another abe lincoln statue wanted down

"My faith,' Lincoln once said, 'teaches me that "all men are created equal"; and that there can be no moral right in connection with one man's making a slave of another.'
Construction of the Capitol rotunda began in 1857 & continued during the Civil War amidst objections that it be delayed. Lincoln said, "If people see the Capitol going on, it is a sign we intend the Union shall go on." It was completed in 1866.
The country is in need of an honest conversation on race, and we're not within 50 light years of being ready for that. That's because neither end of the debate is willing to hold its own end accountable.
lol rubbish. Your sleazy organized crime syndicate can't afford honest conversations on race, or anything else, since your Watergate Babies got rid of Wright Patman and Patrick Moynihan.

dumn whoop is sticking hger foot in her mouth. if it were not lincoln blacks would still be in chains.
No the republicans thought they were getting to educated and they wanted none of it and they were taking too much of skilled jobs away from them.
You keep pretending that I'm saying Whoopie should not be allowed to have an opinion, or to have an opinion. I didn't say that. I said the opposite. You're being dishonest now. Can you get past that?
I just asked you to describe what you thought was senseless about her opinion. Can you give an honest answer?
The problems that are not being addressed by the Left are things like one-parent homes, weekly slaughters on the streets of our large cities, crime, resisting arrest, under-performance in schools. Just bringing that up will have many people called "racist", which is a lie. It's a deflection. It aggressively avoids the problem. Hell, I've been called a racist here for saying I don't like Obamacare.
Who cares what names you've been called? That's some petty shit. And why are you under the assumption that black people don't want to address those problems? Don't confuse the responses you get from message boards with the work real honest actors are doing. But let's go ahead and talk about those issue's. What do you want to say about single family homes, crime or under performance in school?
Let's take an example from your opposing party. What ends of happening when the Trumpsters ignore and avoid their hero's stupid comments and actions? What is the net result? The net result is that they are enabling his worst behaviors. And that's exactly what has been happening with black Americans when liberals refuse to hold them accountable.
How would you like liberals to hold black Americans accountable and for what?
"I walk slowly but never backwards." – Abraham Lincoln

Lincoln shoved 'freed slaves' into concentration camps, where they died by the hundreds of thousands from starvation and diseases, and govt run cotton plantations to keep them in the South and making money for his corporate welfare agenda. Over 90% of blacks remained in the South after the Civil War allegedly 'freed' them; it didn't change until after 1910 and nothern robber barons need a lot of strike breakers in their factories and railroad yards.
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I just asked you to describe what you thought was senseless about her opinion. Can you give an honest answer?

Who cares what names you've been called? That's some petty shit. And why are you under the assumption that black people don't want to address those problems? Don't confuse the responses you get from message boards with the work real honest actors are doing. But let's go ahead and talk about those issue's. What do you want to say about single family homes, crime or under performance in school?

How would you like liberals to hold black Americans accountable and for what?
Trying to keep up with straw man arguments is tedious and boring. I didn't say that black people don't want to address those problems. YOU did. I didn't say her opinion was "senseless". YOU did. Do you realize that you did that? Multiple times now?

I pointed out several specific examples of problems for you already. You're doing the normal thing, attacking the messenger, and not addressing the specifics. And that's EXACTLY why this country is not ready for an honest conversation on race. Both ends do that.

And by the way, if you don't think that cramming the word RACIST into every last nook and cranny, whether appropriate or not, doesn't build resentment over time, you're not paying attention. It's that resentment that profoundly fueled the vote for Trump.

If you somehow think that what you're doing is net constructive, you're going to do it. Some of us who aren't obedient right wingers disagree, and point to actual results.
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Trying to keep up with straw man arguments is tedious and boring.
Tell me about it...
I didn't say that black people don't want to address those problems. YOU did.
No, I didn't say that at all and I challenge you to provide the quote of mine where you think I did. I can provide the quote where you did. It's right here.
The problems that are not being addressed by the Left are things like one-parent homes, weekly slaughters on the streets of our large cities, crime, resisting arrest, under-performance in schools.
The Left includes over 90% of Black voters.
I didn't say her opinion was "senseless". YOU did. Do you realize that you did that? Multiple times now?
No again, I challenge you to provide the quote where I did. I of course have already provided the quote where you did and I'll happily do it again here.
Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.
Why do you lie when it's so easy to expose you?
I pointed out several specific examples of problems for you already. You're doing the normal thing, attacking the messenger, and not addressing the specifics. And that's EXACTLY why this country is not ready for an honest conversation on race. Both ends do that.
I asked you for your opinion on those topics and you've yet to share them. All I've heard from you are that they are problems. You can't really solve issues if you're too frightened to talk about them.
If you somehow think that what you're doing is net constructive, you're going to do it. Some of us who aren't obedient right wingers disagree, and point to actual results.
You haven't pointed to any results. I have no idea what results you're even referring to. All you've done so far is deny you've said things I've already quoted you as saying.
Tell me about it...

No, I didn't say that at all and I challenge you to provide the quote of mine where you think I did. I can provide the quote where you did. It's right here.

The Left includes over 90% of Black voters.

No again, I challenge you to provide the quote where I did. I of course have already provided the quote where you did and I'll happily do it again here.

Why do you lie when it's so easy to expose you?

I asked you for your opinion on those topics and you've yet to share them. All I've heard from you are that they are problems. You can't really solve issues if you're too frightened to talk about them.

You haven't pointed to any results. I have no idea what results you're even referring to. All you've done so far is deny you've said things I've already quoted you as saying.
You're going to do what you're going to do. It's not for me to understand.
You wouldn't know a commie if one kicked you in the balls.

I'm a better, more informed, more educated, more experienced capitalist than you could ever dream of being.

Yes, meth and Stupid go together in your case.
Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off, the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.

In this case, it is a pretty fucked up statue.
Lincoln shoved 'freed slaves' into concentration camps, where they died by the hundreds of thousands from starvation and diseases, and govt run cotton plantations to keep them in the South and making money for his corporate welfare agenda. Over 90% of blacks remained in the South after the Civil War allegedly 'freed' them; it didn't change until after 1910 and nothern robber barons need a lot of strike breakers in their factories and railroad yards.
what the heck you get this myth on? alot of black didnt want to leave the plantations. not all of them wanted to pick up and leave them after the war.
Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off, the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.
The swampers in the Republican Party over decades was a great amount of that crap.

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