Ann Coulter's Answer to Canada!

islam is a joke without a sense of humor. Coulter is completely and totally correct........ fuck muslim asswipes and the camels they rode in on.
Do you have the balls to act on your words or are you an armchair warrior?

Are you suggesting that I should fuck a muslim asswipe? I wouldn't do that with your diseased dick. We'll see what I do if one stands up to try to take over a plane I'm on........ he'll get a Nikon camera across his hooked nosed face.
Are you suggesting that I should fuck a muslim asswipe?
No, which makes me wonder why you'd bring that up...

I wouldn't do that with your diseased dick.
...but you'd do things to other people's dicks? :eusa_eh:

We'll see what I do if one stands up to try to take over a plane I'm on........ he'll get a Nikon camera across his hooked nosed face.
Are you going to try and have your way with him after that? You seem to have a very strange obsession with Muslims and homosexual intercourse. And fucking goats.
The problem with Ann Coulter is simply that she started out being just a smart-mouth, having written a couple of anti-liberalism books and feeling like she could get away with anything (during that time). Well she soon found out that her reputation was getting the best of her. Even civil conservative gatherings began to bar her from speaking because she was viewed as a troublemaker. At one time she probably DID have a lot of persuasive power, just like other writers who have written about liberalism: Bernie Goldberg, Jonah Goldberg. Those guys don't get banned from speaking engagements.

Maggie, I know you are far too reputable to mention that Ms. Coulter has "written a couple of anti-liberalism books" without reading them...

here they are, all NYTimes best sellers

* High Crimes and Misdemeanors: The Case Against Bill Clinton (Regnery 1998)
* Slander: Liberal Lies About the American Right (Crown, 2002)
* Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism (Crown Forum, 2003)
* How to Talk to a Liberal (If You Must): The World According to Ann Coulter (Crown Forum, 2004)
* Godless: The Church of Liberalism (Crown Forum, 2006)
* If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans (Crown Forum, 2007)
* Guilty: Liberal "Victims" and Their Assault on America (Crown Forum, 2009)

which ones did you read? Any critiques you would offer?

I did read "Slander" and "Treason," but then decided any further reads of hers would be a form of self-flagellation and dangerous to my physical wellbeing. :lol:

LOL... No you didn't...

that is absolute NONESENSE...

Now how do I know that?

I know that because HAD you read them; where you were asked for a critique of the books; instead of somply declaring that you'd read them... you'd have had something SPECIFIC TO SAY WITH REGARD TO THE AUTHORS VARIOUS AND NUMEROUS POSITIONS ADVANCED IN THE BOOKS...

The truth is, that you've most likely read NOTHING advaned by Coulter that hasn't been snipped as a pull quote in some article by some Leftist pundit; the odds are that the full scope of what you know of Coulter's work is limited to what you've read on line, or heard from Olberman, Maddow and/or Comedy Central.

The incomtrovertible FACT is; that in 22 pages, NOT ONE of you people who've come to cry about Ann Coulter's existence, has HAD A SINGLE SPECIFIC POINT MADE BY COULTER; FRAMED IN THE CONTEXT IN WHICH SHE OFFERED IT... Let alone a valid argument which might possible contest her point.

Now it's not reasonable to go on for 22 pages of debate and fail to offer A SINGLE VALID POINT and expect to be taken seriously...


All you people have managed to do is to advance baseless assertions and when you were challenged to support those assertions; turn to some form of distraction... Ya even had a SUPER-Mod 'user' come into the forum to spam and flame the ongoing disucssion order to change the subject.

Ya lost... there's nothing left to discuss. Coulter's body of work is readily available to every person on this board; from her Best selling books; to her thousands of interviews, to the endless columns and articles whic she has written... and from ALL of that; NOT ONE SUBSTANTIVE POINT WHICH CAN SHOW WHERE COULTER WAS WRONG.

The closest ya've mangage to come is that Canadian interview and that's been shut down from six different perspectives.

Face it kids... As an Ideology, THE IDEOLOGICAL LEFT CANNOT COMPETE! Wherever you're found going toe to toe with Americans... YA LOSE.

Ya always HAVE and ya ALWAYS WILL!
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Are you suggesting that I should fuck a muslim asswipe?
No, which makes me wonder why you'd bring that up...

I wouldn't do that with your diseased dick.
...but you'd do things to other people's dicks? :eusa_eh:

We'll see what I do if one stands up to try to take over a plane I'm on........ he'll get a Nikon camera across his hooked nosed face.
Are you going to try and have your way with him after that? You seem to have a very strange obsession with Muslims and homosexual intercourse. And fucking goats.

