Another Black Robed, Narcissistic Idiot

Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
So a guy who makes all of his money off the working, productive people of the state of Texas, and produces nothing himself, calls a small business owner "selfish" and throws her in a cage unless she publicly kisses his ass, do I have that right?
Its not a right. Its the authority. To answer your You dont have the authority.
Actually, yeah I do..... I'm a man and a Texan, and I have every right and all the standing necessary to address this abuse of power. Public officials in this state answer to us.

And this guy's name is going on a list.
Actually no you dont. You can make all the lists you want to and that wont change a thing. You will never have the authority of a judge.
A judge only has authority over people not willing to fight.
Nope. If you fight they will just make the bailiff arrest your dumb ass.
Why do so many folks say stupid shit like this?
Serious question...... do you people not understand that force can go both ways?

Do you not realize that government officials and LE are outnumbered by about 100 to 1 and the only thing keeping them all alive is the self-restraint and willingness to abide by the law (up to a point) of the heavily armed public?

Do people really not get this?
What do you mean by "you people"?

Of course force can go both ways. You dont have much force and the police force...well its in their name as you see. Waconians thought like you. See what happened to them?
I spent several years going up against Afghan goat herders with AKs and sometimes against Iraqi street fighters and they didn't have a 10th the ordnance, training, or combat experience regular folks around here do. They did fairly well, given their circumstances, and every one of us that was there remembers the lessons we learned from them.
Only the very dumbest and most clueless is confident in the power of the government. They fuck up everything even when they aren't under pressure, how well do you think they will do when they have an outright insurgency on their hands?

Go ask the governor of Sinaloa how that shit worked out for them.:rolleyes:

You're comparing a third-world shithole like Mexico with the US? Interesting.
I don't think the US armed forces would take on civilians. Most are conservatives anyway.
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.

She wasn't just thinking about herself. She was being driven by the needs of her children which is her primary responsibility in her life.
You fucking retard. You said her or some form of her 4 times in a sentence trying to tell me it wasnt about her. :laughing0301:

That's your response?


You really want me to post the profanity spouted by Trump Deplorables on this site? Really?? There aren't enough hours in the day. Mind you, I assume the statement on the T-shirt applies to them, too. Glad you are finally seeing the light.
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.

She wasn't just thinking about herself. She was being driven by the needs of her children which is her primary responsibility in her life.
You fucking retard. You said her or some form of her 4 times in a sentence trying to tell me it wasnt about her. :laughing0301:

That's your response?


You really want me to post the profanity spouted by Trump Deplorables on this site? Really?? There aren't enough hours in the day. Mind you, I assume the statement on the T-shirt applies to them, too. Glad you are finally seeing the light.

There's only one person I talk dirty to ... and she's not here right now.
You would if they violated a court order like this silly bitch did.

What is your work situation? Are you getting paid? Do you have your own small business that is closed? Are you retired and your checks keep coming?
Why do you want to know and what does that have to do with disobeying a court order?

It has a lot to do with your perspective of the situation.

Your defensive response tells us all we need to know.
She fought against tyranny by an Obama appointed judge and her GoFundMe page is right now, 7:41 PM ET :
Shelley Luther Fund
$404,725 raised of $500,000 goal

The beginning of a revolution!
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
So a guy who makes all of his money off the working, productive people of the state of Texas, and produces nothing himself, calls a small business owner "selfish" and throws her in a cage unless she publicly kisses his ass, do I have that right?
Its not a right. Its the authority. To answer your You dont have the authority.
Actually, yeah I do..... I'm a man and a Texan, and I have every right and all the standing necessary to address this abuse of power. Public officials in this state answer to us.

And this guy's name is going on a list.
Actually no you dont. You can make all the lists you want to and that wont change a thing. You will never have the authority of a judge.
A judge only has authority over people not willing to fight.
Nope. If you fight they will just make the bailiff arrest your dumb ass.
Why do so many folks say stupid shit like this?
Serious question...... do you people not understand that force can go both ways?

Do you not realize that government officials and LE are outnumbered by about 100 to 1 and the only thing keeping them all alive is the self-restraint and willingness to abide by the law (up to a point) of the heavily armed public?

Do people really not get this?
What do you mean by "you people"?

