Another American Citizen Persecuted by ICE

Not necessary. It's very apparent. One of you jackasses thought Tijuana was across from El Paso.
Oh....and that's how you know most of the posters here have never been outside of this country.
I was wondering how you could state such a thing as fact. I just thought you were a liar and shit stirrer.
Oh I don't KNOW they've never been out of the country. But it sure seems that way based on how they speak of certain places in this country and in the rest of the world.
Once again, I'm not a man.

Oh you reported me?! I feel so special. When will I get my spanking?

What did I quote by mistake? I sometimes miss replies. If you can point it out to me, I will be happy to correct.

Go back in your alerts and find it. I don’t care if you are a man or not, not my problem.
Not necessary, the mods fixed it. It was not done on purpose.

Sorry it got you triggered. Put me on ignore if I'm upsetting you. It's easy.

Lol! The post was putting me in with people I don’t care to be involved with, I can’t help it you are too stupid to use the quote feature. Maybe one day you may learn but so far you seem really stupid and uninformed.
You seem like a snowflake tattle tale.

It seems you are the triggered snowflake. Cry much?
Oh no. I don't run to the teacher every time someone pulls my hair.

I'm good and if I wasn't having fun in here, I would leave.

Just like anyone else who wasn't having fun would leave. Except the crybabies who just like to cry, I guess.
Really? Because I just listen to Trump and follow his lead on GOP positions. And Mitch McConnell. And Lindsey Graham.
And Kevin McCarthy. And Matt Gaetz. And that goober Jim Jordan. And that other goober Doug Collins.

I think they are a good representation of the GOP. I figure Trump voters hold those same positions. I think they are disgusting pigs who don't care about anybody in this country except other white conservatives. And even then you need to have a certain amount of money even then. Coal miners don't deserve protection from silica dust and they vote GOP almost every time.

So no. I am not a fan of conservatives.
Wow! Based on everything so far, your poster I.D., your posts and opinions, your disdain for most Americans,
your smug self satisfied attitudes.....
I never would have guessed that you don't like conservatives.

This shocks me and makes me questions all of my assumptions about life now. Thanks for clearing that mystery up.
He is just a troublemaker, in another thread he quoted me of writing something I didn’t write, I asked him to please correct or apologize, he did neither so I reported him for violating the TOS. I thought originally it was a mistake but now I think he is dishonest to the core.
I am certain she is based on her own posts which are constantly assigning attitudes and opinions to others that are
verifiably false. As I said...a miserable troll.
Really? Because I just listen to Trump and follow his lead on GOP positions. And Mitch McConnell. And Lindsey Graham.
And Kevin McCarthy. And Matt Gaetz. And that goober Jim Jordan. And that other goober Doug Collins.

I think they are a good representation of the GOP. I figure Trump voters hold those same positions. I think they are disgusting pigs who don't care about anybody in this country except other white conservatives. And even then you need to have a certain amount of money even then. Coal miners don't deserve protection from silica dust and they vote GOP almost every time.

So no. I am not a fan of conservatives.

I couldn’t tell.
Really? Because I just listen to Trump and follow his lead on GOP positions. And Mitch McConnell. And Lindsey Graham.
And Kevin McCarthy. And Matt Gaetz. And that goober Jim Jordan. And that other goober Doug Collins.

I think they are a good representation of the GOP. I figure Trump voters hold those same positions. I think they are disgusting pigs who don't care about anybody in this country except other white conservatives. And even then you need to have a certain amount of money even then. Coal miners don't deserve protection from silica dust and they vote GOP almost every time.

So no. I am not a fan of conservatives.
Wow! Based on everything so far, your poster I.D., your posts and opinions, your disdain for most Americans,
your smug self satisfied attitudes.....
I never would have guessed that you don't like conservatives.

This shocks me and makes me questions all of my assumptions about life now. Thanks for clearing that mystery up.
Only disdain for the conservative Americans. Not the liberal Americans.
Go back in your alerts and find it. I don’t care if you are a man or not, not my problem.
Not necessary, the mods fixed it. It was not done on purpose.