That's a cute attempt to turn my insults around on me......FAIL like everything else you muslim scum do every time you try anything. You live in the gutter with that silly joke of a religion, why am I not surprised you would have a sword and an AK-47 in your avatar, where are the women and children that you fags hide behind when you aren't abusing them?
Do you have the balls to act on your words or are you an armchair warrior?

Now calm down boys, dueling is outlawed in all 57 states.

Unfortunately for sitarro, bestiality is forbidden in most states as well.

ROFL... oh my, now is this your way of trying to insist that Islam on some level tends towards sexual purity?

I've got a question on that one...

What do ya think is going on within the recent attempt to repeal "don't ask, don't tell" as a policy of the US Military; as a means to undermine US military readiness... specifically where the most predominate argument is that 'the US military is losing THOUSANDS of otherwise qualified and necessary people, PARTICULARLY the TRANSLATORS who speaks ARABIC or other Middle Eastern Languages...

Or do you feel that there's some notable distinction in the the deviency which provides for what stands as a male, to engage in sex with something else which is akin to a male, and those who do the same thing with other species?

I don't see any distinction what so ever... Would ya care to explain what the distinction might be, in an attempt to justify the large percentage of Muslims who are pathetic sexual devients who are unable to control their base sexual instincts?
enflame? flaccid? impotent?

I'm seeing a theme develop.

a meltdown?

if he offers me a thousand bucks to tell him where i live, i'm going for it.


So let's put this all in context kids...

This thread is about the abusive nature of the Progressive... Specifically Miss Coulter being invited to speak at what stands as a University in Canada; and the organized effort by those who ideologically oppose her at that University, to use the law or the Color of Law to harass one of the more effective members of their ideological opposition...; through the aforementioned threats which construed that the opposition to Progressvism is itself, a violation of the law. Which is in and of itself, a threat of violence... and this combined with the violent riots which were encouraged through the speech of the Univerisity's opposition to Miss Coulter... if the actual law was CONSTRUED as THEY HAVE STATED THEY INTERPRET SUCH; THEN THE PROGRESSIVES THEMSELVES VIOLATED THAT LAW THROUGH THEIR ACTIONS... in contrast to the mere potential that Miss Coulter MAY HAVE violated those laws, had she not cancelled her engagement.

Now throughout the debate, the in-house Left, has been subjected to effective refutation of their numerous assertions. Not the least of which is Del and her gal-pal Ravi-the-Abuser... along with the other usual suspects.

So in the process, they were all simply challenged to support those assertions and they all repeatedly failed to do so... again with Del being amongst the least of those capable of doing so.

Now comes the above exchange where a Site Super-Moderator... who comes to change the subject, to distract from her personal failure and to otherwise enflame the discussion; in hopes of using the response to that abusive, violent behavior as a means to CONSTRUE a violation of site rules; so that she can once again BAN that member for a Violation of the would-be Local Law; and in so doing, protect the public interests by culling from the discussion, one of the more effective members of the opposition...

See the pattern?

Progressives, abusing whatever power which they have managed to secure, to accomplish what they are otherwise incapable of accomplishing, due to their stark intellectual limitations.

Humanism, Moral Relativism... The means justifies the ends... Deceit, theft and fraudulence.

The coolest little irony here is how they desperately wanted to project that their opposition was melting down, as a result of that opposition having held them accountable for their failure to support their own assertions.

When in truth; the behavior exhibited above, was, as is so often the case; and as has been repeatedly noted in this thread, by yours truly, a case where the charges being advanced by the Left are precisely that of which; they, themselves are guilty.

And kids... this is the behavior that we see on this board, by those Progressives in power; and it is EXACTLY the same behavior which is being advanced by the Progressives in US Governance... and it is PRECISELY how we came to witness the US Congress voting to pass a CULTURAL CHANGING BILL WHICH WAS NOT ONLY NOT EVEN FINISHED; BUT WAS ONE WHICH, AS A RESULT, IT WAS A BILL ON WHICH THE CONGRESS HAD NEVER VOTED.

Illicit, deceitful, underhanded tricks... which THE PROGRESSIVES CONSTRUED was perfectly legal... because IT WAS A MEANS WHICH SERVED THEIR DESIRED ENDS. Without rgeard for it being ILLEGAL; without regard for it being IMMORAL and without regard to the REGRESSIVE results that it was certain to produce.
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At a PREVIOUS speaking engagement Coulter expressed her opinion that all Muslims should be put on a no-fly list until mainstream Muslims publicly and unequivocally denounced the violence committed in the name of their religion by extremists and that until that happened no one should assume the religion had been hijacked by extremists at all.

I don't care how much you pro-fascist liberals want to twist in the wind on this one -this is NOT hate speech and it isn't racist either.

