Another Black Robed, Narcissistic Idiot

Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
Smart lady. She has a gofundme page set up to bilk illiterate retards out of their money. $289K and counting.
What an ass you are...I sent $200 to her fund...the Texas DA ordered her to be released this afternoon.....fuck that judge....

"I sent $200 to her fund"

Thanks for proving my point. :)
You couldn't make a salient point if your ass depended on it....
Thats a subjective stance so I could care less.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
No. That was an attempt to give her an option. She decided she wanted to go to jail instead. Dont get me wrong. It was a brilliant move on her part. Now she has all these fools not only paying her fine, but she is going to make a tidy profit in addition to some great free marketing.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Bullshit,there's no legal court order or anything that gives the gov the right to do this without declaring martial law.
Says who?
We the People.
You mean the same people that voted someone to a judge and gave them the authority to do this?
We never ceded this sort of authority to the government, they took it and are daring us to fight them over it.
And they will cry and claim they are victims when we do.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
No. That was an attempt to give her an option. She decided she wanted to go to jail instead. Dont get me wrong. It was a brilliant move on her part. Now she has all these fools not only paying her fine, but she is going to make a tidy profit in addition to some great free marketing.
Good, she finally learned from watching all the scummy blacks suing and getting rich. You go girl!
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
No. That was an attempt to give her an option. She decided she wanted to go to jail instead. Dont get me wrong. It was a brilliant move on her part. Now she has all these fools not only paying her fine, but she is going to make a tidy profit in addition to some great free marketing.
Yep. And very happy to see her rewarded for taking a Constitutional stand.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
No. That was an attempt to give her an option. She decided she wanted to go to jail instead. Dont get me wrong. It was a brilliant move on her part. Now she has all these fools not only paying her fine, but she is going to make a tidy profit in addition to some great free marketing.
Yep. And very happy to see her rewarded for taking a Constitutional stand.
I'm very tickled that there are so many idiots out there willing to pay her fine and contribute to her IRA all because she broke a court order.
Texas Judge Orders Jail Sentence for Hair Salon Owner Who Kept Business Open Despite Stay-at-Home Order

A Texas judge has sentenced a North Texas salon owner to seven days in jail for keeping her business open despite Governor Greg Abbott's executive statewide order to shutter all non-essential businesses during the coronavirus epidemic.

The judge offered to commute her sentence if she apologized for "being selfish." However, she didn't apologize and plans on appealing the judge's decision.

Salon À la Mode owner Shelley Luther was found in criminal and civil contempt of court by Dallas Judge Eric Moye for continuing to operate her salon despite receiving a court-issued temporary restraining order on April 28 requiring her to discontinue all business operations.

Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied.

"I have to disagree with you sir, when you say that I'm selfish because feeding my kids—is not selfish," Luther told the judge. "I need to feed my family and my stylists could not feed their families."

"I have hair stylists that are going hungry because they'd rather feed their kids. So sir, if you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon," she continued.

My opinion is the title- I've expressed it in other threads and will contiue to express it when I read about these scum.
But Judge, dont send me to jail for dealing drugs, I just needed to feed my children.

But Judge, don't send me to jail for prostitution, I was just trying to feed my kids,

But judge, I only robbed the bank to get money to feed my kids.

So its OK to brerak the laws. How many people's lives did she put at risk?
Cutting hair is not illegal. She wasn't jailed for cutting hair.
She was jailed for violating a court order. Thats illegal.
Sounds more like the judge jailed her because he got offended when she disagreed with his characterization of her as "selfish", and he demanded she apologize publicly for something she does not, and should not feel any remorse for. Is it a legitimate use of judicial power to compel speech from citizens? Especially when it would be a falsehood?
Thats only because you cant read. From the OPs link.

"Judge Moye informed the salon owner that he'd consider commuting her jail sentence if she'd call her opening "selfish" and apologize to the legal officials she had defied. "
Yes, like I said..... that sure sounds like an attempt to compel speech from her.
No. That was an attempt to give her an option. She decided she wanted to go to jail instead. Dont get me wrong. It was a brilliant move on her part. Now she has all these fools not only paying her fine, but she is going to make a tidy profit in addition to some great free marketing.
She is making a point for the rest of us....the government has no right to close her doors because of a pandemic that kills less than 3% of the infected...we have flu's hit us every year with death rates like this....are you going to want a shutdown for next seasons flu too?...and the next?....

stay tuned for what happens next. Ha ha.

Yes. If youre willing to kill others or put them in harms way to feed your kids its definitely a selfish act. Dont get all booty tickled because I pointed it out.

Obviously you are not a parent. I don't know of any parent who would not roll over anyone to protect and feed their children. As it should be. If you would not do the same for your children, I feel so sorry for them.

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