Another bump in the road for US foreign policy


Yep. The guy has never held a real job...had everything handed to him. He acts as a petulant child. So YES...the moniker is EARNED.

That is untrue. He has several jobs. Admittedly daddy handed most of them to him on a plate and he still fucked them up...


He had one for 6 months where he wrote it was "like being behind enemy lines"...

We need to get off this bumpy damn road. Enough already.

I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets. How special is it that the worst of the worst only have to worry about making deals because their word is good to this administration?

I heard a liberal reporter blaming Russia for the tape that got released. Of course, they never blame anyone in their party, only those who expose them. (that's why Joe the Plumber got a thorough colonoscopy from the media just for catching Obama off guard and getting an honest answer to a simple question)

The media sounded outraged that someone would tape a private conversation and release it, yet they loved it when it was done to Romney.

As long as you have the arsenal of nukes you will always be feared no matter who is in the White House.

Joe the Plumber got a colonoscopy because he was a lying sack of shit...
Yep. The guy has never held a real job...had everything handed to him. He acts as a petulant child. So YES...the moniker is EARNED.

That is untrue. He has several jobs. Admittedly daddy handed most of them to him on a plate and he still fucked them up...


He had one for 6 months where he wrote it was "like being behind enemy lines"...


Oh, sorry, I thought you were referring to Baby Bush. If anybody deserves such a moniker it's him. Never done a serious day's work in his life...
that is untrue. He has several jobs. Admittedly daddy handed most of them to him on a plate and he still fucked them up...

private sector jobs...

He had one for 6 months where he wrote it was "like being behind enemy lines"...

Try again.

oh, sorry, i thought you were referring to baby bush. If anybody deserves such a moniker it's him. Never done a serious day's work in his life...

How many did Bush kill in Benghazi?

None. Neither did Obama.
How many people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Bush's two wars of choice?

Technically correct.

The neglect of His "trusted" minions got the Benghazi killing done and, of course, He is not responsible for anything. Ever.

Obama is an average president at best. See, that's the problem when you vilify a guy from the second he is elected. Go back on these boards to Nov 2008 and you'll see it. The guy hadn't even been sworn in and the neocons were in meltdown mode. So, instead of biding their time and going after him when it mattered, all us normal folk are seeing is the neocons going at him at Warp Factor 10 for the past five years. So all the 10 percent of serious shit he may have fucked up gets lost amongst all the other crap.

You get what you deserve...shrug...
None. Neither did Obama.
How many people have died in Iraq and Afghanistan because of Bush's two wars of choice?

Technically correct.

The neglect of His "trusted" minions got the Benghazi killing done and, of course, He is not responsible for anything. Ever.

Obama is an average president at best. See, that's the problem when you vilify a guy from the second he is elected. Go back on these boards to Nov 2008 and you'll see it. The guy hadn't even been sworn in and the neocons were in meltdown mode. So, instead of biding their time and going after him when it mattered, all us normal folk are seeing is the neocons going at him at Warp Factor 10 for the past five years. So all the 10 percent of serious shit he may have fucked up gets lost amongst all the other crap.

You get what you deserve...shrug...
Average? Is failure and MEDIOCRITY average in YOUR world? Apparently? SO it is.
Technically correct.

The neglect of His "trusted" minions got the Benghazi killing done and, of course, He is not responsible for anything. Ever.

Obama is an average president at best. See, that's the problem when you vilify a guy from the second he is elected. Go back on these boards to Nov 2008 and you'll see it. The guy hadn't even been sworn in and the neocons were in meltdown mode. So, instead of biding their time and going after him when it mattered, all us normal folk are seeing is the neocons going at him at Warp Factor 10 for the past five years. So all the 10 percent of serious shit he may have fucked up gets lost amongst all the other crap.

You get what you deserve...shrug...
Average? Is failure and MEDIOCRITY average in YOUR world? Apparently? SO it is.

Mediocrity and average are the same. His two terms were always going to be about fixing up Bush's mess, thus why I hoped McCain would win. On this very board - go check it out - in 2008 before the election I said that if Obama won the neocons would blame him for Bush's fuck ups. They didn't even give him a chance to settle in. The day after the election it started. Funny thing about Conservatives, one of their big mantras is "taking responsibility for your own actions'. The day Obama was elected, the state of the world economy, and vicariously the US's, and your two wars in the ME were Obama's fault. You couldn't make this shit up...
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Obama is an average president at best. See, that's the problem when you vilify a guy from the second he is elected. Go back on these boards to Nov 2008 and you'll see it. The guy hadn't even been sworn in and the neocons were in meltdown mode. So, instead of biding their time and going after him when it mattered, all us normal folk are seeing is the neocons going at him at Warp Factor 10 for the past five years. So all the 10 percent of serious shit he may have fucked up gets lost amongst all the other crap.

You get what you deserve...shrug...
Average? Is failure and MEDIOCRITY average in YOUR world? Apparently? SO it is.

Mediocrity and average are the same. His two terms were always going to be about fixing up Bush's mess, thus why I hoped McCain would win. On this very board - go check it out - in 2008 before the election I said that if Obama won the neocons would blame him for Bush's fuck ups. They didn't even give him a chance to settle in. The day after the election it started. Funny thing about Conservatives, one of their big mantras is "taking responsibility for your own actions'. The day Obama was elected, the state of the world economy, and vicariously the US's, and your two wars in the ME were Obama's fault. You couldn't make this shit up...
Fixing the mess by Bush...or EXPANDING on it and using BUSH as a crutch as YOU demonstrate?
Average? Is failure and MEDIOCRITY average in YOUR world? Apparently? SO it is.

Mediocrity and average are the same. His two terms were always going to be about fixing up Bush's mess, thus why I hoped McCain would win. On this very board - go check it out - in 2008 before the election I said that if Obama won the neocons would blame him for Bush's fuck ups. They didn't even give him a chance to settle in. The day after the election it started. Funny thing about Conservatives, one of their big mantras is "taking responsibility for your own actions'. The day Obama was elected, the state of the world economy, and vicariously the US's, and your two wars in the ME were Obama's fault. You couldn't make this shit up...
Fixing the mess by Bush...or EXPANDING on it and using BUSH as a crutch as YOU demonstrate?

Bush's mess was always going to take the best part of a decade to fix...if not a little more...He's getting there. Never was going to fast enough for the Obama haters, but what can you do?
State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ‘Fuck the EU’
by Josh RoginFeb 6, 2014 11:46 am EST
A senior official’s private conversation got taped and put on YouTube, and as she’s planning a deal to end the crisis in Ukraine, she has some harsh words for her European Union counterparts as well as Ukrainian opposition leader Vitali Klitschko.

So much for NSA embarrassment ....can't we protect our own???

State Dept Official Caught on Tape: ?Fuck the EU? - The Daily Beast

well, on this particular issue she is absolutely, 100% right.

F*** EU is repeating 1938 all over again.
Our enemies laugh at the silliness of "I'd rather be respected (read: feared) by our enemies than laughed at because they know we are easy targets."

They respect and fear us, yes.

Do we get act like a rogue regime, just cause our far right wing nuts get their jockies wrapped too tight?


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