"We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity." - Ann Coulter (12 Sept. 2001)

"Bring it on, bitch." - Islam

Ahh, we ARE bringing it on... Or are you not aware of the two Muslim countries which we've invaded, conquered and are now providing them with the opportunity to shut the fuck up, sit down and behave?

Granted we've allowed them to maintain their religious convictions... but let me assure you Sis, that if you people screw up again... Islam will become bump in the historical road.

The Progressives presently in power are working the last of their political Days, Haji... And I expect that the 'kinder, gentler' position which they're advancing towards Islam, by virtue of the Muslim CinC presently at the helm, will result in Islam taking another crack at striking the US... and rest assured that when that happens... YOU and yours Muslim brothers will look back to the Japanese internment with sincere envy, in comparison.

So yuck it up...

Now of course, it's entirely possible, that Islam will learn their place; and cease from their desire to violently insert their goat herding, socialist mentality onto Americans... and that's fine with me.

I've no problem with what peaceful people want to believe, as long as they respect the responsibilities which comes with rights endowed to them, by the God of Abraham...
I just saw O'Reilly giving Coulterguiste a hard time for her loaded "take a camel" comment.

If you did, then you also saw her put that comment into context which was quite different than the way the media has reported it or the Coulter-haters on the message boards are posting it.

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Coulter is not entitled to be a guest of Canada and break their laws.


What's more; and as noted in a previous post; your CONSTRUING that Miss Coulter's SPEECH IS A VIOLATION OF CANADIAN LAW; IS a function of violence, in and of itself. A threat of force against a person who is rightfully entitled to speak; and who you've repeatedly accussed of being hateful and repeatedly failed to show has uttered anything even potentially hateful.

The students of Canada are entitled to protest against someone they see as breaking their laws. There was no violence.

Yet another attempt to CONSTRUE that there was no violence on the part of an angry mob... which by its very existence, unambiguously THREATENED VIOLENCE... and which the Canadian authorities determined as such; when they cancelled the event... But this assertions comes from this same cow that CONSTRUED A THREAT OF VIOLENCE when someone simply offered to pay for information regarding her identity, after her longstanding abuses which she felt perfectly entitled to do... purely as a result of the other person's inability to contest the abuse.

A total disregard for any sense of responsibility which are essential to and inherent in the right; thus the rejection of the responsibility, forfeits the right...

See the pattern kids? Notice the subjective hypocrisy? See the relativist means/end reasoning advanced by the humanist, progressive mindset?

They're entitled to do whatever the power they may enjoy at any given time, provides them the means to do. Not at all distinct from the mindset of history's most notorius tyrants.

Their delusion is that the power will never ebb and that they will never be held be accountable for the abuses they perpetrated while enjoying that power; and this without regard to the history being repleat with the unenviable examples of such:


or this:


Your wall of words and labels of facism do not make it so.

And we find that the ADD inflicted Left comes to refute their own assertion... wherein the inverse must also be true: 'empty denials do not make it false.'
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That's a cute attempt to turn my insults around on me......FAIL like everything else you muslim scum do every time you try anything. You live in the gutter with that silly joke of a religion, why am I not surprised you would have a sword and an AK-47 in your avatar, where are the women and children that you fags hide behind when you aren't abusing them?
I don't know. Did you add them to your harem along with the goats?
Well it looks like the Left has fled the debate AGAIN... with the Americans routing the Left... AGAIN!

Good work kids...:clap2:
Ahh, we ARE bringing it on...
I haven't seen Coulter over there fighting the "good fight." Forgive me if I'm not intimidated by her, you, or the rest of the chickenhawk squadron.

Or are you not aware of the two Muslim countries which we've invaded, conquered and are now providing them with the opportunity to shut the fuck up, sit down and behave?
Iraq's government was unabashedly secular and the Taliban insisted on clinging to tribal affiliations and other customs of yore. When America leaves, which it will, we will introduce Islamic governance in both areas.

Granted we've allowed them to maintain their religious convictions... but let me assure you Sis, that if you people screw up again... Islam will become bump in the historical road.
Tough talk won't make anyone convert, Pubeless. What are you going to do? You should start with me. If it helps, you can pretend that I'm Ravi when you search for my address. :lol:

The Progressives presently in power are working the last of their political Days, Haji... And I expect that the 'kinder, gentler' position which they're advancing towards Islam, by virtue of the Muslim CinC presently at the helm, will result in Islam taking another crack at striking the US... and rest assured that when that happens... YOU and yours Muslim brothers will look back to the Japanese internment with sincere envy, in comparison.
Oh, I'd love for someone to try to put me in a concentration camp. It almost goes without saying that the population would experience a net decrease that day.

So yuck it up...
Stay crazy and that won't be a problem. :lol:

Now of course, it's entirely possible, that Islam will learn their place; and cease from their desire to violently insert their goat herding, socialist mentality onto Americans... and that's fine with me.

