Another computer crash at wal mart?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I was just in one and they said cash or check only. No credit or EBT cards. That's one way to get rid of welfare.

Lines were super-long which tells me people think something is deeply wrong.
Walmart is barely functional--staff receive little or no training, pricing provided by customers is accepted with no questions, and the technology is cheap and outdated. That chain will have a short half-life.
this was the scene in Spring :wink_2:
Why Walmart's shelves are empty
Clawson blames Walmart's philosophy of "screwing workers," keeping prices low by minimizing labor costs. She points out that rival chains like Costco and Trader Joe's pay and treat their employees better, leading to higher productivity and happier customers and workers. Walter Russell Mead at The American Interest blames the "shortage of cheap labor" tied to government policies.

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