Sorry it got you triggered. Put me on ignore if I'm upsetting you. It's easy.

Lol! The post was putting me in with people I don’t care to be involved with, I can’t help it you are too stupid to use the quote feature. Maybe one day you may learn but so far you seem really stupid and uninformed.
You seem like a snowflake tattle tale.

It seems you are the triggered snowflake. Cry much?
Oh no. I don't run to the teacher every time someone pulls my hair.

I'm good and if I wasn't having fun in here, I would leave.

Just like anyone else who wasn't having fun would leave. Except the crybabies who just like to cry, I guess.

When you misquote someone, usually there is an apology and sincerity but you just are dishonest. You just cry and try to justify your classlessness.

Your misquote had me writing racist posts and misrepresents me. I can understand why you think being a racist is fine. To me it is disgusting.

I really don’t expect you to understand character.
Oh I don't KNOW they've never been out of the country.
Then use your brilliant rhetoric and language skills (ahem...cough) and learn how to sprinkle in some qualifying and conditional verbs here and there in your posts so you don't seem so self righteously smug.

For instance try this: "The way most of the rubes here talk about US geography makes it doubtful they have ever set foot outside of the country, in my opinion."
Instead of, "It's obvious these dopes have no idea what a passport is or what it's used for".

But it sure seems that way based on how they speak of certain places in this country and in the rest of the world.
Well I've been to Canada and Mexico. Japan and the Philippines. All of the UK and France (a bit) and going to Germany next summer if my daughter has her way.

But I wouldn't swear my knowledge of US geography is flawless. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
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Oh I don't KNOW they've never been out of the country.
Then use your brilliant rhetoric and language skills and learn how to sprinkle in some qualifying and conditional verbs here and there in your posts so you don't seem so self righteously smug.

For instance try this: "The way most of the rubes here talk about US geography makes it doubtful they have ever set foot outside of the country, in my opinion."
Instead of, "It's obvious these dopes have no idea what a passport is or what it's used for".

But it sure seems that way based on how they speak of certain places in this country and in the rest of the world.
Well I've been to Canada and Mexico. Japan and the Philippines. All of the UK and France (a bit) and
I wouldn't swear my knowledge of US geography is flawless. One thing has nothing to do with the other.
I'm fairly new here and I'm following the lead of some of the longer-term posters.

What I've seen so far from them is that -

Ad hominem attacks are fun and effective
Strawmen arguments are brilliant
Circular arguments are always a winner
Hasty generalizations are required.

I didn't figure anyone was bothering with qualifiers, lol.
I'm fairly new here and I'm following the lead of some of the longer-term posters.

What I've seen so far from them is that -

Ad hominem attacks are fun and effective
Strawmen arguments are brilliant
Circular arguments are always a winner
Hasty generalizations are required.

I didn't figure anyone was bothering with qualifiers, lol.
You've studied the territory, alright. I'll give you that.
Ad hominem attacks ARE fun if they are clever and original. Or viciously personal.

Strawman arguments must be brilliant because they are used so often.

You can never go wrong with a circular argument, i.e. I know they are, what are you?
You never gain ground but neither do you lose any. That says success to me.

Generalizations get a bad name but they give everyone a familiar frame of reference so the dumbest moss headed moron is on equal footing with the sharpest knife in the kitchen!
There's nothing wrong with democracy in action, I say. Give pleas a chance and everyone prospers.

Even Maxine Waters is a fucking William F. Buckley Jr./ Clarence Darrow clone when generalities are the coin of the realm (or as you would say, Louie Gohmert).

You'll do okay, soldier. Just remember the rules and always have fun (while insulting your political inferiors).
That is all.
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What a stupid comment. LMAO. Drunk again?

I don't drink on a Saturday. And I don't believe most of these conservative posters have ever left the city of their birth. They don't present themselves as very-well traveled. I'd give most of them about a 50 mile travel radius, at best.

You don’t think is correct. Your presumption is that you’re smarter than people who disagree with you politically. That makes you an asshole. My kids have had passports since they were 4. You need them to travel for vacations out of the country. Did you know that?

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