Another Black Loser Gets Shot By Police - Jacob Blake Deserved What He Got

Tell that to the jury judging Michael Slager.
There are significant differences between that case, and this one.

The most glaring difference is in the Michael Slager case, a man ran away from a car. In this case a criminal resisting arrest attempted to get in a car.

Two very different situations.

But thank you for pointing out your bigotry, how you see no differences in the two separate incidents and that you stereotype any incident you see involving police and criminals.

"Unrest continued in Kenosha early Monday morning after police shot a man in the 2800 block of 40th Street sometime after 5:11 p.m., the encounter partially captured in a video that showed an officer firing several shots at close range into the man's back. Wisconsin officials identified the shooting victim as Jacob Blake, a Black man. He was in serious condition at Froedtert Hospital in Milwaukee as of early Monday morning, law enforcement said."

First of all, this guy is no victim, he brought all of this on himself. Witnesses claim the police were called to a domestic disturbance at which the suspect was attempting to break up a fight...I am sure there is more than what the video shows, but the video itself clearly shows the man disobeying police orders, walking to his car to get a weapon -- and the police had no choice but to shoot this guy has a criminal record.....

Now the governor is taking the side of the black thug and not the police; there are riots in the streets of Democrat run Kenosha..none of this rioting and violence will be happening in Trump's second term -- he is allowing it to happen now to teach dumb black voters a lesson, but when he is re-elected -- he will turn the streets crimson with their blood and cleanse our nation..

Prayers up for the good people in Kenosha, regardless of color. I'm glad the man who was shot survived. Prayers up for his healing. I'm also sorry to hear Democrat ooperatives from Chicago drove to Kenosha to slash and burn the city down. I hope they do serious time in jail for burning the town into nothing.

Did you hear the mother of the man? Sounds like a good woman. While I dont have a ny respect for the guy who got himself shot, I do for his mother.

I didn't know about the outside agitators from Chicago. Not surprised though. Their punishment should be doubled since it isnt their fight
Tell that to the jury judging Michael Slager.
There are significant differences between that case, and this one.

The most glaring difference is in the Michael Slager case, a man ran away from a car. In this case a criminal resisting arrest attempted to get in a car.

The man in the Slager case initially resisted arrest also.

Two very different situations.

But thank you for pointing out your bigotry, how you see no differences in the two separate incidents and that you stereotype any incident you see involving police and criminals.

Quit resorting to shooting people.
Blake was a sex offender and had threatened people with a gun. With Blake's past there was no reason for law enforcement to believe he was unarmed. He had a knife and ignored the police who told him to stop. He opened his car door and went for something in the car. That's when he was shot by law enforcement. Wisconsin's AG refused to divulge if Blake had a gun in the car. The Gov. of Wisconsin (Democrat) is holding back the details while riots ensue.
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That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
The man in the Slager case initially resisted arrest also.
You dont even know the name of, Walter Scott. You hardly know the details of that case. Again, you are stereotyping.

You also leave out all the details in making your argument. Details, facts, that is what makes a case. You leave out all the facts, that says all we need to know about you.

Blake fought with the police, then attempted to escape or went for a weapon. That is very clear.
Shooting a man in the back has always been considered cowardly.

Making things up is cowardly also. There was no gun in the car,

Where did you see that?

That's like asking where did I see that there were no horses in the car.

Oh, so you have nothing showing that he wasn't reaching for a weapon....Thought so....Dismissed.

I have nothing that shows he wasn't reaching for a nuclear weapon either.

Its not up to me to prove something that never happened.

We won't know if there was or wasn't a weapon in the car until the investigation is made public....If you want to destroy your credibility with bs narratives, that's on you.

If there had been a gun in the car we would have heard about it by now. Too many witnesses to plant one.

Who said it had to be a gun?

That was the claim that was replied to.

Oh for Christ sake....It is impossible trying to discuss things rationally with you people...

You asked a question. I answered it. There is nothing more rational than that. Now if you are asking who specifically said there was a gun, go back and look. It was said more than once.