Of course force can go both ways. You dont have much force and the police force...well its in their name as you see. Waconians thought like you. See what happened to them?
I spent several years going up against Afghan goat herders with AKs and sometimes against Iraqi street fighters and they didn't have a 10th the ordnance, training, or combat experience regular folks around here do. They did fairly well, given their circumstances, and every one of us that was there remembers the lessons we learned from them.
Only the very dumbest and most clueless is confident in the power of the government. They fuck up everything even when they aren't under pressure, how well do you think they will do when they have an outright insurgency on their hands?

Go ask the governor of Sinaloa how that shit worked out for them.:rolleyes:

You're comparing a third-world shithole like Mexico with the US? Interesting.
I don't think the US armed forces would take on civilians. Most are conservatives anyway.

Why not? It ain't but a few hours SW of me.

And who mentioned the armed forces? If they're smart, they will stay out of it. And they know just what a shit-show counter-insurgencies are, trust me on that.

How many cops have you seen taking off their badges and walking off the job because they didn't agree with some law or court order?
Big Boy Rules..... they picked a side, they can take their chances.
Here's one link showing how governors can rule. Looks like this trump character has stirred up a storm with his not obeying any laws and rules he doesn't like. Because of that he's become kind of a folk hero like we see in old movies and the weak minded and stupid show up to follow him over the cliff. He's the prez'dent remember? He doesn't actually go over the cliff with them but tells them 'I'll be joining you later'.
Democrats/seditious media seem pretty upset that Americans will fight for their constitutional rights and the guidance of their own personal common sense solutions when given the relevant facts..

Gads .. you can't have individual citizens with the audacity of thinking for themselves... :lol:
You dont have a right to operate a business. There are laws you have to comply with.
What law specifically did she break?
and, they really never said why she was jailed. you know, law, what statute or whatever.
She was jailed, SPECIFICALLY, "for refusing to apologize to the judge FOR BEING SELFISH"

Even tho' she expressed to the egghead judge that she had two children to feed, he perceived this as selfish!
This judge needs to be flogged....:whip:
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
I case youre retarded have someone versed in english explain to you why the word "your" is a descriptive way of saying "mine or my possession".
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
Yes. If youre willing to kill others or put them in harms way to feed your kids its definitely a selfish act. Dont get all booty tickled because I pointed it out.
So whenever you get in your car and drive down the road you're putting other lives at risk. You should be jailed for your selfishness driving to work

You will be if you drive recklessly and endanger others. You have to abide by the rules and laws or they will pull your driving privileges and if you hurt, or kill someone, you will be jailed. You will be jailed if you drive drunk, even if no one is killed.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
So is carrying around guns in Chicago but those guys were turned loose! Fuck the gun laws hey bud? It’s much more fun jailing a woman trying to feed her children. I bet she’s separated from those children while she’s in jail? Libtards whine like the dickens when illegals break into the country and are separated from their children. Fuck those immigration laws huh buddy?
Understand the big picture. Chicago thugs=black criminals. Border invaders = brown criminals. Pretty white woman = victim. Victims don't fight back. Not against a black assailant like the judge. She was judicially mugged.

The world according to bigoted, racist lying scum.
Smart lady. She has a gofundme page set up to bilk illiterate retards out of their money. $289K and counting.
Post a link. I'll donate. I hope she, and the other "law breakers" around the Country, take this bullshit all the way to the top.
Didn't you spend all your money on that guy with the GoFundMe for building the Wall?
She broke a court order dipshit.

She was jailed for not apologizing to the judge.

He could have fined her $5.00 and given her until Friday to come into compliance with the law.
The Court had already tried that with a Cease and Desist Order, which she ignored.

No, they did NOT do that. The Cease and Desist Order told her to close. She refused so she was dragged into court. The judge told her that if she would apologize for endangering the lives of people and close her salon until this Friday he would drop everything. She refused to apologize for going to work to feed her children.

This "judge" must feel pretty foolish now that the Governor has given the all-clear to salons this Friday.

Why is it that Progressives are so incensed about a woman who does not want a government handout but wants to go to work 10-12 hours a day to EARN her living?
No, they did NOT do that.
I'm confused. Are you saying it wasn't the Court that issued the Cease and Desist Order? Okay. I thought Orders came from a Court. Maybe I was wrong. Otherwise, that is what I said. She ignored the Order and remained open.
Democrats/seditious media seem pretty upset that Americans will fight for their constitutional rights and the guidance of their own personal common sense solutions when given the relevant facts..

