Anonymous - We Stand United


Gold Member
Apr 17, 2011
[ame=]Anonymous - We Stand United - YouTube[/ame]
Oh, great! Another thinly disguised anti-Obama screed, and this time using a voice over with a British accent! What? Does that lend an air of believability or something?

No, we don't all "stand united" against the Will of The People as expressed in the free, open and Constitutionally correct election held in November, 2012.

That's just a few looney Nutter's, and those of us who DO stand united for the Constitution of the United States of America will rapidly dispose of them if they ever find the balls to match their actions to their "Red Dawn" wet dreams.
Oh, great! Another thinly disguised anti-Obama screed, and this time using a voice over with a British accent! What? Does that lend an air of believability or something?

No, we don't all "stand united" against the Will of The People as expressed in the free, open and Constitutionally correct election held in November, 2012.

That's just a few looney Nutter's, and those of us who DO stand united for the Constitution of the United States of America will rapidly dispose of them if they ever find the balls to match their actions to their "Red Dawn" wet dreams.
OldGuy claims to support the Constitution but his Hero, Barack Obama signed the NDAA allows indefinite detention of US Citizens. No that's not FoxNews saying that, it's the ACLU saying that.

What OldGuy doesn't understand is that 51% of the people cannot vote to remove your Liberties.

You don't have to blindly follow orders OldGuy, you're not in the R ME any more.
OldGuy claims to support the Constitution but his Hero, Barack Obama signed the NDAA allows indefinite detention of US Citizens. No that's not FoxNews saying that, it's the ACLU saying that.

Mad Scientist suggests I support indefinite detention because my hero signed the NDAA (a completely invalid assumption on both parts), yet fails to mention that indefinite detention was brought to us by a Republican dominated Congress and signed into law by a Republican President in 2001. It was called "The USA PATRIOT ACT."

What OldGuy doesn't understand is that 51% of the people cannot vote to remove your Liberties.

What Mad Scientist doesn't understand is that 51% of The People are a voting majority and can pretty well do what they damn well please...including re-elect Barack Obama. (Yes...I know it hurts, but them's the facts.)

You don't have to blindly follow orders OldGuy, you're not in the R ME any more.

I don't. And you don't have to either. After all, just because you're still living in Mom's basement doesn't mean you have to do what she says.
The Patriot Act allowed Indefinite Detention of IMMIGRANTS.

The NDAA (First signed by Obama) allows Indefinite Detention of US CITIZENS.

You got 3 guesses who INSISTED that language be put into it and the first 2 don't count.
The Patriot Act allowed Indefinite Detention of IMMIGRANTS.

The NDAA (First signed by Obama) allows Indefinite Detention of US CITIZENS.

You got 3 guesses who INSISTED that language be put into it and the first 2 don't count.

Guess you never heard of Jose Padilla, did you?
Why do people think most of the people on this site are going to sit through shitty Youtube videos? Why is it so hard for people to sum up whatever they're trying to say in a couple of sentences? I hate these annoying fucking threads.
The Patriot Act allowed Indefinite Detention of IMMIGRANTS.

The NDAA (First signed by Obama) allows Indefinite Detention of US CITIZENS.

You got 3 guesses who INSISTED that language be put into it and the first 2 don't count.
Guess you never heard of Jose Padilla, did you?
So your argument is: "George Bush detained someone without any criminal charges so it's ok if Obama does it too". Is that it? :confused:

It's RACIST if you don't allow Obama to shred the Constitution too! Better to destroy all of our rights than be called Racist isn't it? :cuckoo:
Why do people think most of the people on this site are going to sit through shitty Youtube videos? Why is it so hard for people to sum up whatever they're trying to say in a couple of sentences? I hate these annoying fucking threads.
Too "informationy" for you? :lol:
Oh, great! Another thinly disguised anti-Obama screed, and this time using a voice over with a British accent! What? Does that lend an air of believability or something?

No, we don't all "stand united" against the Will of The People as expressed in the free, open and Constitutionally correct election held in November, 2012.

That's just a few looney Nutter's, and those of us who DO stand united for the Constitution of the United States of America will rapidly dispose of them if they ever find the balls to match their actions to their "Red Dawn" wet dreams.
If we stood for the constitution, we need to impeach the biggest anti constitutional potus in history.
Oh, great! Another thinly disguised anti-Obama screed, and this time using a voice over with a British accent! What? Does that lend an air of believability or something?

No, we don't all "stand united" against the Will of The People as expressed in the free, open and Constitutionally correct election held in November, 2012.

That's just a few looney Nutter's, and those of us who DO stand united for the Constitution of the United States of America will rapidly dispose of them if they ever find the balls to match their actions to their "Red Dawn" wet dreams.
If we stood for the constitution, we need to impeach the biggest anti constitutional potus in history.

Lincoln? FDR? GW Bush?
The Patriot Act allowed Indefinite Detention of IMMIGRANTS.

The NDAA (First signed by Obama) allows Indefinite Detention of US CITIZENS.

You got 3 guesses who INSISTED that language be put into it and the first 2 don't count.

Guess you never heard of Jose Padilla, did you?

I recall the SC ruling against the Bush Administration on that issue. I also recall liberal Democrats opposing Bush on the issue.
]So your argument is: "George Bush detained someone without any criminal charges so it's ok if Obama does it too". Is that it? :confused:

What a ridiculous conclusion.

Nobody who loves the Constitution likes indefinite detention, even if it's applied to illegals (as you seem to think OK.)

My point is that if your going to cast blame for it, cast it far enough to include both Bush and Obama. If you don't, your partisanship is showing.

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