Another Black Robed, Narcissistic Idiot

No, they did NOT do that.
I'm confused. Are you saying it wasn't the Court that issued the Cease and Desist Order? Okay. I thought Orders came from a Court. Maybe I was wrong. Otherwise, that is what I said. She ignored the Order and remained open.
Like the Chicago mayor ignored her own orders and got her hair done. Ain’t she special?
You still yammering on about that? I brought a mask to get my haircut yesterday. Did you ask the mayor if she did?
[/QUOTEno dipshit I didn’t. Masks aren’t the issue. The bitch told her citizenry to stay the fuck home not wear a fucking mask to the salon. You up to speed now?
Big Boy Rules..... they picked a side, they can take their chances.
Sometimes I think you right wingers are gagging for this.
Why do you think that?

It's the statists who keep initiating force against people who are doing no wrong, and no harm; why would you want to blame the folks that are objecting to that abuse?

Why do so many folks insist that a warning intended to avert violence, is an attempt to start it?
Why do you think that?

It's the statists who keep initiating force against people who are doing no wrong, and no harm; why would you want to blame the folks that are objecting to that abuse?

Why do so many folks insist that a warning intended to avert violence, is an attempt to start it?
Because I feel it is under false pretenses. If the right started playing the subject not the man (or woman), then it wouldn't be such an issue.

All right-wingers talk about it getting armed and molon labe, bring it on etc. I don't see any lefties advocating overthrowing the govt. Let's not forget, until the last mid terms the Repubs were in charge of everything - legislative, executive and judicial. You make it sound like the left run everything. Not true.
I don't see any lefties advocating overthrowing the govt
If you're advocating violation the constitution, then you're advocating overthrowing the government

That's the problem in Michigan. The governor is being sued by the legislature because shes acting ILLEGALLY and leaving them out of their constitutionally mandated role
Why do you think that?

It's the statists who keep initiating force against people who are doing no wrong, and no harm; why would you want to blame the folks that are objecting to that abuse?

Why do so many folks insist that a warning intended to avert violence, is an attempt to start it?
Because I feel it is under false pretenses. If the right started playing the subject not the man (or woman), then it wouldn't be such an issue.

All right-wingers talk about it getting armed and molon labe, bring it on etc. I don't see any lefties advocating overthrowing the govt. Let's not forget, until the last mid terms the Repubs were in charge of everything - legislative, executive and judicial. You make it sound like the left run everything. Not true.
Actually it is... leftism has taken over the government almost entirely. And like always, they immediately begin oppressing people.
The guys with the guns are saying "Stop..... or we'll shoot."
And too many people are ignoring and outright mocking them, while continuing to advance on them. And then they want to pretend they are the victims?
No I don't think so.
Smart lady. She has a gofundme page set up to bilk illiterate retards out of their money. $289K and counting.
Good. Shes got responsibilities. BTW, the Texas AG told the judge to release her.

Good Allah you're a low life
really? Thanks, God I love that woman and i don't even know her. fk that judge and every piece of anti american crapper in here that felt she deserved something. hahahahahahahaha the last laugh is always ours. BTW, you panty wastes, that's what freedom and liberty is actually about. that's sacrifice you losers.
Yeah, she took a stand KNOWING what the consequences could be. Brave woman. But she had employees without money coming in and they couldn't even feed their children.

The tards here have always been the soulless tyrants
It’s amazing how quickly they turn on the working class and low income workers when they start thinking for themselves ain’t it?
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Same amount all you liberal assholes put at risk when you leave your house to go to work or the store.
Democrats/seditious media seem pretty upset that Americans will fight for their constitutional rights and the guidance of their own personal common sense solutions when given the relevant facts..

Gads .. you can't have individual citizens with the audacity of thinking for themselves... :lol:
You dont have a right to operate a business. There are laws you have to comply with.
What law specifically did she break?
and, they really never said why she was jailed. you know, law, what statute or whatever.
She was jailed, SPECIFICALLY, "for refusing to apologize to the judge FOR BEING SELFISH"

Even tho' she expressed to the egghead judge that she had two children to feed, he perceived this as selfish!
This judge needs to be flogged....:whip:
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
I case youre retarded have someone versed in english explain to you why the word "your" is a descriptive way of saying "mine or my possession".
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
Yes. If youre willing to kill others or put them in harms way to feed your kids its definitely a selfish act. Dont get all booty tickled because I pointed it out.
So whenever you get in your car and drive down the road you're putting other lives at risk. You should be jailed for your selfishness driving to work
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.

So, she admitted breaking the law and you idiots of the rule of law don't care.

Well then, the next Antifa protest should have your backing
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So .. Democrats release murderers, thieves, rapists and such from jail to prey upon the innocent at a time when most people are wearing masks .. then turn around and jail a law abiding citizen for exercising her right/need to work and support her family... (potentially exposing her to corona virus that the hardened criminals were released because of)


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Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.

So, she admitted breaking the law and you idiots of the rule of law don't care.

Well then, the next Antifa protest should have your backing
What law?
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Same amount all you liberal assholes put at risk when you leave your house to go to work or the store.

Really? When you go to the store, you sit with a person within a foot of you for half an hour.

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