Another brilliant move by the Obama Administration


Senior Member
Jul 30, 2009
Apparenty there is a :lol:top secret:lol: order given to our SPECWAR personnel authorizing missions INTO Iran and various other middle eastern and HOA countries....then the Administration LEAKS IT TO THE NEW YORK TIMES!!!!!!!!!!

This is almost as bad as the press conference with the SEALS on the beach in Somalia back in the 90's....WTF are these idiots in the WH thinking???!!!!
and hear comes the slap in the face to the rabid anti-war clowns!!!!
The document says the goals are to "penetrate, disrupt, defeat or destroy" militant groups, including Al Qaeda, and "prepare the environment" for future attacks. The Times said the document does not authorize offensive action.

Unbelievable!!!!!!! What kind of war mongering, terrorist creator did you liberals vote into office!!!!!!!!!
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Anonymous U.S. officials cited by the Times said the order does allow for intelligence-gathering missions in Iran, which could lay the groundwork for possible military action if tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to rise

Great....just what we need!!! Another war to get us out of our depression.
Perhaps if President Bush had been interested in disrupting and destroying militant groups, instead of preparing for a war he had to base on lies in Iraq, 9-11 would not have happened.

After 9-11, had President Bush gone after Bin Laden in a serious fashion, instead hobbling our Special Forces in every way possible, we might have been able to cut the head off the Al Qeada snake, and have been out of that region completely now.

We are at war with a stateless bunch of idealogues that intend to do all in their power to harm this nation and it's citizens. President Obama has stated that there is on safe haven for them, and he means it. Our forces have gone into nations in the Mid-East, Africa, and elsewhere, and taken out the leaders of these militant stateless groups. And even some of the nations that are presently in an advesarial relationship with us, approve of this on the QT. The groups like Al Qeada, those in Chechnya, and many others, are a cancer on all the worlds societies, and need to be removed.

The fact that you are whining and mewling about President Obama's successes in combating these people just shows how desperate you Conservatives are. You guys had eight years to solve this problem, and you only made it worse with your incompetance and corruption, a la Haliburton. You also managed to damn near put us into a Depression, on the side.
Perhaps if President Bush had been interested in disrupting and destroying militant groups, instead of preparing for a war he had to base on lies in Iraq, 9-11 would not have happened.

After 9-11, had President Bush gone after Bin Laden in a serious fashion, instead hobbling our Special Forces in every way possible, we might have been able to cut the head off the Al Qeada snake, and have been out of that region completely now.

We are at war with a stateless bunch of idealogues that intend to do all in their power to harm this nation and it's citizens. President Obama has stated that there is on safe haven for them, and he means it. Our forces have gone into nations in the Mid-East, Africa, and elsewhere, and taken out the leaders of these militant stateless groups. And even some of the nations that are presently in an advesarial relationship with us, approve of this on the QT. The groups like Al Qeada, those in Chechnya, and many others, are a cancer on all the worlds societies, and need to be removed.

The fact that you are whining and mewling about President Obama's successes in combating these people just shows how desperate you Conservatives are. You guys had eight years to solve this problem, and you only made it worse with your incompetance and corruption, a la Haliburton. You also managed to damn near put us into a Depression, on the side.

So pre-emptive warfare is now part of the liberal's repitoire of tax, spend...and.....assassination? Old Rocks is now a neo-con!!!!! :lol:
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Unbelievable!!!!!!! What kind of war mongering, terrorist creator did you liberals vote into office!!!!!!!!! EFFECTIVE-ONE??!!!!!


"In February, Defense Secretary Robert Gates authorized $150 million in security assistance for Yemen for fiscal 2010, up from $67 million last year.

Officials told Reuters the money would be used in part to bolster Yemen's special operations forces to lead an offensive targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which claimed responsibility for a failed plot to blow up a U.S. passenger plane on Christmas Day.

The group has emerged as one of al Qaeda's most active affiliates, and the Obama administration recently took the extraordinary step of authorizing the CIA to kill a leading figure linked to the group -- American-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki."