I've no problem with what peaceful people want to believe, as long as they respect the responsibilities which comes with rights endowed to them, by the God of Abraham...
I have a problem when people believe in forcibly converting Muslims, sending us to concentration camps, etc. You do not want to create another "War on Terror" within the US. ;)
Ya' know, this sounds like one of the rules in the "Libral Libretto"...

"5. If you find yourself in a debating ‘box,’ where the true answer will sink a liberal talking point, either
a. Claim that the question is ‘above my pay grade.’
b. Look astounded, and claim that the questioner is a racist, sexist or homophobe. Or fascist, or, always good, nazi.
c. Make up any term as opprobrium, as long as it sounds ominous.
d. Learn phrases such as ‘it’s time to move on,” or ‘let’s put this behind us.”
e. This was started by a [conservative, republican, earlier] administration.
f. If all else fails, shrug your shoulders and say “I’m only interested in discourse.”
g. If and when totally busted, jam hands down into side pockets, gaze up at the sky, whistle softly, and amble off into the sunset."

But, would that be considered as part of rule #5d or rule #5g?
Given the mulit-faceted propensity of the progressives to lie and obfuscate, I would have to say.........yes.


Just a friendly warning, you're fine with 'obfuscate,' but the left has 'lie' and 'liar' trademarked.
I have been in contact with My lawyer and we are ready for them!
That's a cute attempt to turn my insults around on me......FAIL like everything else you muslim scum do every time you try anything. You live in the gutter with that silly joke of a religion, why am I not surprised you would have a sword and an AK-47 in your avatar, where are the women and children that you fags hide behind when you aren't abusing them?
I don't know. Did you add them to your harem along with the goats?

Hey, let's see if I can calm you down.

Are you celebrating this date?

On this day, March 28, of 1930, Constatntinople became Istanbul!

[youtube]<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value=""></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>[/youtube]
Hey, let's see if I can calm you down.

Are you celebrating this date?

On this day, March 28, of 1930, Constatntinople became Istanbul!

True, but I can't say that I'm a fan of secular governance in the Islamic world. I'd think that you and Pubes would be a bit upset today -- it's also the anniversary of the establishment of the Paris Commune!

[ame=]YouTube - Interationale in different languages- 5 (French)[/ame]
Hey, let's see if I can calm you down.

Are you celebrating this date?

On this day, March 28, of 1930, Constatntinople became Istanbul!

True, but I can't say that I'm a fan of secular governance in the Islamic world. I'd think that you and Pubes would be a bit upset today -- it's also the anniversary of the establishment of the Paris Commune!

[ame=]YouTube - Interationale in different languages- 5 (French)[/ame]

Oh, see- you're still sulking.

I tried to make you feel better, and you bring up the first Fascist revolution, and, in fact the revolutionary model for the left.

I'm sure that liberals and Progressives would celebrate the Jacobins as their philosophical ancestors.
Ladies and Gentlement... I present the Islamic Hoper for Change!

Note the nature of the Religion of Peace... Feel the Tolerance of the Porfessed Muslim Voter of President Barak Hussein Obama...

Ahh, we ARE bringing it on...
I haven't seen Coulter over there fighting the "good fight." Forgive me if I'm not intimidated by her, you, or the rest of the chickenhawk squadron.

Or are you not aware of the two Muslim countries which we've invaded, conquered and are now providing them with the opportunity to shut the fuck up, sit down and behave?
Iraq's government was unabashedly secular and the Taliban insisted on clinging to tribal affiliations and other customs of yore. When America leaves, which it will, we will introduce Islamic governance in both areas.

Tough talk won't make anyone convert, Pubeless. What are you going to do? You should start with me. If it helps, you can pretend that I'm Ravi when you search for my address. :lol:

Oh, I'd love for someone to try to put me in a concentration camp. It almost goes without saying that the population would experience a net decrease that day.

So yuck it up...
Stay crazy and that won't be a problem. :lol:

Now of course, it's entirely possible, that Islam will learn their place; and cease from their desire to violently insert their goat herding, socialist mentality onto Americans... and that's fine with me.

I've no problem with what peaceful people want to believe, as long as they respect the responsibilities which comes with rights endowed to them, by the God of Abraham...
I have a problem when people believe in forcibly converting Muslims, sending us to concentration camps, etc. You do not want to create another "War on Terror" within the US. ;)

Now Marjah was FULL of such Muslims and is today, sadly... a population which has recently experienced a stark net deficit of it's population; and this despite their Islamic ferocity...

Grab a clue Haji... you're one US terrorist attack away from wishing you could enjoy the fruits that were heaped upon the interned Japanese.

And we can rest assured that somewhere out there are some of your Muslim Brothers, doing their level best to make that happen for ya.

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