Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

It is like a bad dream come true, Ann Romney explaining the policies that will be put in place, should her husband win the election in November. There’s going to be cuts, in programs and people won’t like it.

Why on earth would the wife of a so-called experienced businessman, who claims he has a reputation for creating jobs when in reality he outsourced them to China, be speaking to American families and digging in the knife?

Why would Ann Romney love rubbing salt in the wounds of many bankrupt Americans, many homeless Americans, the jobless, the disabled and the elderly in an almost boastful fashion say this to “you people”?

More: Ann Romney There’s Going to Be Cuts -People Aren’t Going to Like | Politicol Commentary News
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There are going to be cuts, people aren't going to like them. That's a fact. Even if Obama wins, by year 2, there will be cuts. He won't like them, neither will those effected. That is a fact. It's unavoidable, regardless of who wins.
Why, because she is telling the truth? There ARE going to be cuts in programs that people will not like, PERIOD. It does not matter who wins. Our financial future cannot exist on this current path by the rosiest estimates. I guess that you don’t actually want to hear the truth though. You would rather listen to Obama tell you that everything will be just fine if we can simply get those evil rich people to pay for everything.

Sorry, some of us are not idiots and actually want to hear the TRUTH.
Duhkhota says, Why cut anything when we still have rich people to pay all the bills?
Oh, except that nation defense budget...for fuck sake, what do we need with national defense when we've got two oceans protecting us?
The only thing keeping a unicorn out of every garage and a pot of rainbow stew simmering away in every kitchen is those nasty conservatives.

Duhkhota says, Why cut anything when we still have rich people to pay all the bills?
Oh, except that nation defense budget...for fuck sake, what do we need with national defense when we've got two oceans protecting us?
The only thing keeping a unicorn out of every garage and a pot of rainbow stew simmering away in every kitchen is those nasty conservatives.


1. Rich people have gamed the system and aren't paying their fair share of taxes to Uncle Sam. Make them pay their share.

2. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex - and he was sure right. Cut the military budget in half.

3. Allow all Bush tax cuts to expire. All of them.

4. Stop with all the crazy austerity bullshit until the economy gets stronger. Bush used government spenting to get him out of recession - but Congress won't allow Obama to do that.
Duhkhota says, Why cut anything when we still have rich people to pay all the bills?
Oh, except that nation defense budget...for fuck sake, what do we need with national defense when we've got two oceans protecting us?
The only thing keeping a unicorn out of every garage and a pot of rainbow stew simmering away in every kitchen is those nasty conservatives.


1. Rich people have gamed the system and aren't paying their fair share of taxes to Uncle Sam. Make them pay their share.

2. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex - and he was sure right. Cut the military budget in half.

3. Allow all Bush tax cuts to expire. All of them.

4. Stop with all the crazy austerity bullshit until the economy gets stronger. Bush used government spenting to get him out of recession - but Congress won't allow Obama to do that.

Are you fucking kidding? Not enough fed spending is our problem?
For the love of all things off the charts stupid!!!

I've got to tell you Duhkota, while chatting with you I'm envisioning you as a clam, sitting at a keyboard spitting droplets of water on the keys you want to hit. No, I take that back, a severely retarded clam at a keyboard.
For all you wingnuts who try to falsely blame Obama for the national debt, deficits and economy, I invite you to please give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama keeps ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts | Crooks and Liars

I'm still waiting for you wingnut geniuses to give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. Waiting...
For all you wingnuts who try to falsely blame Obama for the national debt, deficits and economy, I invite you to please give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama keeps ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts | Crooks and Liars

I'm still waiting for you wingnut geniuses to give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. Waiting...

According to dipshits like you the ONLY thing that has happened on Obama's watch that has NOT been the result of anything Bush did is killing Bin Laden.
I can't fucking believe you're not a cabinet appointee!!!
For all you wingnuts who try to falsely blame Obama for the national debt, deficits and economy, I invite you to please give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama keeps ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts | Crooks and Liars

I'm still waiting for you wingnut geniuses to give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. Waiting...

According to dipshits like you the ONLY thing that has happened on Obama's watch that has NOT been the result of anything Bush did is killing Bin Laden.
I can't fucking believe you're not a cabinet appointee!!!

You're sort of like a gnat on my ass while taking a shit in the woods. You serve no purpose.
For all you wingnuts who try to falsely blame Obama for the national debt, deficits and economy, I invite you to please give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. The Bush debt clock didn't just stop on the day Obama was sworn in. Let me give you some starting tips: TWO wars that Bush kept OFF budget that Obama keeps ON budget and the Bush tax cuts. In short, Bush-era policies are still driving the numbers.


10 Republican Lies About the Bush Tax Cuts | Crooks and Liars

I'm still waiting for you wingnut geniuses to give us an accounting of the debt that Obama has added - that wasn't a direct or indirect result of Bush actions. Waiting...

According to dipshits like you the ONLY thing that has happened on Obama's watch that has NOT been the result of anything Bush did is killing Bin Laden.
I can't fucking believe you're not a cabinet appointee!!!

You're sort of like a gnat on my ass while taking a shit in the woods. You serve no purpose.

The funny thing Mr woods shitter, is that you're oblivious to the fact that YOU are your own worst enemy.
And thanks for the disgusting visual dick breath. :puke3:

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