Anonymous Posts LONG Listing of ANTIFA Members! Lots of School Teachers

No wonder you find it interesting.....tho I would tell those holding that flag that they are morons....that to emulate the Right's fascination with the NAZIS to be the wrong direction to go.

They wouldn't listen to you anymore than I do. moron
That wouldn't stop me from speaking act like you are upset over my doing so. Why is that?
you ignored the part about teachers glorifying a guy who encouraged kids to drop out and do drugs...and instead went for a cheap shot
"teachers glorifying a guy who encouraged kids to drop out"......sure they did......sure they did.....:itsok:

i'm not lying...was also taught a lot about mao zedong but famine and communism were never mentioned.
Sure hun......sure. :itsok:

You're obnoxious. I have no reason to lie...
Sure you don't, sweetie.....:itsok:
pepe helicopter.jpg
I was physically abused at home by 'stepdads' and tormented by the kids at school and none of the stringy-haired marxist man hating **** teachers ever did anything to intervene...the black ones even joined in taunting me sometimes.
Fucking Anonymous when they are on your side.

I hope they all get ridiculed.....yes, ridiculed.....nothing more
If they are public school teachers, they should be fired. I don't want one of these vermin teaching my kids anything.

Sorry! That is one of the costs of freedom. Why don't you join the anti-free speech crowd since that is what you espouse?
Wrong. Having the government force stuff on your kids that you don't want is not freedom. It's tyranny.
No one is forcing you to put your kids in a public school...that is the default position and always has been. Put them in the private school of your choice or tutor them....
In fact, no one is forcing you to have kids in the first place.
It's so cute the way you make tyranny sound like freedom. The government forces me to pay for the public schools, dumbass.
These people should all be fired from their jobs:

Anonymous has posted a listing on 8chan claiming it is an extensive list of nationwide members of the anti-free speech group ANTIFA and it includes many teachers!

The list is very long and includes Facebook links as well. There are many professors, school teachers, and other education staff. Many writers, political activists and programmers as well.

We did some research and cannot seem to find anywhere that states this list is not accurate.

Proceed with caution.

Here is the list: Full list of antifa members.

Many are connected to radical Communist groups, like the National Bolshevik Party (NBP)

Antifa and BLM showed up at that counter-protest with absolutely no intention of anything peaceful. They came armed with balloons full of chemicals and items to throw. They came to instigate fights.

Both sides have horrific ideology. But Antifa and BLM are the ones who have a record of riots and violence. Pointing that out in no way gives the white supremacists.

But the difference, and what makes BLM and Antifa worse, is that their history this last few years includes a LOT of violence.

As horrific is the white supremacists are in ideology, they have not been burning things down and causing riots. Again, that does not excuse white supremacists. What it does do is keep liberals, as they have been doing, from relegating BLM and Antifa to: “Peaceful counter-protesters.”

Liberals can spout their false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” They can believe the false narrative of “simply because one side “had a permit.” And they can “simply because one side “had a permit.” all you want. It BLATANTLY goes against facts on the ground.

The President was correct, both sides are vile.
That list was obviously published by a Nazi.

Take it with a HUGE grain of salt.

Take a hike, anitfa k ike.

Please consider suicide. We don't need more newfags and kikes.
How is it obvious that it was posted by a Nazi?
All through the list, they refer to Facebook as kikebook.

Get a clue.
i am sure there is another explanation. maybe the f an c keys were stolen by da joos?
The Nazis are upset they were photographed in Charlottesville and then outed on Facebook.

Thus, "Kikebook".

That's what this is. The Nazis are trying to get some payback. And the useful idiots on this forum are always ready and willing to help the Nazis.

So what's your objection to the ANTIFA thugs getting the same treatment?

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