Gads .. you can't have individual citizens with the audacity of thinking for themselves... :lol:
You dont have a right to operate a business. There are laws you have to comply with.
What law specifically did she break?
and, they really never said why she was jailed. you know, law, what statute or whatever.
She was jailed, SPECIFICALLY, "for refusing to apologize to the judge FOR BEING SELFISH"

Even tho' she expressed to the egghead judge that she had two children to feed, he perceived this as selfish!
This judge needs to be flogged....:whip:
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
I case youre retarded have someone versed in english explain to you why the word "your" is a descriptive way of saying "mine or my possession".
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
Yes. If youre willing to kill others or put them in harms way to feed your kids its definitely a selfish act. Dont get all booty tickled because I pointed it out.
So whenever you get in your car and drive down the road you're putting other lives at risk. You should be jailed for your selfishness driving to work

You will be if you drive recklessly and endanger others. You have to abide by the rules and laws or they will pull your driving privileges and if you hurt, or kill someone, you will be jailed. You will be jailed if you drive drunk, even if no one is killed.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
So is carrying around guns in Chicago but those guys were turned loose! Fuck the gun laws hey bud? It’s much more fun jailing a woman trying to feed her children. I bet she’s separated from those children while she’s in jail? Libtards whine like the dickens when illegals break into the country and are separated from their children. Fuck those immigration laws huh buddy?
Understand the big picture. Chicago thugs=black criminals. Border invaders = brown criminals. Pretty white woman = victim. Victims don't fight back. Not against a black assailant like the judge. She was judicially mugged.

The world according to bigoted, racist lying scum.
Tough shit Canadian you don’t mean fuck down here!
No, they did NOT do that.
I'm confused. Are you saying it wasn't the Court that issued the Cease and Desist Order? Okay. I thought Orders came from a Court. Maybe I was wrong. Otherwise, that is what I said. She ignored the Order and remained open.
Like the Chicago mayor ignored her own orders and got her hair done. Ain’t she special?
I hope she shares that money with the ladies she said she opened up for, to feed their families. For some reason, although I don't know her from adam..I think she will.
So! Tucker just divulged that this moron judge once denounced Clarence Thomas as a race traitor. Just as I suspected, he is a racist!
Democrats/seditious media seem pretty upset that Americans will fight for their constitutional rights and the guidance of their own personal common sense solutions when given the relevant facts..

Gads .. you can't have individual citizens with the audacity of thinking for themselves... :lol:
You dont have a right to operate a business. There are laws you have to comply with.
What law specifically did she break?
and, they really never said why she was jailed. you know, law, what statute or whatever.
She was jailed, SPECIFICALLY, "for refusing to apologize to the judge FOR BEING SELFISH"

Even tho' she expressed to the egghead judge that she had two children to feed, he perceived this as selfish!
This judge needs to be flogged....:whip:
Thats what selfish means dummy. Thinking of things that only affect you.
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
I case youre retarded have someone versed in english explain to you why the word "your" is a descriptive way of saying "mine or my possession".
Feeding your kids is selfish? What filth you are.
Yes. If youre willing to kill others or put them in harms way to feed your kids its definitely a selfish act. Dont get all booty tickled because I pointed it out.
So whenever you get in your car and drive down the road you're putting other lives at risk. You should be jailed for your selfishness driving to work

You will be if you drive recklessly and endanger others. You have to abide by the rules and laws or they will pull your driving privileges and if you hurt, or kill someone, you will be jailed. You will be jailed if you drive drunk, even if no one is killed.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
So is carrying around guns in Chicago but those guys were turned loose! Fuck the gun laws hey bud? It’s much more fun jailing a woman trying to feed her children. I bet she’s separated from those children while she’s in jail? Libtards whine like the dickens when illegals break into the country and are separated from their children. Fuck those immigration laws huh buddy?
Understand the big picture. Chicago thugs=black criminals. Border invaders = brown criminals. Pretty white woman = victim. Victims don't fight back. Not against a black assailant like the judge. She was judicially mugged.

The world according to bigoted, racist lying scum.
What lie did you say now?
No, they did NOT do that.
I'm confused. Are you saying it wasn't the Court that issued the Cease and Desist Order? Okay. I thought Orders came from a Court. Maybe I was wrong. Otherwise, that is what I said. She ignored the Order and remained open.
Like the Chicago mayor ignored her own orders and got her hair done. Ain’t she special?
You still yammering on about that? I brought a mask to get my haircut yesterday. Did you ask the mayor if she did?
This scamdemic sure has been an eye-opener. It has clearly revealed who the totalitarians are, as well as the brainwashed ignorant sheep. I couldn't have less respect for people in those categories, especially the traitorous totalitarians, who we can see here on this thread.

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