another abe lincoln statue wanted down


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

dumn whoop is sticking hger foot in her mouth. if it were not lincoln blacks would still be in chains.

dumn whoop is sticking hger foot in her mouth. if it were not lincoln blacks would still be in chains.
Leftards are fucked up.
Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off, the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.
Look at the racism displayed in this thread. If we need to have it out in this country once and for all then so be. I don't mean violently but if politically people want to side with these racist pieces of shit I say let them. At least we know where we all stand. Then maybe we finally address it.
Look at the racism displayed in this thread. If we need to have it out in this country once and for all then so be. I don't mean violently but if politically people want to side with these racist pieces of shit I say let them. At least we know where we all stand. Then maybe we finally address it.
The country is in need of an honest conversation on race, and we're not within 50 light years of being ready for that. That's because neither end of the debate is willing to hold its own end accountable.
The country is in need of an honest conversation on race, and we're not within 50 light years of being ready for that. That's because neither end of the debate is willing to hold its own end accountable.
That's a dodge. Here you are taking sides with piece of shit racists and for what? You tell me what Whoopie said that was a problem. She gave her opinion that a statue depicting Lincoln holding the hand of a slave (which many Black people feel is a patronizing depiction of white people leading blacks where they think we need to go) didn't fit with this time and with this culture. Do the perspectives of black people not matter? Are we not allowed opinions? Are we not allowed to influence culture? Are we now allowed to be part of the debate of what gets celebrated and memorialized in our country? She didn't call anyone names. She gave an opinion about what our country should display as culturally significant to our people in this time and look how these racist pieces of shits responded. If you want to jump on that side be my fucking guest. I won't miss you. I promise.
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That's a dodge. Here you are taking sides with piece of shit racists and for what? You tell me what Whoopie said that was a problem. She gave her opinion that a statue depicting Lincoln holding the hand of a slave, which many Black people feel is a patronizing depiction of white people leading blacks where they think we need to go, didn't fit with this time and with this culture. Do they perspectives of black people not matter? Are we not allowed opinions? Are we not allowed to influence culture? Are we now allowed to be part of the debate of what gets celebrated and memorialized in our country? She didn't call anyone names. She gave an opinion about what our country should displayed as culturally significant to our people in this time and look how these racist pieces of shits responded. If you want to jump on that side be my fucking guest. I won't miss you. I promise.
Yes, I'm taking sides against the two narcissistic, closed-minded ends of our political spectrum. As usual. I'm with the segment of the country that sees problems on both ends and would rather see the two ends intelligently and honestly work together to fix them.

You can't fix a problem unless you look at it from all sides. There's nothing terrible about that notion.
Yes, I'm taking sides against the two narcissistic, closed-minded ends of our political spectrum. As usual. I'm with the segment of the country that sees problems on both ends and would rather see the two ends intelligently and honestly work together to fix them.

You can't fix a problem unless you look at it from all sides. There's nothing terrible about that notion.
What problem? You still haven't defined what was problematic about Whoopies opinion.
The country is in need of an honest conversation on race, and we're not within 50 light years of being ready for that. That's because neither end of the debate is willing to hold its own end accountable.
Neither side of the debate can even agree on two versions of reality that are somewhat similar.
Yes, I'm taking sides against the two narcissistic, closed-minded ends of our political spectrum. As usual. I'm with the segment of the country that sees problems on both ends and would rather see the two ends intelligently and honestly work together to fix them.

You can't fix a problem unless you look at it from all sides. There's nothing terrible about that notion.

Mac, always the one able to see the problem perfectly, from all sides.

You are exactly what we DON'T need Mac. Someone blind to his own biases.
Neither side of the debate can even agree on two versions of reality that are somewhat similar.

Oh I'm not so sure.

Daughter is 23 and reports that both left and right in her age bracket are sick and tired of govco, and getting sicker and more tired all the time.

They still resent losing so much of their youth to Covid lockdowns.

They resent masking and vaccinating for nothing.

They realize our govco is paid by food companies to allow all kinds of nasty stuff in our food not allowed anywhere else.

I hope her take is right on.
What problem? You still haven't defined what was problematic about Whoopies opinion.
Because, obviously, that statue can be interpreted in more than one way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that. Instead, Whoopie decides that HER interpretation is what matters, and that HER interpretation is the one that must be acted upon. Something must be changed because of HER interpretation.

Maher is not pointing out that racism doesn't exist. He's pointing out that the way people respond to it is ALSO destructive. Wingers on both ends just don't seem to realize that band-aids and ham-handed approaches to problems can actually make those problems worse.

It's not the goal that is the problem. The problem is the counterproductive way some go about reaching that goal.

I say the same thing to those in the GQP, by the way.
Because, obviously, that statue can be interpreted in more than one way. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that. Instead, Whoopie decides that HER interpretation is what matters, and that HER interpretation is the one that must be acted upon. Something must be changed because of HER interpretation.
What a ridiculous summation. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, whoopie gave hers. No where in there did she suggest she should have dictatorial powers to decide whether or not it stands. That happens through the democratic process.
Maher is not pointing out that racism doesn't exist. He's pointing out that the way people respond to it is ALSO destructive.
Maher doesn't focus on real racism, he focuses on distracting you with culture war bullshit. Whoopie isn't suggesting the statue is an important symbol of racism, she's just saying she'd rather see something else there. Maher could be focusing on real issues, but he chooses to cry over this nonsense nothing story.
Wingers on both ends just don't seem to realize that band-aids and ham-handed approaches to things can actually make things worse.
No, placating to racists and acting like black people having an opinion on a statue is the end of your fucking world is what makes things worse.
It's not the goal that is the problem. The problem is the counterproductive way some go about reaching that goal.

