REASON to argue against Coulter's views is really unusual, huh? It really is for the left because when confined to using reason instead of intimidation and threats of violence -they can't win and they know it. It is why they skip that entirely and go right to threats of violence instead.

This phony "outrage" that because Coulter's response matched this woman's lack of seriousness somehow amounts to a hate crime would be laughable except for the fact this is actually being used by fascists to justify THEIR behavior -using intimidation and the threat of violence to shut down opposing political opinions entirely. Something I find far more objectionable and a damn sight more scary than anything Coulter has ever or could ever say.

No matter how much the fascists insist this is all about Coulter and her political views and insist those political views amount to "hate crimes", it is all pure bullshit and an attempt to distract people from what REALLY happened here. The REAL story here is and has been all along that fascism is alive and well on Canadian campuses and fascists were given free rein to use intimidation and threat of violence in order to silence those with opposing political views. That their victim expressed an opinion with which they disagree is ALWAYS the excuse fascists give for what they do. And they will ALWAYS insist it justifies the use of intimidation and the threat of violence to silence them.
At a PREVIOUS speaking engagement Coulter expressed her opinion that all Muslims should be put on a no-fly list until mainstream Muslims publicly and unequivocally denounced the violence committed in the name of their religion by extremists and that until that happened no one should assume the religion had been hijacked by extremists at all.

I don't care how much you pro-fascist liberals want to twist in the wind on this one -this is NOT hate speech and it isn't racist either.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." - Ann Coulter (12 Sept. 2001)

"Bring it on, bitch." - Islam

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