Another bump in the road for US foreign policy


Gold Member
Dec 15, 2012
Near the Alamo
State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ‘Fuck the EU’
by Josh RoginFeb 6, 2014 11:46 am EST
A senior official’s private conversation got taped and put on YouTube, and as she’s planning a deal to end the crisis in Ukraine, she has some harsh words for her European Union counterparts as well as Ukrainian opposition leader Vitali Klitschko.

So much for NSA embarrassment ....can't we protect our own???

State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ?Fuck the EU? - The Daily Beast
Ya gotta remember that John Effin Kerry (famed for his use of the offensive word) is now Secretary of State for Regime Obama. It is, therefore, that every official communication needs must contain minimum one "Fuck".
Isn't it nice that the leftists in charge are doing such great wonders for our prestige and honor? NEVER FORGET? Their actions reflect upon US, WE the people. These asswipes need to be booted once and for all. Obama has KILLED us on the International stage.
The guilty should be sacked and never be able to return to ANY political job.
Even if their stuff is official U.S. foreign policy (It probably is), they were stupid enough to get caught.
Isn't it nice that the leftists in charge are doing such great wonders for our prestige and honor? NEVER FORGET? Their actions reflect upon US, WE the people. These asswipes need to be booted once and for all. Obama has KILLED us on the International stage.

BS. He's fixed all the fuck ups Bush started. Internationally the US is much more liked under Obama than Bush...
Isn't it nice that the leftists in charge are doing such great wonders for our prestige and honor? NEVER FORGET? Their actions reflect upon US, WE the people. These asswipes need to be booted once and for all. Obama has KILLED us on the International stage.

BS. He's fixed all the fuck ups Bush started. Internationally the US is much more liked under Obama than Bush...

I''ll state the question Henry B. Hough posed...

How many did Bush kill in Benghazi?

Some of you idiots need to get over BUSH. Seriously. At least WE were respected. NOT so much any longer since the MANCHILD was elected.
So that's what happened to Nuland. I used to watch her regularly give the State Department Daily Brief then all of a sudden they had some guy and then the female they have now. She did not say why she was leaving that I heard. She was, is, pretty cool, although she did not really sync with the reporters sometimes. So she dropped the f-bomb. Good for her. If any diplomat hasn't dropped the f-bomb about some nation that was being a pain at some point I think they should be fired. We don't take no f-bomb-en hassle from nobody. :eek: :D

Yep. The guy has never held a real job...had everything handed to him. He acts as a petulant child. So YES...the moniker is EARNED.

I was conceding the "child" part. It's t'other part wot raised an eyebrow.

I could sit still for "boychild" but that would start a whole new "racist" topic. So I won't even mention the thought.

Yep. The guy has never held a real job...had everything handed to him. He acts as a petulant child. So YES...the moniker is EARNED.

I was conceding the "child" part. It's t'other part wot raised an eyebrow.

I could sit still for "boychild" but that would start a whole new "racist" topic. So I won't even mention the thought.
Yeah maybe best that you didn't...but he is a BOY that never grew up...trapped in what would appear to be a man.
We need to get off this bumpy damn road. Enough already.

I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets. How special is it that the worst of the worst only have to worry about making deals because their word is good to this administration?

I heard a liberal reporter blaming Russia for the tape that got released. Of course, they never blame anyone in their party, only those who expose them. (that's why Joe the Plumber got a thorough colonoscopy from the media just for catching Obama off guard and getting an honest answer to a simple question)

The media sounded outraged that someone would tape a private conversation and release it, yet they loved it when it was done to Romney.
O'Reilly is now being attacked for referring to Obama as 'A community organizer from Chicago".

What O'Reilly and most people don't understand is that "Community Organizer" has nothing to do with helping the people of the community. It has everything to do with organizing the people to vote for the Democratic Party candidate. demonstrating for Liberal causes, and protesting Conservative causes.
Obama has never, ever done any charity work. His whole adult life has been political. He is the worse kind of politician.
We need to get off this bumpy damn road. Enough already.

I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets. How special is it that the worst of the worst only have to worry about making deals because their word is good to this administration?

I heard a liberal reporter blaming Russia for the tape that got released. Of course, they never blame anyone in their party, only those who expose them. (that's why Joe the Plumber got a thorough colonoscopy from the media just for catching Obama off guard and getting an honest answer to a simple question)

The media sounded outraged that someone would tape a private conversation and release it, yet they loved it when it was done to Romney.

As a matter of course they feign faux outrage when they do it themselves. What keeps them in power. LIES and the gullible...
We need to get off this bumpy damn road. Enough already.

I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets. How special is it that the worst of the worst only have to worry about making deals because their word is good to this administration?

I heard a liberal reporter blaming Russia for the tape that got released. Of course, they never blame anyone in their party, only those who expose them. (that's why Joe the Plumber got a thorough colonoscopy from the media just for catching Obama off guard and getting an honest answer to a simple question)

The media sounded outraged that someone would tape a private conversation and release it, yet they loved it when it was done to Romney.

Remember when it was done to Newt Gingrich during the Clinton Impeachment hearings?
We need to get off this bumpy damn road. Enough already.

I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets. How special is it that the worst of the worst only have to worry about making deals because their word is good to this administration?

I heard a liberal reporter blaming Russia for the tape that got released. Of course, they never blame anyone in their party, only those who expose them. (that's why Joe the Plumber got a thorough colonoscopy from the media just for catching Obama off guard and getting an honest answer to a simple question)

The media sounded outraged that someone would tape a private conversation and release it, yet they loved it when it was done to Romney.

Remember when it was done to Newt Gingrich during the Clinton Impeachment hearings?
From a cellphone call as I remember it...and was a crime to DO what that person did...

Drudge Washington: Gingrich's Cell-Phone Snafu
Isn't it nice that the leftists in charge are doing such great wonders for our prestige and honor? NEVER FORGET? Their actions reflect upon US, WE the people. These asswipes need to be booted once and for all. Obama has KILLED us on the International stage.

BS. He's fixed all the fuck ups Bush started. Internationally the US is much more liked under Obama than Bush...

I''ll state the question Henry B. Hough posed...

How many did Bush kill in Benghazi?

Some of you idiots need to get over BUSH. Seriously. At least WE were respected. NOT so much any longer since the MANCHILD was elected.

Um, no. You were laughed at. You are a lot more respected these days. A lot..

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