Another Atheist's Unexamined Thought Processes: A Close Encounter of the Raw Kind

M.D. Rawlings

Classical Liberal
May 26, 2011
Ever notice that the vast majority of atheists are statists? Seriously, out of all the many atheists I've encountered in my life, only a small handful were not. But more to the point, have you ever noticed how many of them don't seem to realize it themselves, as they inexplicably perceive the Christian's defense of Lockean natural law to be an apology for theocracy? Theocracy? Lockean natural law? Ever notice how many of them never seem to really grasp the socio-political implications of their slogan-speak? But that's giving them the benefit of the doubt; that's assuming that they're really not as sinister as their expressed thought processes would suggest, just stupid.


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