another abe lincoln statue wanted down

what the heck you get this myth on? alot of black didnt want to leave the plantations. not all of them wanted to pick up and leave them after the war.

What myth? It's all in the historical record. Lincoln and most northerners did not want any blacks migrating north, and he did not want to shut down the cotton plantations. They were important for his corporate welfare agenda and to finance canals, roads, and high tariffs.
You're going to do what you're going to do. It's not for me to understand.
What we understand is you siding with racist pieces of shit while still being unable to tell anyone what you find senseless about a Black woman having an opinion. What we're going to do is shame and ridicule every dumb fuck like you in public until you run and dodge and stutter like a dipshit when we ask you to explain your own words.
What we understand is you siding with racist pieces of shit while still being unable to tell anyone what you find senseless about a Black woman having an opinion.
That same lie. You just can't help yourself.

This is the problem on both ends. They can be so similar.
That same lie. You just can't help yourself.

This is the problem on both ends. They can be so similar.
It's not a lie and crying that people are lying on you when they have the quote of you saying the very thing you're denying shows you to be the punk bitch that you are.

Maher keeps desperately trying to talk some sense into the Left and they absolutely refuse to listen.

This is a great example of the crap that turns people off, the crap that got Trump elected in the first place.

I know that's all moderate liberals like you and Maher can do. Cry about wokism until a black person comes to shut your ass up and you slink away like a bitch.
Amazing how the similar the behaviors of the two ends of the spectrum can be.
That same lie. You just can't help yourself.

This is the problem on both ends. They can be so similar.
What mac1958 and his ilk are about is putting two gold fish in a bowl and watching them fight to the death

And he doesent even care who wins as long as the fighting never stops
To be fair, maybe statues of Mr. Lincoln should be taken down.

He did propose (before being president) that it might be a good idea if African Americans agreed to move to the islands in the Caribbean Sea.

Like a lot of Americans back then, he felt that the culture of people of African ancestry and the culture of people of European ancestry were so different that the two groups could never really get along living together.

Here we are in 2023.

Was he right?
That's a dodge. Here you are taking sides with piece of shit racists and for what? You tell me what Whoopie said that was a problem. She gave her opinion that a statue depicting Lincoln holding the hand of a slave (which many Black people feel is a patronizing depiction of white people leading blacks where they think we need to go) didn't fit with this time and with this culture. Do the perspectives of black people not matter? Are we not allowed opinions? Are we not allowed to influence culture? Are we now allowed to be part of the debate of what gets celebrated and memorialized in our country? She didn't call anyone names. She gave an opinion about what our country should display as culturally significant to our people in this time and look how these racist pieces of shits responded. If you want to jump on that side be my fucking guest. I won't miss you. I promise.

I do find it funny that the same folks who are clutching their pearls about Whoopi's opinion of Lincoln are also the same folks on other posts calling Lincoln a tyrant and siding with the Confederacy....

Whenever folks say "we need to have an honest conversation about race" -- they leave out the fact that the people who need that conversation the most -- are the most dishonest people around....

dumn whoop is sticking hger foot in her mouth. if it were not lincoln blacks would still be in chains.
I do find it funny that the same folks who are clutching their pearls about Whoopi's opinion of Lincoln are also the same folks on other posts calling Lincoln a tyrant and siding with the Confederacy....

Whenever folks say "we need to have an honest conversation about race" -- they leave out the fact that the people who need that conversation the most -- are the most dishonest people around....
yeah the blacks
To be fair, maybe statues of Mr. Lincoln should be taken down.

He did propose (before being president) that it might be a good idea if African Americans agreed to move to the islands in the Caribbean Sea.

Like a lot of Americans back then, he felt that the culture of people of African ancestry and the culture of people of European ancestry were so different that the two groups could never really get along living together.

Here we are in 2023.

Was he right?
his statues should stay up he freed them. they should be great full to him. instead un great full as they are today. being racist to whites. when thy create all crime and death.
What myth? It's all in the historical record. Lincoln and most northerners did not want any blacks migrating north, and he did not want to shut down the cotton plantations. They were important for his corporate welfare agenda and to finance canals, roads, and high tariffs.
they should be great full to him. he freed them. blacks are just racist.
I can't believe people actually give a shit about Whoopi Goldberg's opinion.
She is among a collection of liberals in media that a whole helluva lot of people listen to.
She is simply a liar. Has been for years.
Take this video. She alludes that "a slave is at Lincoln's feet" as if it is his slave. She doesn't say it, but by not providing context - she implies it.
The average viewer would not know that it is a statue that is meant to display Lincoln freeing the slave.
The statue literally reads "Emancipation" in large letters across the bottom. The level of bravery and conviction it took for Lincoln to make that declaration is immeasurable considering the time.
And dumbass woke white liberals have the stupidity to make something bad about it so they can feel superior.
She is among a collection of liberals in media that a whole helluva lot of people listen to.
She is simply a liar. Has been for years.
Take this video. She alludes that "a slave is at Lincoln's feet" as if it is his slave. She doesn't say it, but by not providing context - she implies it.
The average viewer would not know that it is a statue that is meant to display Lincoln freeing the slave.
The statue literally reads "Emancipation" in large letters across the bottom. The level of bravery and conviction it took for Lincoln to make that declaration is immeasurable considering the time.
And dumbass woke white liberals have the stupidity to make something bad about it so they can feel superior.
true she is major liar, racist and peace of trash.
There are some legitimate and historically valid reasons to question the alleged “greatness” of President Abraham Lincoln.

But none of the legitimate reasons are behind the move to tear down our monuments to him and the statues and paintings honoring him and his memory.

The movement by the leftwing extremists to have America disown some of our greatest leaders and statesmen and some of our Founders and Framers is patently propagandistic in nature.

I say we keep pointing out their bullshit to them and to any who may be impacted by it. Our left wing extremists are reprehensible scum.
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There are some legitimate and historically valid reasons to question the alleged “greatness” of President Abraham Lincoln.

But none of the legitimate reasons are behind the move to tear down our monuments to him and the statues and paintings honoring him and his memory.

The movement by the leftwing extremists to have America disown some of our greatest leaders and statesmen and some of our Founders and Framers is patently propagandistic in nature.

I say we keep pointing out their bullshit to them and to any who may be impacted by it. Our left wing extremists are reprehensible scum.
All important leaders throughout the world were both great and terrible.
And every major Presidents in America is the same.
I think Lincoln is certainly one of the best. Always have to take into consideration the time he was ruling, as well as the shape of the nation that was 100% falling apart.

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