Another black man found hanging

And not too far from the other one I posted about.

Family of Another Black Man Found Hanging From a Tree in California Is Waiting for Answers

fter the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department announced its probe into the hanging death of Robert Fuller, authorities in the nearby San Bernardino County confirmed they were investigating the recent hanging death of another Black man.

Your link:

"Harsch's body was found on the same day that saw dozens of Black Lives Matters protesters gathering at Victorville after the police-involved death of George Floyd on May 25.

"Floyd's death has sparked widespread protests across America against police brutality and systemic racism in recent weeks.

"Meanwhile in Palmdale, police are still investigating the death of Fuller, a 24-year-old black man from Antelope Valley who was found hanging from a tree by a passerby around 3 a.m. local time on Wednesday.

"Initially, the city's coroner's office called the case an 'alleged death by suicide,' but officials quickly walked back the remark, saying on Friday that his cause of death will be deferred pending a full autopsy and probe,"

California is largely blue along the coast and blood-red inland. There's no shortage of violent crackers in both conservative communities capable of lynching local blacks.
The Latino gangs have been pushing blacks out of cali for a while now.

The Latino gangs have been pushing blacks out of cali for a while now.
Maybe the Virus did it?

Suspected suicide: Body found hanging from tree in Poncitlan Square, Palmdale issues statement [updated]

"Palmdale City officials released a statement Thursday, extending 'sincere condolences and sympathies to the family and friends of the individual who tragically passed away in Palmdale… Our thoughts and prayers are with them.' [View the complete statement here.]

"'Sadly, it is not the first such incident since the COVID-19 pandemic began,' city officials said in the statement.

"'Many people are suffering extreme mental anguish and the city wants everyone to know that help is available,' said City Manager JJ Murphy. 'There are local resources such as Mental Health America of Los Angeles, AV Vet Center, and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.'"
isn't this good news tho??

Maybe its the mexicans doing it

In a race war against blks and mexicans -- that should be a white supremacist dream
In fact I think that was the objective of the leftist puppet masters all along. Foment so much hate that people who oppose them lose their shit and commit heinous crimes in revenge against innocent people.

For those who followed CNN. Yes indeed, burning cities and looting stores indeed did happen.
The Latino gangs have been pushing blacks out of cali for a while now.
Maybe the Virus did it?

Suspected suicide: Body found hanging from tree in Poncitlan Square, Palmdale issues statement [updated]

"Palmdale City officials released a statement Thursday, extending 'sincere condolences and sympathies to the family and friends of the individual who tragically passed away in Palmdale… Our thoughts and prayers are with them.' [View the complete statement here.]

"'Sadly, it is not the first such incident since the COVID-19 pandemic began,' city officials said in the statement.

"'Many people are suffering extreme mental anguish and the city wants everyone to know that help is available,' said City Manager JJ Murphy. 'There are local resources such as Mental Health America of Los Angeles, AV Vet Center, and the Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health.'"
You got leftist government there. You own this
Almost no attention was paid to the sufferings the hoax would cause.
The mistaken overreaction as to Floyd is likely an example of the Covid stress.
Ruin America snd pander to all sorts of political agendas over something that kills 3 out of every 10,000 Americans
And not too far from the other one I posted about.

Family of Another Black Man Found Hanging From a Tree in California Is Waiting for Answers

fter the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department announced its probe into the hanging death of Robert Fuller, authorities in the nearby San Bernardino County confirmed they were investigating the recent hanging death of another Black man.

Probably a failed comedian who couldnt perform any more, due to the Wuhan virus from China, so in desperation , he did a Robin Williams from a tree. Were there 13 turns in the noose, or just 1?
The Medical Examiner and detectives will do their jobs and determine if it was a suicide or homicide. If there is evidence of a struggle, homicide. If there is no evidence of a struggle, most likely suicide.
And not too far from the other one I posted about.

Family of Another Black Man Found Hanging From a Tree in California Is Waiting for Answers

fter the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department announced its probe into the hanging death of Robert Fuller, authorities in the nearby San Bernardino County confirmed they were investigating the recent hanging death of another Black man.

Your link:

"Harsch's body was found on the same day that saw dozens of Black Lives Matters protesters gathering at Victorville after the police-involved death of George Floyd on May 25.

"Floyd's death has sparked widespread protests across America against police brutality and systemic racism in recent weeks.

"Meanwhile in Palmdale, police are still investigating the death of Fuller, a 24-year-old black man from Antelope Valley who was found hanging from a tree by a passerby around 3 a.m. local time on Wednesday.

"Initially, the city's coroner's office called the case an 'alleged death by suicide,' but officials quickly walked back the remark, saying on Friday that his cause of death will be deferred pending a full autopsy and probe,"

California is largely blue along the coast and blood-red inland. There's no shortage of violent crackers in both conservative communities capable of lynching local blacks.
Dem tactic to create a fake lynching.
And not too far from the other one I posted about.

Family of Another Black Man Found Hanging From a Tree in California Is Waiting for Answers

fter the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department announced its probe into the hanging death of Robert Fuller, authorities in the nearby San Bernardino County confirmed they were investigating the recent hanging death of another Black man.

Your link:

"Harsch's body was found on the same day that saw dozens of Black Lives Matters protesters gathering at Victorville after the police-involved death of George Floyd on May 25.

"Floyd's death has sparked widespread protests across America against police brutality and systemic racism in recent weeks.

"Meanwhile in Palmdale, police are still investigating the death of Fuller, a 24-year-old black man from Antelope Valley who was found hanging from a tree by a passerby around 3 a.m. local time on Wednesday.

"Initially, the city's coroner's office called the case an 'alleged death by suicide,' but officials quickly walked back the remark, saying on Friday that his cause of death will be deferred pending a full autopsy and probe,"

California is largely blue along the coast and blood-red inland. There's no shortage of violent crackers in both conservative communities capable of lynching local blacks.
More then likely if you just look at facts , a black man at that age was most likely killed by another black man .being this happens all the time and nobody cares., i say either he was killed by a rival black guy , or maybe his family decided if the kill him and hang him from a tree and blame whitey they could loot whatever they want and be a forever victim .
Almost no attention was paid to the sufferings the hoax would cause.
The mistaken overreaction as to Floyd is likely an example of the Covid stress.
Ruin America snd pander to all sorts of political agendas over something that kills 3 out of every 10,000 Americans
Yes. The MEDIA caused this.

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