Another Bidenmoment: Biden’s claim about trucks pulling up and selling AR-15s is not true.


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This was a story from a couple weeks ago. Looks like the MSM is just now getting around to debunking it.

I was born, raised, and lived in Philadelphia. Biden’s claim about trucks pulling up and selling AR-15s is not true.​

Earlier this month, during the National Safer Communities Summit, President Joe Biden once again spread misinformation about guns in the country. He claimed that people in Philadelphia sold AR-15s out of trucks that “pulled up to the curb.”

I live in Philadelphia and spent significantly more time there than Biden. He doesn’t know Philadelphia better than I do. Bad things happen in Philadelphia, and I have seen plenty of them, but not once have I ever seen a truck pull up selling AR-15s.

This was a story from a couple weeks ago. Looks like the MSM is just now getting around to debunking it.

I was born, raised, and lived in Philadelphia. Biden’s claim about trucks pulling up and selling AR-15s is not true.​

This was a story from a couple weeks ago. Looks like the MSM is just now getting around to debunking it.

I was born, raised, and lived in Philadelphia. Biden’s claim about trucks pulling up and selling AR-15s is not true.​

Maybe he was thinking of the gun running scheme he and Barry Hussein came up with to arm the Mexican drug cartels.
Biden could claim they are selling nuclear warheads in Florida and the media wouldn't even blink. When most of the media willingly become the propaganda arm of the democrat party and of protects the administration from criticism, a president can say anything that comes into his confused brain. It's a shame but that's how the NYT, WAPO, CNN, MSNBC and Soros Media Matters has it rigged.
Nothing that Biden has ever said has been true.

Okay, the fact that he didn't want his kids growing up in a racial jungle was true, but that's it.
My sentiments exactly. The only time the potato is truthful is by accident.
Like all the Dem leaders Biden is a big fat liar. That's why the Dem sheeple love him, he's really good at lying.
Is he? A good liar leaves people believing the lies. No one with any brains believes anything xiden says unless there is other information to support the statement, in which case he accidentally said something truthful.

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