I say the same thing to those in the GQP, by the way.
I feel like the way of reaching the goal to remove the statue is pretty straight forward. Vote people into office who feel likewise.
What a ridiculous summation. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, whoopie gave hers. No where in there did she suggest she should have dictatorial powers to decide whether or not it stands. That happens through the democratic process.

Maher doesn't focus on real racism, he focuses on distracting you with culture war bullshit. Whoopie isn't suggesting the statue is an important symbol of racism, she's just saying she'd rather see something else there. Maher could be focusing on real issues, but he chooses to cry over this nonsense nothing story.

No, placating to racists and acting like black people having an opinion on a statue is the end of your fucking world is what makes things worse.

I feel like the way of reaching the goal to remove the statue is pretty straight forward. Vote people into office who feel likewise.
Did you see me attacking Whoopie, or trying to get her shut down or shut up? Like, say, a conservative on a college campus? Nope. You sure didn't. I'm a passionate advocate of freedom of expression.

Maher sees a big problem with race and would like to see it fixed. So, he advocates for intellectual honesty and reason to fix it. I'm with him on that.

Yes, some racists cannot be changed. Their ranks can be decreased, though.

There is a downside to any tactic, and it sure seems to me that those on both ends of the spectrum make zero (0) effort to weigh the potential risks of their tactics. For example, I have been warning since I have been on this board that there would be a pushback to PC and Identity Politics. And the presidential election of 2016 and its embolding of White Nationalism have proved me right. That's a pretty nasty downside of screaming RACIST 24/7/365.
Did you see me attacking Whoopie, or trying to get her shut down or shut up? Like, say, a conservative on a college campus? Nope. You sure didn't. I'm a passionate advocate of freedom of expression.

Maher sees a big problem with race and would like to see it fixed. So, he advocates for intellectual honesty and reason to fix it. I'm with him on that.

Yes, some racists cannot be changed. Their ranks can be decreased, though.

There is a downside to any tactic, and it sure seems to me that those on both ends of the spectrum make zero (0) effort to weigh the potential risks of their tactics. For example, I have been warning since I have been on this board that there would be a pushback to PC and Identity Politics. And the presidential election of 2016 and its embolding of White Nationalism have proved me right. That's a pretty nasty downside of screaming RACIST 24/7/365.

Hat tip: your bias is that "both ends of the spectrum" can never, ever be right about anything. Only you, in the moderate middle.

Because you don't think you have biases you are ruled by them. But of course, can't see it.
Did you see me attacking Whoopie, or trying to get her shut down or shut up? Like, say, a conservative on a college campus? Nope. You sure didn't. I'm a passionate advocate of freedom of expression.
No need for red herring and strawman arguments. We weren't talking about a conservative on college campus and neither was Whoppie. I did see this from you though.
Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off, the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.
Again. Where is the senselessness in Whoopie and black people having an opinion on what our government memorializes? You don't seem to be able to answer that question with a straight forward answer.
Maher sees a big problem with race and would like to see it fixed. So, he advocates for intellectual honesty and reason to fix it. I'm with him on that.
Really? What is this big problem that Maher sees with race that Black Americans don't?
Yes, some racists cannot be changed. Their ranks can be decreased, though.
It can be. By fighting racists and racist ideologies and showing them to be full of shit. And we've done a pretty good job of it. The younger generations are a lot more diverse, progressive and less racist than previous generations.
There is a downside to any tactic, and it sure seems to me that those on both ends of the spectrum make zero effort to weigh the potential risks of their tactics. For example, I have been warning since I have been on this board that there would be a pushback to PC and Identity Politics. And the presidential election of 2016 and its embolding of White Nationalism have proved me right. That's a pretty nasty downside of screaming RACIST 24/7/365.
Of course racists are going to push back when we fight racism. Of course racists are going to push back when marginalized communities are finally listened to and given a voice. If you're afraid of push back then you should sit the fight out.
No need for red herring and strawman arguments. We weren't talking about a conservative on college campus and neither was Whoppie. I did see this from you though.

Again. Where is the senselessness in Whoopie and black people having an opinion on what our government memorializes? You don't seem to be able to answer that question with a straight forward answer.

Really? What is this big problem that Maher sees with race that Black Americans don't?

It can be. By fighting racists and racist ideologies and showing them to be full of shit. And we've done a pretty good job of it. The younger generations are a lot more diverse, progressive and less racist than previous generations.

Of course racists are going to push back when we fight racism. Of course racists are going to push back when marginalized communities are finally listened to and given a voice. If you're afraid of push back then you should sit the fight out.
You keep pretending that I'm saying Whoopie should not be allowed to have an opinion, or to express an opinion. I didn't say that. I said the opposite. You're being dishonest now. Can you get past that?

The problems that are not being addressed by the Left are things like one-parent homes, weekly slaughters on the streets of our large cities, crime, resisting arrest, under-performance in schools. Just bringing that up will have many people called "racist", which is a lie. It's a deflection. It aggressively avoids the problem. Hell, I've been called a racist here for saying I don't like Obamacare, fer fuck's sake.

Let's take an example from your opposing party. What ends up happening when the Trumpsters ignore and avoid their hero's stupid comments and actions? What is the net result? The net result is that they are enabling his worst behaviors. And that's exactly what has been happening with black Americans when liberals refuse to hold them accountable. That's the goddamn problem Maher is talking about.

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