In each case, I would say we don't know what he was reaching for. But, it was a stupid move when two officers are telling you to stop, and pointing guns at you....Most normal people would be very careful about what they do at that

So, I am not going to blame the police, anymore than I am going to say that they were totally justified, other than to say that faced with a situation where they couldn't identify what he was reaching for, they must protect their own safety. But, we will see what the investigation produces.
That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.

I'm pretty sure that they were following protocol...When he reached the vechicle and reached in like a dumbass, all bets were off...
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
I dunno, how do you cuff someone with a knife who is running away from you, going to his car opening the door and reaching for what could be a gun? I order to cuff someone they have to stand still and consent. Maybe cops should be taught by cowboys to lasso their perps and hog tie them like young male bovines who also get branded and castrated. :auiqs.jpg:
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his family says he's crippled



That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.
He should have been detained and placed in custody before that happened.
Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.

I'm pretty sure that they were following protocol...When he reached the vechicle and reached in like a dumbass, all bets were off...
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
I dunno, how do you cuff someone with a knife who is running away from you, going to his car opening the door and reaching for what could be a gun? I order to cuff someone they have to stand still and consent. Maybe cops should be taught by cowboys to lasso their perps and hog tie them like young male bovines who also get branded and castrated. :auiqs.jpg:
The guy in the video did not appear armed. And, cuffing someone is supposed to happen before it gets to that point. It is a Preventive measure.
do you remember the story about the little boy who cried wolf?

if not dont worry

because its been playing out in real life across America starting with that brn fool barack obama and the crazy black harvard professor who cried wolf about a white cop who was just doing his job

then libs doubled down and cried wolf again over the george zimmerman/travvon martin incident

then it was on the baltimore and the slander of the police again

and again in Ferguson MO with the ”gentle giant” thug and thief

in every case obama tried to blame white cops every time a jury disagreed

now this which almost seems as if the wolf really did come to eat the sheep

but for liberal race baiters it may be too little, too late
It’s almost as if black lives don’t matter.
Criminal lives should never matter----------as a society, we are better off shooting criminals than babying them by far and away.
That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
Yes, you shoot them first so they are easier to arrest.
That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
Yes, you shoot them first so they are easier to arrest.
Proof, natural rights mean nothing to the Right Wing outside of abortion threads; and they don't care about Due Process.
That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
Yes, you shoot them first so they are easier to arrest.
Proof, natural rights mean nothing to the Right Wing outside of abortion threads; and they don't care about Due Process.
Natural rights? You have the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, a right to make a phone call, a right to be heard in court------------BUT you don't have a right to refuse to be arrested or attack cops. OUr founders never intended for criminals to refuse to be arrested...they would be first to kill off thugs like BLM are claiming are victims.
That could have been avoided if that man had obeyed the police in the first place. They wear a shiny fasces of Power on their uniforms for a reason.

With all of those police present; it does not seem deadly use of force was Necessary.

Yeah, cuz when one or two of them gets shot, or knifed, well, that's ok because they deserve it for being cops in the first place, right?
I agree to disagree. Police still get their personal protection equipment from the State. Peace through superior force before superior firepower. Police should know how to place at least one cuff on a person and try to "lock them down" even while "wrestling with the perpetrator".

Is their safety important?
Yes, it is. That is why being able to cuff someone resisting arrest is important.

Then you should know that prior to that happening it is preferable to have the suspect submit....Or, again, you are not thinking of the officers safety.
Knowing how to cuff someone resisting arrest can be just as important for prevention.
Yes, you shoot them first so they are easier to arrest.
Proof, natural rights mean nothing to the Right Wing outside of abortion threads; and they don't care about Due Process.
Natural rights? You have the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, a right to make a phone call, a right to be heard in court------------BUT you don't have a right to refuse to be arrested or attack cops. OUr founders never intended for criminals to refuse to be arrested...they would be first to kill off thugs like BLM are claiming are victims.
You omitted Due Process.

A person may not be deprived of life, liberty, or property without due process of law or denied equal protection of the laws

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