Ann Romney: 'Going to be cuts made to a lot of programs people aren't going to like'

Lakhota what would you cut to balance the budget?

Ya Lakhota .... Would you cut up Ann's horse and feed the poor with it? :lol:

No, I like horses. They're good company.

I don't. Used to be they were good dog food. Now it isn't politically correct to mention it.

[ame=]Friskies dog food commercial (1958?) - YouTube[/ame]


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Lakhota what would you cut to balance the budget?

I would cut the defense budget in HALF.

I would allow Bush tax cuts to expire.

So let’s take your simpleton answer of obliterating the military and our ability to defend ourselves and see where that takes us (by the way, such a cut is something that A TON of people are not going to like so you are already agreeing with Ann but…)

In 2010, total DoD spending was at: 683 billion

Deficit for the year – 1.12 trillion

2012 United States federal budget - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cutting the DoD in half saves you 341.5 billion laving 780 billion left. What do the Bush tax cuts cost per year? Nothing even close to that, and we are figuring that somehow such a MASSIVE tax increase is not going to damage our floundering economy even though you can’t find anyone that would agree with such an insane idea.

As far as the actual gains go, it varies as to weather or not oyu want to raise middle income earners too. According to Obamas plan of repealing the Bush taxes on everyone earning over 200K you gain a whole 680 billion. OVER TEN YEARS. That’s a grand total of 68 billion per year.

Where is the other 712 billion coming from????
I do not doubt for a moment that should Romney attain the oval office, that millions of Americans will immediately regret it.

It will take the right wingers (who are not insiders) a while longer to realize that Romney'd plans aren't working, either.

But eventually even they'll get it.
my goodness, another thread where the poor Lakhota is FREAKING out

What Ann should have said is "going to be cuts to a lot of programs Democratic legislators like". What cuts will be made to programs Republicans like? Mitt RawMoney isn't cutting defense at all. Not a whit. Despite the fact that we spend more money on defense than the next score of countries combined, most of whom are our allies, Mittens isn't going to touch defense. Republicans will like the tax cuts in the Mitt Can't spell Romney without Money plan because they benefit the wealthiest Americans.

What popular Republican programs are going to take a hit?
Mrs Romney,

Would you care to tell us what those cuts we can decide for ourselves whether or not we like them. And....please do so BEFORE the election.


The Romney-Ryan plan. Cut as many programs for the needy as possible. Delete MediCare and MediAid, steal all that is left in the SS fund. Reduce the taxes on the very wealthy to zero. Then blame the ensueing Depression on the liberals.

Because the plans of the GOP will result in the Second Great Republican Depression.
The Romney-Ryan plan. Cut as many programs for the needy as possible. Delete MediCare and MediAid, steal all that is left in the SS fund. Reduce the taxes on the very wealthy to zero. Then blame the ensueing Depression on the liberals.

Because the plans of the GOP will result in the Second Great Republican Depression.

wow, really

It is like a bad dream come true, Ann Romney explaining the policies that will be put in place, should her husband win the election in November. There’s going to be cuts, in programs and people won’t like it.

Why on earth would the wife of a so-called experienced businessman, who claims he has a reputation for creating jobs when in reality he outsourced them to China, be speaking to American families and digging in the knife?

Why would Ann Romney love rubbing salt in the wounds of many bankrupt Americans, many homeless Americans, the jobless, the disabled and the elderly in an almost boastful fashion say this to “you people”?

More: Ann Romney There’s Going to Be Cuts -People Aren’t Going to Like | Politicol Commentary News

If we had smaller government, you wouldn't see all this unemployment.
The Romney-Ryan plan. Cut as many programs for the needy as possible. Delete MediCare and MediAid, steal all that is left in the SS fund. Reduce the taxes on the very wealthy to zero. Then blame the ensueing Depression on the liberals.

Because the plans of the GOP will result in the Second Great Republican Depression.

wow, really

Really. You damned near managed that with "W". Now you want to try the same ol' shit again, only squared or cubed, with that Ryan twit in charge.

January 2009, we were losing 750,000 jobs a month. The market dropped to half it's value. That was the result of the GOP policies. Now you want to double down on them?
The Ryan/Romney plan is as follows:

1. they now promise not to touch Medicare

2. they promise not to touch Social Security

3. they promise to increase defense spending

4. they promise to cut taxes

...any arguments with that so far?

So, with 1 through 4 they will increase the deficit.

Now to their cuts that are supposed to eventually balance the budget:

You tell me.
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The deficit won't increase if they stop the spending. Stop the political hand outs to obama's chosen companies for a start. Stop paying companies like Solyandra and Light Squared to fail, but not before they've made several hefty political donations.
The deficit won't increase if they stop the spending. Stop the political hand outs to obama's chosen companies for a start. Stop paying companies like Solyandra and Light Squared to fail, but not before they've made several hefty political donations.

If Romney were to make cuts in green energy government spending, but then turn around and make even bigger increases in defense spending,

how does that decrease the deficit?
Duhkhota says, Why cut anything when we still have rich people to pay all the bills?
Oh, except that nation defense budget...for fuck sake, what do we need with national defense when we've got two oceans protecting us?
The only thing keeping a unicorn out of every garage and a pot of rainbow stew simmering away in every kitchen is those nasty conservatives.


1. Rich people have gamed the system and aren't paying their fair share of taxes to Uncle Sam. Make them pay their share.

2. Eisenhower warned us about the Military Industrial Complex - and he was sure right. Cut the military budget in half.

3. Allow all Bush tax cuts to expire. All of them.

4. Stop with all the crazy austerity bullshit until the economy gets stronger. Bush used government spenting to get him out of recession - but Congress won't allow Obama to do that.

1. Roughly half of Americans, I'll go out on a limb and say you are one, pay zero income tax. Another 25%-30% make a profit off of their taxes, ie get more money than they put in.

2. A strong national defense is critical. I know leftist like yourself have an instinctive hatred and contempt for our military and desperately wish to downsize America's influence in the world, but this is yet another issue that you are in the minority.

3. Obama and the Democrats had the opportunity to allow the Bush tax cuts, but a Democrat Congress and White House extended them. Furthermore, the Bush tax cuts saved or created millions of jobs.

4. It is amazing the level of misinformation and ignorance of your posts. If federal spending, deficits and debt were beneficial to economic growth we would be booming now. You choose to ignore, or simply don't know, that for two years of Obama's presidency the Democrats held majorities in both the Senate and House.

Spending has increased more under this administration than any previous, national debt has risen by $3,000,000,000,000--and simpletons like this believe if only we could go further in debt then Obama's policies would work :lol:

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