How many new terrorists did you dumb fuckers make today? :lol:
Unbelievable!!!!!!! What kind of war mongering, terrorist creator did you liberals vote into office!!!!!!!!! EFFECTIVE-ONE??!!!!!


"In February, Defense Secretary Robert Gates authorized $150 million in security assistance for Yemen for fiscal 2010, up from $67 million last year.

Officials told Reuters the money would be used in part to bolster Yemen's special operations forces to lead an offensive targeting al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, which claimed responsibility for a failed plot to blow up a U.S. passenger plane on Christmas Day.

The group has emerged as one of al Qaeda's most active affiliates, and the Obama administration recently took the extraordinary step of authorizing the CIA to kill a leading figure linked to the group -- American-born Muslim cleric Anwar al-Awlaki."


How many new terrorists did you dumb fuckers make today?
Hell, we're still cleanin'-up the ones BUSHCO created.

It's called Change.

I'm going to be an optimist here. Fortunately, 0bama lies to everyone. Sorry Michele. You really need to go with him on all these trips and speeches.
Who can explain to me why Democrats like leaking classified information to our of you ball-less mother fuckers speak up...PLEASE.
Anonymous U.S. officials cited by the Times said the order does allow for intelligence-gathering missions in Iran, which could lay the groundwork for possible military action if tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to rise

Great....just what we need!!! Another war to get us out of our depression.
Yeah....let's try to forget it was BUSHCO's Wars that created our (near) Depre$$ion.


Anonymous U.S. officials cited by the Times said the order does allow for intelligence-gathering missions in Iran, which could lay the groundwork for possible military action if tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to rise

Great....just what we need!!! Another war to get us out of our depression.
Yeah....let's try to forget it was BUSHCO's Wars that created our (near) Depre$$ion.



Incorrect. Try again.
Anonymous U.S. officials cited by the Times said the order does allow for intelligence-gathering missions in Iran, which could lay the groundwork for possible military action if tensions between the U.S. and Iran continue to rise

Great....just what we need!!! Another war to get us out of our depression.
Yeah....let's try to forget it was BUSHCO's Wars that created our (near) Depre$$ion.



Sorry dingleberry...your tired ass DailyKOS talking points have all been torn get with the program and post facts instead of horseshit....
I see another TM/rdean in our future. Best to start ignoring him now, before it gets out of hand...
Who can explain to me why Democrats like leaking classified information to our enemies....'s a real Wonderment, huh??​

"Little-noticed evidence from the Iran-contra files reveals that it was the Reagan-Bush administration that opened the door to sharing sensitive national security secrets with communist China in the 1980s.

This clandestine relationship evolved from China’s agreement to supply sophisticated weapons to the Nicaraguan contras beginning in 1984, a deal with the White House that entrusted China with one of the U.S. government’s most sensitive intelligence secrets, the existence of Oliver North’s contra supply network.

In the years after that secretly brokered deal, the Republican administration permitted trips in which U.S. nuclear scientists, including physicist Wen Ho Lee, visited China in scientific exchange programs. Those visits corresponded with China’s rapid development of sophisticated nuclear weapons, culminating in the apparent compromise of sensitive U.S. nuclear secrets by 1988.

Seven years later, in 1995, a purported Chinese defector walked into U.S. government offices in Taiwan and turned over a document. Dated 1988, the document contained detailed information about U.S.-designed nuclear warheads.

The document showed that Chinese intelligence possessed the secrets of the W-88 miniaturized nuclear bomb by the last year of Ronald Reagan’s presidency. China’s first test of a light warhead similar to the W-88 was conducted in 1992, the last year of George H.W. Bush’s presidency."

Check & MATE!!!!


Wrong dumb fuck!!!! Show me where the deliberate leak of classified info was? You're really too stupid to keep along now...go suck on your rice rocket tailpipe for a coupe hours.

Check and Mate!!!!

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